The makeup artist finally checked Chu Yunsheng’s and Yin Zheng’s makeup, and confirmed that they were all good, then walked away with their things. Before leaving, they winked at Zhang Feifan.

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Chu Yunsheng leaned against the bed, with Yin Zheng standing in front of him.

Yin Zheng wore heightening insoles for this scene, because he was a little shorter than Chu Yunsheng, but Du Mingyao should be taller than Yuan Qing.

Chu Yunsheng didn’t notice this, but he still remembered Yin Zheng’s disintegrating expression when the stylist took out the heightening insoles and stuffed them into Yin Zheng’s military boots.

Later, Chu Yunsheng discovered that whenever Yin Zheng was a little nervous while filming, he would subconsciously rub the soles of his feet, just like now.

Chu Yunsheng watched Yin Zheng’s small movements with interest, and only withdrew his gaze and made a gesture when Zhang Feifan asked if he should start.

Yin Zheng also came back to his senses and nodded seriously.

The play started.

At this time, it has been about a week since Du Mingyao threw an original book to Yuan Qing to test whether there was a problem with his origin.

Du Mingyao was busy this week, and he forgot Yuan Qing again.

But today was different.

Du Mingyao drank wine outside. Though he was not drunk,  the frivolity in his bones was released.

When he returned to the mansion, he learned that Yuan Qing had a fever. Only then, did Du Mingyao remember such a person. He turned around, entered Yuan Qing’s room, and saw Yuan Qing leaning on the bed with a flushed face.

In a moment of excitement, Du Mingyao forced Yuan Qing.

Yuan Qing may have been a little confused by the fever. He completely disregarded his accustomed obedience, and fought like Du Mingyao like he wanted to demolish the house.

Du Mingyao put a gun to his head, stripped him naked and pressed him on the bed.

Yuan Qing finally woke up and stopped resisting. Du Mingyao, however, observed his expression, and at the most intense moment, he forced apart Yuan Qing’s hand holding the bed rail, and shoved the gun into Yuan Qing’s hand.

He said close to Yuan Qing’s ear, I’ll give you a chance to hold a gun.

Yuan Qing’s fingers trembled and struggled, and finally slowly held the gun.

This scene changed the relationship between Du Mingyao and Yuan Qing, as well as signified a huge turning point in Yuan Qing’s faith and belief.

Screenwriter Wang was also aware of the sensitivity of this kind of play, but he still insisted on writing it, and Zhang Feifan also insisted on filming it.

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However, Director Zhang was a serious person, so of course he wouldn’t really make too explicit scenes, otherwise he could give up hoping to pass the censorship.

This scene uses ingenious lens segmentation and transformation, highlighting the charming and brutal atmosphere, so the exposed parts were few.

This also comforted the more conservative Mr. Chu. Even if he had the will to become an actor, he was not ready to take off his clothes in public.

In a dim room.

Yuan Qing closed his eyes halfway, and heard the sound of military boots stepping on the wooden floor.

The smell of alcohol.

Yuan Qing looked up at the right time, his face gloomy, and voice a little hoarse: “Mr. Du.”

The straight military uniform of the other person was a bit messy; With a loose neckline, revealing a slender neck and a slightly concave collarbone.

His black hair was soaked with sweat, his cold brows and eyes were slightly red, and the flamboyant and wanton romantic spirit could no longer be suppressed. It was released frivolously.

Du Mingyao smiled incomprehensibly. His eyes were very aggressive, and his gaze fell directly on Yuan Qing.

Yuan Qing’s face froze, as if he realized something.

He was about to turn over immediately, but he didn’t expect that Du Mingyao was faster than him, grabbed his neck, pressed him on top of him and tore open his robe.

Yuan Qing was in a trance, and then struggled like crazy.

After all, he was a man, and his stature was not much different from that of Du Mingyao. Once he really resisted, Du Mingyao couldn’t restrain him for a while, and the two of them scuffled together.

Yuan Qing’s ruthlessness, which had been mixed for many years, met Du Mingyao’s merciless fist.

The two hit the balcony from the bed. When the maid outside heard the movement, Du Mingyao spat out blood and shouted coldly, “Get out!”

The vases in the room were broken, and the tables and chairs overturned.

The two men fought with blood oozing from the corners of their mouths and panting, but Du Mingyao was a fighter, and it didn’t take long for Yuan Qing to be restrained. When he was about to continue to resist, he took out his gun, pulled the bolt to open the chamber, and directly hit Yuan Qing on his forehead.

Yuan Qing’s eyes stilled.

He looked at Du Mingyao.

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Du Mingyao fought him fiercely, but his eyes never changed.

He needed to vent, but he’s not a man who would get carried away and let his lust dictate his actions. He was fierce and arrogant, but always knew what he’s doing.

Du Mingyao looked at Yuan Qing calmly and looked down at Yuan Qing, like a wolf waiting to slaughter its prey.

In the delicate confrontation, Yuan Qing’s eyes changed and countless complicated and dark emotions appeared.

It may be a long time, or it may only be a few seconds. The expression on Yuan Qing’s face faded, and he slowly lowered his eyes.

He was pinned on the bed. The hem of his robe lifted.

The bed shook.

The camera chased the ambiguous flickering of light and shadow, and the hand tightly gripping the bed rail.

Occasionally, it swept over to the foot of the bed, revealing the ankles locked by the belt trembling uncontrollably. The people behind him spit hot breaths, and their fingers were split one by one.

Yuan Qing closed his eyes.

Du Mingyao looked at him and chuckled: “I’ll give you a chance to hold a gun.”

He put the gun in that hand.

Yuan Qing froze.

The hand loosened, trembled, twitched, and the veins burst out, like a person crawling in the middle of the mud and abyss, struggling between a rock and a hard place.

But in the end, that hand still grabbed the gun.

If you ask Director Zhang who had the most scenes in this bed scene, Director Zhang will answer without hesitation: It is Old Chu’s hand.

In the second half of the bed scene, Yuan Qing’s struggles and changes were almost entirely performed by the hand holding the bed rail.

There were no lines, no expressions for the actors, and no more body movements to show. For Chu Yunsheng, the difficulty of this scene can be imagined.

Even if Mr. Chu was diligent and willing to practice, and supported by the memory of the actor, he still needed several shots to satisfy Zhang Feihan.

The sex scene is ambiguous, but after tossing a few times, it became a little boring.

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And Chu Yunsheng’s worry about Yin Zheng was really unnecessary.

Yin Zheng was very serious when he was acting. Once the filming started, he would leave behind his nervousness and discomfort, and would not bring too much off-screen emotions into the film.

Moreover, Chu Yunsheng always felt that Yin Zheng seemed to perform exceptionally well in this sex scene, and his acting skills were much higher than usual. If he had this level from the beginning, Chu Yunsheng would want to replace himself as Du Mingyao and let him play Yuan Qing.


Zhang Feifei watched it several times, and waved to the crowd, “Old Chu and Xiao Yin, let’s go to rest, maybe we will make more shots, if we don’t make it up, we’ll be here today!”

This scene finally passed. Chu Yunsheng and Yin Zheng got up, they were exhausted.

After all, this was not just a bed scene, but a fight scene in disguise. It was both physically and mentally tense.

Chu Yunsheng and Yin Zheng went to rest in the car, waiting for the notice of reshooting.


After Chu Yunsheng sat down in the car, he asked his assistant to wash some fruit and send it to the crew. As soon as he saw Yin Zheng, he found that his entire neck was red, and he took several sips of mineral water.

“…cough, cough, cough!”

When Yin Zheng was seen by Chu Yunsheng, he almost choked, covering his mouth and coughing, “No, it’s alright…”

Chu Yunsheng hesitated for a while, but he still reached out to hug him and patted him on the back.

As for the angle, his eyes drooped down, and Chu Yunsheng just saw the clear water flowing out of Yin Zheng’s mouth slipping over his neck and into the splayed collar.

In this scene, Yin Zheng also took off his belt, did not take off his clothes, revealing his upper body a bit. However, since Yin Zheng was too thin and his chest muscles were not obvious, it may not fit Du Mingyao’s character in the camera, so the makeup artist contoured him frantically.

Now that the water seeped in, the makeup became wet and a little dirty.

Chu Yunsheng glanced at it, took a tissue from the side, reached in and wiped it for Yin Zheng. He accidentally touched something with his fingertips, but Chu Yunsheng didn’t care.

Yin Zheng froze all over, and his collarbone was flushed with light red.

In his mind, he recalled Chu Yunsheng’s strong restraint and collision, and the scene of him burying his face into the other’s chest as he bit frantically while drifting in and out of consciousness.

Yin Zheng was a little terrified.

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He calmed down the urge to cough and naturally avoided Chu Yunsheng’s hand. He took a tissue to wipe his mouth, and said with a smile, “It’s okay, Brother Chu.”

Chu Yunsheng didn’t see anything, and simply asked, “How do you feel about this scene?”

The explosion of acting skills may be temporary, but it can also help him break through and stabilize.


Yin Zheng thought that Chu Yunsheng had found something, his face was a little unnatural. He leaned back, and tried his best to calmly reply, “Brother Chu, you know, when shooting this kind of scene, there will inevitably be bumps and frictions… a little bit of reaction, I didn’t do it on purpose, I’ll try to control it…”

Yin Zheng’s voice gradually became smaller, and he became embarrassed, a complete opposite of Chu Yunsheng. After a while, he wiped his face: “…Actually, it’s nothing.”

Feeling that his explanation was getting darker and darker, Yin Zheng simply shut his mouth. Anyway, he had no face in front of Chu Yunsheng. He had already slept with this person and hugged his thigh. There was no more shame left so there was no need to try so hard.

Yin Zheng’s heart was heavy, as he took another sip of water.

Chu Yunsheng observed Yin Zheng’s reaction.

His perception of other people’s emotions is actually not as acute.

After Yin Zheng finished speaking incoherently and fell silent again, Chu Yunsheng opened the car door, stuffed a box of tissue paper into Yin Zheng, and walked out.

After walking two steps, he noticed that Yin Zheng was not following, Chu Yunsheng tilted his head, raised his eyebrows and glanced back: “Come, let’s go to the bathroom.”

Yin Zheng hugged the paper and followed Chu Yunsheng for unknown reasons.

Until Chu Yunsheng hung a cleaning sign outside the toilet, opened the door of the compartment and pressed him in, then closed the door thoughtfully, stood outside and said in a low voice, “Half an hour, I’ll watch the door for you”, Only then did Yin Zheng react.

Yin Zheng: “…”


Obviously, he was just apologizing for his reaction, but was misunderstood and assumed to be full of dirty thoughts——

Yin Zheng stared blankly at the toilet door. Between the slow motion of his left and right hands and the sound of beating Chu Yun to death when he went out, he chose to smash the paper box with his bare hands.

Chu Yunsheng stood outside the door and did not hear any voice inside, but was editing his Weibo post very seriously.

“Chu Yunsheng (V): At eight o’clock tomorrow morning, the stars will broadcast live, see you there.”

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