Against the Gods

Chapter 1849: 1849

Chapter 1849 - Fair

ā€œHehehehe.ā€ Long Bai merely chuckled at Yun Cheā€™s icy threats. ā€œYun Che, I heard that you were a peak Divine Sovereign a few months ago when you and the northern region devil people invaded the Eastern Divine Region. You seriously wounded Honorable Tai Yu single-handedly, and defeated the Moon God Emperor together with that Qianye woman of yours.ā€

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ā€œThis made me assume that your cultivation would improve when you emerged from the Eternal Heaven Pearl, butā€¦ā€ Long Bai looked down on Yun Che as if judging him with a mild expression of disappointment. ā€œIt seems that you are still a Divine Sovereign despite bearing both the power of the Heretic God and the Heaven Smiting Devil Emperor. How entirely predictable yet disappointing.ā€

ā€œEven my talons disdain the very idea of going up against a Divine Sovereign.ā€

Yun Che replied with the same expression and gaze as before, ā€œYou wish to fight me alone?ā€

ā€œIt will be a boring and laughable fight, butā€¦ā€ Long Bai raised an arm, and an astounding pressure slammed down even though he hadnā€™t unleashed his draconic aura at all. ā€œYou must die by my own hands!ā€

ā€œPtooey!ā€ Yan Three spat bloody spittle on the ground before stepping forward angrily. ā€œYouā€™ll have to walk over my corpse first beforeā€”ā€

ā€œGet lost,ā€ said Yun Che indifferently.

Yan Three immediately withdrew his neck and his foot.

ā€œVery well.ā€ Yun Che slowly clenched his fingers into a fist. His expression was still calm and collected, but only he knew that the rage scalding his heart and soul was like a million devils screaming for release, and that he could lose control over them at any moment.

ā€œThat is true. There are some very boring and laughable things in this world that have to be done regardless of oneā€™s personal feelings.ā€

Yun Che slowly stepped toward Long Bai despite the scared and worried expressions on the northern region profound practitioners. ā€œIf you wish to fight me alone this much, then I, the Northern Region Devil Master Yun Che, shall grant you this favor!ā€

ā€œHeā€™ll grant him this favorā€¦? Hahahahahaā€¦ā€ The Dragon Gods, Dragon Sovereigns, and Western Region God Emperors all laughed like crazy when they realized what they had just heard.

He might be the Northern Region Devil Master that the devil people had fought to the death to protect, but it did nothing to change the fact that he was just a level ten Divine Sovereign. How could they not laugh at his ridiculous statement?

In fact, they were even starting to wonder if Yun Che had broken under the sheer desperation and pressure he was facing, and had lost his mind.

ā€œHmph.ā€ Long Bai exhaled slowly. ā€œI suppose you deserve a favor for what youā€™ve done for the Primal Chaos back then. Do enjoy it while it lasts. The amount of time youā€™ll be able to hold out directly translates to the amount of time your devilish pets will be able to breathe.ā€

The moment he finished speaking, he took one step forward and unleashed his draconic power in full, causing almost all the profound practitioners from both sides to shudder violently. The weaker ones had to take a step backward, and the heavily injured ones were even knocked to the ground and bled from the inside.

Long Bai said slowly, ā€œThis is my battle with Yun Che. No one is to interfere no matter what happens.ā€

Both the northern region profound practitioners and the western region profound practitioners were stunned by this. The Sky Dragon God blurted, ā€œBut my lord, a defeated, drenched dog like him do not deserveā€”ā€

The Pure Dragon God seized his arm before he could finish and said, ā€œShut up.ā€

ā€œAnyone who dares to ignore my orderā€¦ will. Pay. For. It!ā€

Long Baiā€™s warning was as alarming as it was intimidating. The words sounded like a ridiculous joke, but his tone was anything but that!

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The Sky Dragon God immediately shut his mouth and broke out in a cold sweat.

At this point, even the slowest person had come to the realization that Long Bai wasnā€™t attacking Yun Che just because he was the Dragon Monarch, and the latter was the Devil Master. There obviously existed a deep, personal grudge between the two.

When they recalled the Devil Queenā€™s earlier taunts and put two to two together...

The possibility flashed across everyoneā€™s mind, but was extinguished as quickly as it came. They didnā€™t dare to let even a single trace of their blasphemous thoughts slip through their mouths or their expressions.

The few people who knew the truth such as Chi Wuyao, Qianye Yingā€™er, and Yun Che himself werenā€™t surprised that Long Bai would want to fight the latter alone at all.

After all, it was the only way the jealousy-maddened dragon could vent the pure hatred he had been accumulating in his heart for the past couple of years. Only by crushing Yun Che in every way possible with his own two hands could he finally regain some shreds of his pathetic pride and balance.

One only needed to look at his lack of expression when the Western Divine Region had utterly crushed the Northern Divine Region a moment ago to know that it was true. All he had felt during that battle was impatience and irritation.

Finallyā€¦ finallyā€¦ FINALLY...

His expression was calm, and his draconic aura was silent. However, his seemingly relaxed fingers were really so taut they could break with just a bit more force.

ā€œAll of you, move to the back.ā€ At the same time, Yun Che made a similar order. ā€œAnyone who interferes with my battle with Long Bai will be punished severely!ā€

Yun Cheā€™s declaration stunned every northern region profound practitioner besides the three Yama Ancestors who never questioned his orders. They all looked hesitant because their greatest desire and the very reason they fought up until this point was to deliver him safely away from this place, no matter the cost.

With that in mind, how could they allow him to face the terrible Long Bai alone?

Chi Wuyao shot Yun Che a long look, but didnā€™t try to change his mind or even confirm his intentions. Raising an arm and pushing out a gentle gust of dark energy, she said, ā€œDo as the Devil Masterā€™s says. His Magnificenceā€™s order cannot be denied, and this is his battlefield. We donā€™t have the right to interfere.ā€

Qianye Yingā€™er staggered her way to Chi Wuyao before falling on top of the Devil Queen. Somehow, she was able to find the strength to grab her arm in a vice grip and say, ā€œWhatā€¦ are you doingā€¦ā€

ā€œBelieve in him,ā€ Chi Wuyao said.

ā€œItā€™s not a matter about believing in him or notā€¦ā€ A bitter-looking Qianye Yingā€™er clenched her teeth so tightly she could shatter them. ā€œYou and Mu Xuanyinā€¦ absolutely have the strengthā€¦ to send him away from here! You two can turn that riskā€¦ into no risk at all!ā€

ā€œIf not for him, then think of everyoneā€¦ who has sacrificed to come this far. Are youā€¦ going to let them dieā€¦ for nothing!?ā€

ā€œ...ā€ Chi Wuyaoā€™s lips parted. She didnā€™t realize that she had clenched her hands into fists. The normally decisive woman was hesitating greatly.

She had never seen Yun Che looking this certain in her life. However, she didnā€™t know if his confidence was driven by good reason or complete insanity, nor could she ignore the fact that he was, without a doubt, still a level ten Divine Sovereign.

ā€œHe wonā€™tā€¦ā€

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A soft, girlish voice suddenly entered her ears. It was Shui Meiyin murmuring while covering her slumped sister with her aura, ā€œBig brother Yun Cheā€¦ wonā€™t let their sacrifices be for nothingā€¦ he will never.ā€

She carried Shui Yingyue and flew away after that.

Her reply affirmed Chi Wuyaoā€™s resolve, and she spoke while lifting several grievously wounded northern region profound practitioners with her aura. ā€œMove! We obey the Devil Masterā€™s order!ā€

Both sides retreated from the center of the Deep Sea God Realm. Soon, Yun Che and Long Bai were the only ones left.

ā€œCome,ā€ said Long Bai while putting his arms behind his back.

His heart screamed for blood and wanted nothing more than to tear Yun Che to pieces right here and now, but his pride, arrogance, manhood, status, and reputation all stopped him from making the first move.

The Heaven Smiting Devil Emperor Sword winked into existence with a black flash. Yun Che grabbed the weapon and said, ā€œGrab your weapon.ā€

ā€œWeapons are beneath me,ā€ Long Bai said indifferently.

ā€œIs that so?ā€ Yun Che actually put away his weapon after replying. Then, his gaze landed on Long Baiā€™s solar plexus, and he said, ā€œOh? You were hurt?ā€

Yun Cheā€™s eyes darkened, and he raised his right arm with a burst of profound energy. A stunning, fiery light appeared around his right fist, and he punched himself in the solar plexus to the shock of everyone.


The blow was so devastating that it penetrated his internal organs. Large amounts of blood flowed out of his solar plexus, his back, and his mouth at the same time.

ā€œYourā€¦ Your Magnificence!?ā€

ā€œYun Che!!ā€

Confused cries erupted from behind him. Forget the northern region profound practitioners, even the western region profound practitioners couldnā€™t understand what the hell he was doing. Of all the things they imagined that he would do against the terrible Long Bai, mutilating himself was the absolute last thing in their minds.

It was no superficial self-harm either. It was a blow through the solar plexus!

The heart-piercing wound Long Bai received earlier was tiny to begin with. Also, enough time had passed that nearly half of it was fully healed.

Meanwhile, Yun Cheā€™s self-inflicted wound was obviously worse than Long Baiā€™s in every way. Even if it wasnā€™t, it was a perfectly fresh wound. It would surely affect his vitality and profound energy drastically.

ā€œIsā€¦ is he insane?ā€ the Myriad Manifestations God Emperor asked.

ā€œHah, he must be.ā€ The Hui Dragon Emperor snorted in disdain. ā€œOr maybe this is his way to buy himself some pride knowing that he would lose horribly? Hehe. Looks like the so-called Devil Master is just a thirty year old brat after all. How childish and pitiful can you be?ā€

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The five Venerable Withered Dragons were frowning, however.

It was because Yun Cheā€™s level ten Divine Sovereign profound energy was as strong as a level ten Divine Masterā€™s!

Although they had heard about this from Long Bai and the Dragon Gods, they had to see it to believe it. They couldnā€™t help but be shocked by the transcendent sight they just saw.

ā€œ...ā€ Long Bai didnā€™t say anything. His only reaction was curling his lips into the glimmer of a sneer.

It didnā€™t take much imagination to know just how painful it was to be on the receiving end of an attack that went through the heart. However, Yun Cheā€™s expression remained perfectly neutral, almost as if he couldnā€™t feel the pain at all. He puffed up his blood-drenched chest in no time and stared back at Long Bai. ā€œNow itā€™s almost fairā€¦ let us begin.ā€


With that, Yun Che gathered all his profound energy into his right fist and rushed toward Long Bai like a tornado.

The Dragon God didnā€™t use weapons because their physical bodies and strength were superior to almost everything in the Primal Chaos. More accurately, their talons were already the greatest weapons they could possibly wield. To use anything else would only be detrimental to them.

On the other hand, Yun Che had seriously injured himself and abandoned his own weapon.

Worse, he decided to punch Long Bai directly instead of using his greatest powers, darkness and fire.

No matter how you looked at it, he was working hard to dig his own grave.

All seven Dragon Gods looked at the Devil Master scornfully.

While Yun Cheā€™s profound energy was as abnormally strong as the rumors claimed, the idea of hitting the Dragon Monarchā€™s body with pure strength wasā€¦ they could already imagine what was going to happen next.

Long Bai still didnā€™t react to Yun Cheā€™s violent action. He hadnā€™t even moved his hands from behind his back.

He let Yun Cheā€™s fist fly toward his face.


Yun Cheā€™s fist struck the space above Long Baiā€™s forehead.

There was no darkness or fire, but it was still the power of a peak Divine Master. The entire world shuddered beneath its explosion.

Space shattered, and dust flew everywhere. However, not only did Long Bai not move from his spot, his head only tilted around three inches backward.

It was because a faint layer of white light was stopping Yun Cheā€™s fist from reaching him.

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The western region profound practitioners looked on with scorn and pity on their faces. The northern region profound practitioners felt their hearts stop. To the latter, it was obviously a most despairing sight.

ā€œItā€™s that unnatural white light again!ā€ Chi Wuyao muttered to herself.

Long Baiā€™s expression didnā€™t change in the slightest. He looked as if he was punched by a powerless child, not the northern region Devil Master.

He stared at Yun Che like someone would stare at a dying, struggling larva. ā€œHave you realized how laughable you are?ā€

Yun Cheā€™s face didnā€™t warp into the astonishment or panic he was expecting to see. Instead, his lips stretched into an eerie sneer.

ā€œGood question.ā€


Suddenly, Yun Cheā€™s spent energy defied common sense and erupted greater and stronger than it was before. At the same time, a pale profound energy exploded across Long Baiā€™s forehead!

The layer of white light surrounding Long Bai suddenly disappeared, and even his protective energy withdrew like a shameplant.


There was a thunderous impact, and Long Baiā€™s forehead crumpled inward like some sort of balloon. Not only that, the terrifying energy sent him spinning through the air before smashing into the ground hard!

Rumble rumble rumble...

The earth split, and the dust clouds floated. The ground was plowed at least fifteen kilometers before Long Baiā€™s body finally came to a stop.

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