Against the Other Gods

Chapter 21: 21

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Frozen Cloud Asgard, Snow Region of Extreme Ice.

In a room made of ice, there is 2 young woman kneeling in front of a middle aged woman. One of young woman have eyes clear like crystal and tranquil pupils. Her thin and slender pair of eyebrows that similar like crescent moon above her eyes make anyone stare at her fell into a trance. Pearl like pink lips that looks so soft and tender make her white snow face looks so charming.

The other young woman have a sparkling eyes like a spring water excuding bright light, her delicate nose and red rosy lips that look so sweet forming a curve make her tender face really warming anyone who look at her.

The two young woman have a beautiful face that still containing innocence and with their aura that exuding an otherworldly feeling that feels like they were a fairy from dreamland.

Sit in front of them a woman with expression as calm as water, half of her hair already turned white and a little smile on her face also the gentleness on her eyes when she look at the two young woman in front of her.

"Master, thank you for your permission. Now disciple will take her leave now." A young woman kneeling in front of a middle aged woman.

"You don't need to worry granny, as we will be careful on our way." Said the other young woman who also kneeling.

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"mm... I will ask two of your senior to accompany you and also act as bodyguard to protect you two on the way back." Said the woman on the ice jade chair.

"mm, thank you, master"

"thank you granny"

The two young woman walked out of the room of ice and left the woman alone sitting in the chair.

"siiiigghhh, these two girls is really have an unshakeable believe in him... I hope that their faith is really come true." Said the woman with an expression of pity when she look at the two young girls.

New Moon Profound Palace, New Moon City.

"is that all you've got ?" a middle aged man standing with one of his hand on his back and his other hand taunting the young man in front of him.

"aaaarrrgghhhh" the young man charging straight on to the middle aged man.

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The young man have a huge build and ripped muscles, when he charging over, each steps he took make the ground trembled a little it really make him looks like a tank.

The young man swing his huge sword cleaving the middle aged man into two and split the ground into almost 1 metre long crevice, but it's only the afterimage of the middle aged man that got splitted, and the middle aged man moved so fast that he already behind the young man.

"you used too much strength in that swi..." before the middle aged man finish his words, another swing of huge sword horinzontaly coming to him so fast.

"Hoo... looks like you get used to the weights and the swords a little now." The middle aged man talked while evading the sword.

The young man still didn't give any respond as he looks so focused that he didn't have a time to talk and continue his attacks.

Even though the young man have much bigger stature, the middle aged man sometimes counterattacked the young man with a punch to the body that make the much bigger young man get blown away !

The young man can balanced his body even after got blown away and instantly charge back the middle aged man and let out another fast swing.

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The young man way of fighting really domineering as he even aim to have an exchanged hits at the same time not caring about the injuries or damage that he would get.

After a long session of sparr, the young man can't stand up anymore and only lying on the ground exhausted.

"okay, look like you reach your limits. We will take a break for a while." Said the middle aged man.

"yes... master..." the young man trying to breath as he looks exhausted.

"next week, we will go back and have a trip home." Said middle aged man to the young man.

"next week ? Hurraayy!! I really missing home." Said the young man happily.

The middle aged man walked away to the side of training ground and take a sit at the chair to drink the brewed tea on the table.

While sipping the tea the middle aged man closed his eyes. "where have you been Che'er ? Grandpa believe that you are still alive so please come back." The middle aged man talking to himself.

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It already more than 3 and a half years since Xiao Che went to Wasteland of Death, and in that more that 3 and a half years there is no news regarding him.

But Xiao Lie, Qingyue, Lingxi, and Yuanba. They still believe in him that he is still alive and he will come back. So in this 3 years and a half, all of them keep training themselves without slacking.

In this 3 and half, Xiao Lie reach Middle Stage Earth Profound Realm. Yuanba who also training crazily have a better result in his training than the original work, as his Profound Strength is reaching at Tenth Stage Elementary Profound Realm. But it's looks like he got a bottleneck that he can't break no matter what he do.

The most improved are the two girls Qingyue and Lingxi, as they two got accepted as direct disciple by The Grand Asgard Mistress Feng Qianhui from one of Four Major Sect in the whole Blue Wind Empire.

Qingyue as talented as she ever, now at a shockingly Peak Stage Spirit Profound Realm. As in the original work, Qingyue when attending the Blue Wind Ranking Tournament, her strength is at the Early Stage Earth Profound Realm. Compared to now, it can be said that her strength is better than the original work.

And Xiao Lingxi also have showed an amazing talent as she now at the Peak Stage True Profound Realm. If compared to the other top genius with the same age from the other Four Major Sects, she isn't less stronger than them.

The problem now is, it's almost the time where the day of Xiao Che turn 16 years old and marry Xia Qingyue. But, there is no any single news about him and even more, Xiao Che is more likely meet his death at the Wasteland of Death.

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