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"Profound Handle ? An innate ability from special bloodline... okay, let me check your body first..."

Azure Dragon God releasing his energy and wrapping Xiao Che's body... after a few second the energy accumulating in his left hand and a white sword-shaped mark appeared on his hand.

"There is definitely something hidden in your special bloodline that haven't awakened yet in your blood..."

"Can you awaken it now ?"

"Yes... I can... but it's going to make you feel an excruciating pain as it is a forced awakening."

"it's just pain... please awaken it."


When Azure Dragon God's words fell, a wave of profound energy, suddenly entered his left arm, and brought along severe pain that felt as though his entire hand would explode. At the same time, that white sword-shaped mark resurfaced on the back of his hand.

The Profound Handle in Yun Family would naturally awaken when one's profound energy reached the Sky Profound Realm.

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Currently, Xiao Che was only at the Fifth Stage Nascent Profound Realm… The earlier the profound handle got awakened, the more pain would Xiao Che have to feel in his left hand.

Azure Dragon God profound energy that keep flowing circled around Xiao Che's arm. The sense of pain on his arm became even heavier, as though it might burst apart at any moment. Xiao Che slightly clenched his teeth, and did not let out a single groan.

The circling of the azure profound energy became even faster, and the sense of expansion in Xiao Che's left hand began to become even more severe, as though it could explode in the very next second.

Xiao Che's left hand suddenly burst out a light and revealing his entire left arm… On his arm, a deep blue light that was about fifteen centimeters long clearly shone.

The moment this deep blue light appeared, Xiao Che's mind and profound veins shook severely, as though he sensed that there seemed to be something had been added within his arm. Something that, even though it was unfamiliar, was tightly connected to his blood vessels and profound veins.

The bloodline of the Yun Family he carried, the Profound Handle which belonged to him, was prematurely awakened at this instant!

And it's a blue profound handle!!!

Profound handle level from weak to strong is : red, yellow, orange, green, cyan, blue, purple and gold.

In the history of Yun family, Xiao Che's father and Grandfather is an undisputed genius in their family and their profound handle color is cyan. In Xiao Che's case, his profound handle color is blue!! One level higher than his father and grandfather.

"Haha... I didn't expect it to be blue... while in the original story, the profound handle that awakened only a red colored one." Xiao Che's delighted knowing this unexpected surprise.

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"and according to the original story, if I absorb the dragon god marrow it will improved my profound handle by one level... doesn't that mean my profound handle will turn purple ?"

"It really is a surprise... this body unexpectedly have a really high potential... it have a chance to improved to a god level potential if after I absorb dragon god marrow and improve my profound handle to purple color... then what if I go to divine realm and refine heavenly treasures like Buddha Heart Lotus of Nine Ressurection from Mu Xuanyin, also refine Divine Water of Absolute beginning from Primal Chaos of Absolute Beginning area or any high level treasures... would my profound handle improved to Gold Colored one ?"

"naah... it's won't be that easy... there is a big gap from purple to gold. Purple Profound Handle can exhibit 70 percent of the user strength while Gold Profound Handle can exhibit 100 percent of the user strength... it's a whole 30 percent gap, not like other color where it's only 10 percent difference."

"it's still far better to have the Evil God Profound Veins... of course there advantage and the disadvantage... but by having Evil God Inheritance, I can fight far much stronger enemy by having the Evil God Secret Arts, perfect immunity if I get any seed of any element and I still can have my profound handle."

There is too much advantage by having Evil God Inheritance, where the disadvantage is only have to restart his cultivation in profound energy.

Xiao Che left his train of thought and give his thank to Azure Dragon God.

"do you want to absorb one drop of my Dragon Blood for now ?"

"No, you can keep it for a while..."

Xiao Che reject the offer as he have his own plan before he absorbing the dragon god blood.

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"alright then. Like I said before, you can meet me after you reach earth profound realm to get my dragon god bone marrow and my dragon god soul."

"Yes... thanks for everything Azure Dragon God."

The huge azure eyes faded and disappear. Xiao Che get back to meet Little White.

When he arrive at near the entrance of the cave, there is suddenly a loud and ground-shaking voice that make the cave where Xiao Che is trembled a little.


"what's happening ? looks like there is someone who intruding the flood dragon's territory... maybe it's the one who the flood dragon let go and come back with a group of people where in the end they kill the flood dragon's child like in the original story."

"I can't let them kill the child flood dragon... I have to do something... Little White, let's go out and take a look."

Xiao Che run out of the cave while Little White following close behind him. At the north, in the sky he see two silver flood dragon that fighting with three human. But he also see two other human that fly away from there and heading to the big mountain in the far north.

"Five Sky Profound Practitioner... Three of them fighting the two Flood Dragon... and two of them heading to the mountain... maybe that two Sky Profound Practitioner went to the Flood Dragon's nest where there is the Flood Dragon's child..."

"what should I do... I didn't have enough strength to face them... how can I help the Flood Dragon..."

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"no time for thinking... I have to go there first, then I'll see whether I can help the Child Flood Dragon or not..."

"Little White, let's go to the big mountain at the north over there..."

Xiao Che ride on Little White's back and went after the two people that heading to Flood Dragon's nest.

Little White after a year and a half grown really big after absorbing all the energy in the cave...

Flying with full speed and avoiding the battle of Three human Sky Profound Realm Practitioner and two Flood Dragon, Xiao Che only arrived at the mountain after more than ten minutes.

Trying to find the nest of Flood Dragon, Xiao Che heard some loud booming sound quite far in the north east direction.

"It looks like they want to capture the still child Flood Dragon." Xiao Che without hesitation go to the direction where the booming sound is.

After a few minutes more of flying... Xiao Che finally see the Two Sky Profound Realm Practitioner and one Flood Dragon that much smaller still fighting, but it's clear that the Flood Dragon got suppressed by the two people.

"what should I do..."

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