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At this time, Xiao Clan become really lively as there are two major events that will happen. First is the visit from Xiao Sect to bring one person from young generation of Xiao Clan. The other major event is... the marriage of the most outstanding genius of Xiao Clan and also number one genius of floating cloud city. Young Master Xiao Che !!

Not just because Xiao Che as the city number one genius, but it's also because the woman that the young master Xiao Clan is going to married is also the whole city recognized genius and the number one beautiful woman in the whole city.

Many young man got heartbroken after knowing the goddess in their heart going to get married. But no one dare to insult the man that marrying their goddess, as the man is number one genius in their generation.

Xiao Clan's residence, Xiao Lie courtyard.

Xiao Lie standing alone in his garden where he take care of his plants. He seems so relax and enjoying his time taking care the plants that he raise.

But there is suddenly a voice of young man from behind Xiao Lie breaking the serene.

"grandson Xiao Che pays his respect to grandfather." Xiao Che kneeling in behinds Xiao Lie.

Xiao Lie hearing the young man voice got so shocked that his body trembled. But he still can stay composed and turn his body slowly.

"grandson Xiao Che beg for forgiveness to grandfather." Xiao Che sincerely apologizing to his grandfather as he been gone for a four whole years without any news of him.

Xiao Lie walk forward and approaching his grandson. He pulls Xiao Che up from kneeling and give him a tight hug.

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"Welcome back Che'er." Xiao Lie only said that and smile because his heart finally at ease a four whole years of worrying about his grandson.

"yes, I'm back grandpa" Xiao Che also hug his grandfather thin body.

"where have you been all this years Che'er ?"

"I've been at Wasteland of Death for all this time grandpa."

"thanks god you can come back here alive. And look here... my grandson growing up to such a handsome young man... and your strength..."

When Xiao Lie check Xiao Che's strength... he got stunned...

"Ear... Earth... you already in Earth Profound Realm !!!" now Xiao Lie really shocked knowing his grandson strength already comparable to him.

"how about we talk inside grandpa ? I will tell everything in detail to you and also there is something that I want to give to you."

"alright, let's go inside and have a talk."

The grandfather and grandson walk together inside Xiao Lie's room.

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Xiao Che tell everyhting from the first time he entering the Wasteland of Death until he end the training with the Father Flood Dragon... but he left out the part where he take the Dragon God's Trial and about his profound handle.

No matter what, sometimes knowing too much will bring disaster to ownself. Xiao Che didn't want to tell the things that maybe bring trouble to his grandfather.

But he made up the story about the dragon god's blood. Then he want to Xiao Lie let him open all the profound entrances and asking Xiao Lie to take and absorb the blood.

Xiao Che requesting his grandfather to keep his ability in opening profound entrances a secret. Xiao Lie know the ability of his grandson will only incite the greed of other people if they know Xiao Che's ability where the ending will only be a disaster to Xiao Che.

Xiao Lie somehow also know that his grandson still hiding the important part but he trust his grandson and didn't ask anything. if he didn't want to trust Xiao Che who else that he should trust.

Xiao Lie then sitting cross-legged and let Xiao Che guarding him when he refining the blood. Now Xiao Lie's Cultivation after 4 years is Sixth Stage Earth Profound Realm. One step away reaching the Late Stage of Earth Profound Realm.

When Xiao Lie already entered the meditation state Xiao Che left the room and stand guard at the front door of the room.

After a few hours, in the afternoon Xiao Che still at the front of the door. There is young woman entering Xiao Lie's courtyard and walking to where Xiao Che is.

The young woman is around 15 to 16 years old but she is already so beautiful without doubt, her white like snow skin, charming eyes, and a natural light red rosy lips that look so sweet which curved to a smile.

But when she seeing Xiao Che at the front of the door, her happy expression turned to a really shocked one.

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Xiao Che who already notice her from far away seeing that she want to shout, Xiao Che swiftly moved to her and place his fingers to the woman's lips.

"ssshhh... don't shout Little Aunt, grandpa is in the middle of something important so don't disturb grandpa concentration." Xiao Che talk with a low voice as he bring his face closer to her.

"L, Li-Little Che, you're back..." Xiao Lingxi seeing her 'Little Che' before her that become so different from her memories... now Xiao Che become so manly and attractive in her eyes that she got a little blank as she didn't know what she should do.

"mm... I'm back Little Aunt... I miss you so much" Xiao Che give Xiao Lingxi a sudden attack that make her stunned... a hug... that wrapping Xiao Lingxi petite body with his arm making Xiao Lingxi's head stuck to Xiao Che's broad chest.

Xiao Lingxi can't make any sound as she stunned by Xiao Che's warm hug.

It's warm... that's what Xiao Lingxi feels as she usually stays in Frozen Cloud Asgard where it's cold and also the profound arts that she practicing is make her body colder than normal person.

As Xiao Lingxi keeps being wrapped by Xiao Che's hug, she somehow start to like little by little the sensation that she feeling right now and didn't want to let go. The warm feeling not only she feel in her body but also somehow warmed her heart making him feels something that she never felt before.

Second by second passed and the two still hugging each other tightly as they vent out the missing feeling after not seeing each other for so long.

Xiao Che break the silence as he start talking.

"Little Aunt, after this four years, now you look so beautiful... but I recognize you right away as I will never forget your face." Said Xiao Che while still hugging Xiao Lingxi.

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"Little Che, where have you been all this time... I'm really worried about you, you know..." Xiao Lingxi pouting his cheek as she looked up facing Xiao Che's face.

"yeah, I'm sorry for being gone so long... but I'm here now... Little Aunt can rest easy." Xiao Che also looked down seeing his Little Aunt face that unexpectedly so close to his own face.

Xiao Lingxi as if in a trance when her face become so close to Xiao Che's face that seems like become closer and closer.

But it's real, Xiao Che bring his face closer to Xiao Lingxi face..and closer... and his lips seems like can't resist to taste the sweet lips of Xiao Lingxi... As his lips touching her red lips, the feeling of the gentle touch on his lips seems like is not enough... he planted his lips deeper as if it was like glued to each other.

As if the time got freezing, Xiao Che and Xiao Lingxi didn't moved and stay just like that for a good few seconds. But Xiao Lingxi as if got electrocuted when she feeling Xiao Che's tongue touching her lips, she quickly shoved her hand to push Xiao Che's body away and let go the hug.

"w w wh-what are you doing... wh-why you so suddenly... " Xiao Lingxi panicked voice suddenly become so small and low like a whisper as she let out two words "k-kiss... me...."

"what's wrong Little Aunt ? Didn't you usually asking me to kiss you when as I hug you..." Xiao Che said it with a nornal tone as if what he do is just a normal thing.

"Th-That's when we were small !!! Now it's different !!!" her voice become loud as she become a little embarrased and then let out a whisper again. "a-and it's..n-no... t-tongue..." her face become a beet red as she finish her words.

"huhh ?? So you don't like it anymore..." Xiao Che said with a little flirting tone.

"no,, it's not that I d-dis, dislike...." Xiao Lingxi reflexively talked but can't finish her word as she got too embarrased to say it and Xiao Che interrupt her.

"well... As for me, I really like it though..." Xiao Che said as he bring his face closer and with a smile on his face.

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