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Xiao Clan's Main open ground.

Early in the morning, Xiao Clan already get busy as the servant prepared the open ground as the place for all the young generation of Xiao Clan get examined. The Xiao Sect's envoy said that they will examine the Strength, Age and Constitution of the young generation.

The Xiao Clan's young generation got so excited that they already gathered far early that it should be. When the sun getting higher little by little, the elders of the clan are one by one showed up to see the event.

When there is almost all the Xiao Clan's residents already come, there is two people that attracting so much attention that literally all the people stare at the two man and woman who walked together hand in hand.

It's Xiao Che and Xia Qingyue...

The two so harmoniously walked together with a smile on their face while all the other young man staring with a face full of jealousy but can't do anything except bit their lips and keep all the words inside their mind.

Xiao Che keep walking as he scanning the people trying to search for Xiao Lie and Lingxi. Not long after he saw Xiao Lie who standing together with Lingxi and then walked to them.

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"Good morning, Grandpa, Little Aunt." Xiao Che greet them.

Xiao Lie can't stop his face from smiling when he see his grandson who is a dragon among men walked so happily with Qingyue that so beautiful as a fairy, definitely a phoenix among women. In this old man heart his grandson and daughter are his everything, he didn't care about his life all he want is the two live a happy life.

After having a good look to his grandson, Xiao Lie noticed that the vitality of Xiao Che that a little drained while Qingyue's complexion on her face become far more rosy, her white pale skin turned pinkish like pearl. He didn't know whether he should be happy because of this or not.

"Che'er, I know that you are young... But don't make the activity of a man and woman drained your vitality too much. You need to keep it in moderation to make sure it won't affect your body negatively."

"Thanks grandpa for your concern, but your grandson is a dragon among men, just two or three nights won't make me tired... hahaha"

Xiao Che's voice isn't that loud, but all the people already paid their attention to Xiao Che and Qingyue right since they arrived. At first, when they heard what Xiao Lie said their chest felt so tight as if it's like gripped by dragon's claw that it make their breaths so heavy.

Then, hearing Xiao Che's confirmation, their heart felt so hurt like it got sliced a thousand times to a tiny pieces by sword make them bit their lips and grit their teeth unconsciously.

The goddess in their hearts... The jewel of the city... The most beautiful and talented girl...

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Eaten up by Xiao Che...

As if like they can't accept the reality, they trying to find a little hope by looking at Qingyue hoping that she would denied what Xiao Che's said... but it's unexpectedly become a crushing blow to their little hearts.

Qingyue is blushing... she shyly looked down trying to hide her face that become so red when she heard what Xiao Lie and Xiao Che talking about and stay silent... She didn't deny anything...

All the young man's heart screaming 'nooooo...' as their little hope vanished.

After they grieved over their broken heart for a while. there is a loud voice shouted making all the people's attention shifted away from Xiao Che.

"The Envoy of Xiao Sect has arrived!!"

As everyone's attention turned away, Xiao Lingxi pinch Xiao Che's waist. Xiao Che looked at her, he only smiled seeing his little aunt who puffed her cheek making a duck face.

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Xiao Che didn't say anything then he give his attention to Xiao Sect's group.

"So that is Xiao Kuangyun... and the other four... three of them are Spirit Profound Realm practitioner and there is one Earth Profound Realm Practitioner..."

The Xiao Sect's envoy arrived at the front of the crowd, the one with Earth Profound Realm cultivation is the one who start the talk and began his speech while Xiao Kuangyun only stay quiet.

"Looks like Xiao Kuangyun isn't the one in charge." thought Xiao Che as he probing the people from Xiao Sect.

Then Xiao Che catch a moment when Xiao Kuangyun make a glance towards him, or to be exact to his wife Qingyue. He noticed there is some lust in the eyes of this stupid Young Master of Xiao Sect. As Xiao Che looked to Xiao Kuangyun, Xiao Kuangyun also noticed Xiao Che who looked at him.

When the two looked at each other, Xiao Kuangyun give a sneer to Xiao Che looking down on him. Xiao Che's face still calm as ever and keep looking at Xiao Kuangyun.

The staring contest keep going for a good while, but as it keep going it makes Xiao Kuangyun quite upset by Xiao Che's stare who keep looking at him.

Xiao Kuangyun brush off Xiao Che's stare and ignore it as he change his attention to another person. Xiao Che also end his stare then try to see where are Xiao Kuangyun look aimed at to.

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As Xiao Che tracked Xiao Kuangyun's eyes, Xiao Che find Xiao Yulong who looked at Xiao Kuangyun with a smile. Then Xiao Yulong nodded to Xiao Kuangyun.

Noticing the two, Xiao Che only sighed in his heart. "siigghhh... these two fools... they think that they always can do everything they want... they didn't realise how tiny they are... let's see what they got in their plan's with their little brain."

The middle aged man with Earth Profound Realm keep talked. "the one with a high aptitude will be chosen as the one who enter Xiao Sect, but it didn't only limited to one person, if amongst you there are someone with an exceptional aptitude, it's possible to also get chosen to enter Xiao Sect and then we will give a Profound Opening Powder as a reward to each person who got chosen."

All the young man from Xiao Clan got excited when they heard what the man from Xiao Sect said. They still had a chance, that's what every young man thought. At first, they didn't hoped too much as they knew already the outcome that would happen if Xiao Sect only choose one person. The genius Xiao Che will definitely got chosen.

"Young Master, do you have any word before we begin ?" The middle aged man from Xiao Sect ask Xiao Kuangyun before they begin.

Xiao Kuangyun then step forward as the middle aged man bowed to him and step back.

Seeing Xiao Kuangyun step forward, Xiao Che smiled as a few words come out. "Let me see the little play from your birdbrain capable thought of."

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