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Xia Qingyue and Xia Yuanba come with their father to his birthday celebration.

The effort and time that Takagi spent in visiting Qingyue and Yuanba did not go to waste as Takagi become really close with Yuanba and his relation with Qingyue isn't awkward anymore. But Qingyue is still the same silent and quiet girl like before.

"Happy Birthday Big Brother !!" Yuanba congratulated Takagi.

"Happy Birthday" Qinyue said in a low voice.

"Mm, thank you for coming to my birthday celebration, let's go over there to have some food. There is also Little Aunt over there who still eating." Invite Takagi to Qingyue and Yuanba.

They walked while talked a little, and then Xiao Lingxi spotted Takagi with Qingyue and Yuanba.

"Aahh !! Yueyue, and Yuanba !! Come over here !!" Xiao Lingxi waved at them.

They sit and eat together while talking to each other.

"Big Brother what is that thing on your arms ?" Yuanba asked curiously to Takagi.

"This thing ? It's a weight that can help me to get stronger !" Answer Takagi in a simple way.

"It can make you stronger ?" Yuanba asked more curiously.

"Yeah, it can make me stronger !" Declare Takagi to Yuanba.

"Woww" Yuanba eyes shone when he heard what Takagi said.

"How about you start training with me ?" Takagi directly inviting Yuanba as he know this big boy is a straightforward person.

"Can I !??" Yuanba standing up straight when Takagi invite him to train together.

"Sure ! But we need to ask uncle Xia first." Said Takagi to calm Yuanba down a little but it is no use.

"Then let's go ask dad right now !!" Yuanba got really excited about this.

The four kids then meet Xia Hongyi right away to ask for his permission. "Dad !! Can I start training with Big Brother Xiao Che ?" Said Yuanba to his father.

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"Oh ? My Little Yuanba want to start training ? Daddy is not really sure about this as you are still too young. But how about we ask Little Che grandpa's opinion first ?" Said Xia Hongyi with a smile.

Then, Xia Hongyi walked with four children following behind him.

"Senior Xiao." Xia Hongyi bowed while greeting Xiao Lie.

"Oh, it's Junior Xia. What's wrong ?" Asked Xiao Lie wondering when he saw Xiao Che, Xiao Lingxi, Xia Qingyue and Xia Yuanba following behind.

"It's like this, my son Yuanba ask me to give him permission to start training and here I was wanted to ask Senior Xiao's opinion. Does my son can start his training already ?" Asked Xia Hongyi after explaining the situation.

"Ohh, then Little Yuanba come over here and let grandpa check it up" said Xiao Lie to Yuanba.

Then Yuanba walked closer to Xiao Lie. After checking him, Xiao Lie quite shocked seeing Yuanba Profound Veins.

"Little Yuanba have a really special Profound Veins. His Profound Veins is much bigger and thicker than a normal person." Explain Xiao Lie.

"With his especially bigger Profound Veins, he is perfectly fine to start his training even though he is only 5 years old." Said Xiao Lie giving his confirmation to Xia Hongyi.

"Is that so, so Little Yuanba, Daddy give you permission to start your training" Xia Hongyi said to Yuanba.

"Yes !! Thank you dad !!" Yuanba obviously happy when he heard this.

"Father... can I... start training too ?" Unexpectedly Qingyue also asking her father to let her train.

"Yue'er also wanted to start training ?" Xia Hongyi a little shocked when he heard what his little princess said to him.

"Yes... please, father." Beg Qingyue to his father.

Xia Hongyi can't help to get worried about his precious little daughter.

"It's fine Junior Brother Xia, how about this. I will train them together along with Che'er ? I will teach Little Yuanba and Little Qingyue with all my abilities." Offer Xiao Lie to Xia Hongyi.

"But, is it alright ? Will the Xiao Clan agreed ?" Asked Xia Hongyi.

"Of course they will, I will explain to them the situation so I'm sure they definitely will be convinced." Said Xiao Lie while laughed.

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Takagi knew what his grandfather means. As Xia Qingyue is my fiancee, she will eventually become in-law with Xiao Clan. Maybe Xiao Lie and Xia Hongyi just didn't want to talk about it to me and Qingyue yet.

"I thanks Senior Xiao for your help" said Xia Hongyi gratefully to Xiao Lie.

"Don't mind it, after all you also help me when I needed a huge amount of herbs for Che'er treatment." Xiao Lie said as he felt like debting Xia Hongyi so much.

"No no no, at that time I sincerely wanted to help Senior Xiao as it is concerning Che'er's future." Said Xia Hongyi.

"That's why I felt really grateful for your helps" said Xiao Lie back.

"Senior Xiao is just too kind, this Junior really didn't do much." Xia Hongyi said humbly.

"Okay that's enough. Little Qingyue and Little Yuanba can start to come tomorrow for their training." Said Xiao Lie.

"Junior really thankful for Senior Xiao kindness." Xia Hongyi thank Xiao Lie.

"Daddy !! I also want to train !!" Shout Xiao Lingxi.

"No you can't Xi'er, you are still too young to start training." Said Xiao Lie to his daughter.

"Daddy is evil !!! Daddy is bullying Xi'er !!! Waahhh" Cried Xiao Lingxi because Xiao Lie didn't let her.

Xiao Lie only laughed it off seeing his little mischievous daughter.

After that, the four kids go out of the hall as they didn't like to be in the same place with old people who enjoy themselves with the food and wine.

"Little Che, Summon Little White out!! I want to play with Little White!" said Xiao Lingxi.

"sure. Little White come out" Takagi complying with his little aunt who already have a change in her mood from before.

Right after Little White come out, it directly got attacked by Xiao Lingxi's tackle to it's body without even having a chance to fly away. Takagi felt sorry for his partner that always treated like a hug pillow by Xiao Lingxi.

While Xiao Lingxi and Xia Yuanba happily played with Little White, Xia Qingyue only sit down at the side while silently watching. Takagi saw Qingyue quietly sit down at the side, then he walk slowly approaching Qingyue.

"what's wrong ?" Takagi asked Qingyue while also sit down beside her.

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"nothing." Qingyue answered shortly.

"is that so." Takagi didn't want to pursue about it too much as he changed the topic.

"why do you also wanted to train?" asked Takagi trying to start another talk.

"I want to become strong" answered Qingyue without sparing a glance to him.

"why?" asked Takagi further wanted to try if Qingyue already can be open to him.

"no reason" answer Qingyue without a care.

"hmm..." Takagi didn't ask anymore as Qingyue didn't want to talk about it to him.

"then, as you and Yuanba also joining me with to train under grandpa, let's get strong together as quickly as possible. Because I going to have an adventure and explore this whole world." Said Takagi wanted to pique Qingyue's interest.

"explore the whole continent ?" asked Qingyue with a little interest.

Gotcha! Takagi smiling inside knew that Qingyue wanted to search for his mother.

"yes!" answer Takagi right away.

"why ?" Qinyue asked another question.

"because there is many treasure in this world that I want to find for myself." Said Takagi as it really is the truth.

"oh" Qingyue only responded a little.

"what ? You also want to explore the continent ?" Takagi asked Qingyue who suddenly got quiet.

Qingyue just keep silent not giving any respond without saying anything.

Takagi now sure that Qingyue is not yet can be open to him so Takagi didn't ask anything as he sit down beside her silently while watching Yuanba and Xiao Lingxi play with Little White.

Not long after Xia Hongyi and Xiao Lie come find them as Xia Hongyi need to get back home early.

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After saying their goodbye, Takagi talked with his grandpa about Yuanba and Qingyue and suggesting that his grandpa should focus in training Yuanba and Qingyue for a while as he can train by himself.

in Takagi's room

after change his clothes Takagi jumped to his bed while releasing a long sigh. Another year had passed and he slowly thinking about the 6 years of his life in this world. He feels like he already done everything as best as he can and about altering the course of destiny, now he didn't think too much about it as he only able to prevent bad things that might happen and anticipate it to the best of his ability.

His thought slowly drifted to his former life where he still have a normal life on the earth. His photographic memory helped him remember everything in detail and then he realise now he can't go back to that world where he lived there for his whole life.

"Yes. Now I live my life here. Takagi was my previous life. I will never forget the memories of my life as Takagi, but now I am Xiao Che, my father, mother, each my family is someone from this world, and so am I, I am Xiao Che from this world." Takagi started to accept his live as Xiao Che.

Then he asked himself, now I live my life in this world, what I pursued in this world ?

A life without regret ? Yes of course I don't want to regret anything, he thought.

To become the strongest in the universe ? All he can do for now is just striving for the best and doing all he can do with the advantage of all his knowledge about this world.

He keep thinking for a while then two words pops out.

Good Karma.

Yes, I'm gonna amass a huge amount of Good Karma in this life.

I must be a magnanimous person.

I must be a generous person.

I won't kill innocent person

I won't crippled the people who don't deserve it.


All of that is applied only for people who didn't cross my bottom line.

He knew this world is a world where a rule of strong eating the weak is the basic law. So he can't just become an unbelievably naive, idiot, full of idealism thinking person in his current world.

After a long thought, he finally got sleepy and his conciousness slowly drifted to his dream.

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