Age of Adventure

Chapter 348: 348

A sound of explosion filled the air. The spear breaks through the space around it

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A spear flies through the air, straight and swift like lightning as it pierced Aero horse in the head. 

Aero thought that spear is targeting him. Who would have thought that the target of the spear is his horse?

That horse head exploded into mass of opened up meat flesh as Aero jump upwards and landed backwards.

A soldier immediately tries to slash his back. 

Aero could feel the wind that is preceding the saber attack. He was still calm, though a little shock at the death of his horse.

The saber of that soldier connected with his back. 

The soldier was elated for a second before hearing the sound of metal cracking and then to his surprise, the saber breaks into two parts. 

Aero did not even turn his face to meet his attacker as he uses a backhand attack, the back of his fist smack onto the soldier side of the head.

The metal helmet that the soldier was bent in a weird way as the head of that soldier exploded like a watermelon being smashed into the hard ground. 

A few other soldiers attacked him from the front, screaming in anger as their weapons thrusted forward. Aero look at his feet and saw a few pebbles.

Aero kick the stone pebble in front of his feet. A powerful force envelope this pebble as it moves upward because of the force of the kick

The stone pebble flew toward the soldiers, piercing their flesh like a bullet. All of this took time to describe but it all happen in a few second.

A few other attack him from a distance using magic. 

Aero uses his finger to shoot sword energy toward these mages as they all died in an instant. In that few second, Aero had killed around thirteen people.

A few more rushes toward him from his left and right. Aero use his other free hand to uses palm attack

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he slams his palm toward the soldier chest. 

Each of his palm strike caved in their chest, or break every connected bones around the strike area

Each of his palm strike has a powerful hidden force that worsen the injuries of those who were attacked by it. 

Most of them died of internal injury inflicted by one single palm strike from Aero. In just a few seconds the area around Aero is now empty. 

There is still some long range attack but Aero could deflect it with his palm or sword so he did not bother too much about it. He now has the time to look at the surrounding.

He looks toward that area where the spear come from. 

Amidst the chaos of the soldiers fighting he could see through the gaps of space around them, Alexander face smirking. 

Alexander was looking at Aero the whole time.

Aero during his rampage was unstoppable. Alexander was wary of Aero reaching him.

Since he had such awareness, he had also prepared himself. 

that spear passes through the gaps of the soldiers fighting and then accurately pierce Aero horse.

The horse head exploded with the hidden force that Alexander had put into the spear.

Aero landed on the ground and then the commanders all yelled.

'Attack!' Swarms of soldiers all runs toward him, weapons drawn. 

Spears, sword sabre, maces and all kinds of weapons is brought out to kill one man. There are even some brave adventurers that did not run that is also charging toward him

Aero only smirk looking at this.

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'Stupid more like it' he mutters

Aero look around him and all he could see is enemy soldiers. They are all filled with fighting intent, and their killing intent is visible to Aero.

They hold desire to kill him and those who have the skill Killing Intent could see this killing intent swirling around their body. 

Like a sea waves that is about to drown him in its powerful force. 

But Aero only smiles. He did not activate his killing intent, trying to remain calm and in control of his heart.

Even though the sound of the war drums at the back, the sound of people screaming wanting to kill him, arouses his desire to kill, he held himself back.

 He did not want to use Killing Intent right now.

Because he doesn't know whether he could control it.

 Killing Intent in the master rank is really powerful. But also at the same time, Aero knows if he uses it, he would lose control of himself 

For someone who always like control, losing control is a fear.

He also did not want to kill his own comrade. He believes that if he lost control again, he would not be as lucky as before

Before when he went into a rampage, fortunately enough his soldiers are not nearby

And it is not like the Killing intent skill is one of his strongest skill. It is a supplement that strengthen him when he is in battle

Just because he couldn't use Killing Intent did not mean he would lose.

He still has the Divine Sword technique. He had rarely uses it since that last time during Purgatory.

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He also has the Demonic Devil Energy Drain and Sacred Sword Finger. So, he only laughed



For Veranis!

Aero could hear all of this and he shouted, his words drowned their declaration as he said while laughing

 'The more the better' 


They collided with each other. 

It is like a wave of the sea colliding with an iceberg. 

A shockwave reverberated around the colliding point. A few shield men bash their shield toward Aero, trying to force him to stumble down.

But instead, the shield was broken, and the shield was thrown backward before being trampled by their allies who were still rushing forward.

Aero did not just stand there after breaking the shield. He swung his sword upwards. The trajectory of his swing created a crescent sword slash.

The force of this crescent slash materialized and cut down the people in front of him.

'COME!' he shouted

Aero starts with the All Encompassing Stance as he cut down the few people around him easily.

 Someone tried to pierce his body using a polearm. 

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Aero did not dodge. 

The polearm made contact with his body and exploded into fragment.

Aero laughed and he kick the ground.

The entire ground was depressed as powerful energy swirls around his entire body.

 Aero take a step forward, thrust his sword, and Heaven Sword thrust straight to that person neck and Aero quickly retreat back the sword and then made a circling swing with his sword.

Those around the range of his attack all had their heads decapitated. 

All kinds of attack fall into him but with the All Encompassing stance, he could see through the variations and changes of the battle with ease.

When people used sword, Aero would use the Sword Conquering stance. 

None of the sword attack, no matter how beautiful or how powerful could even touch Aero skin. 

This stance is created to counter swordplay styles. 

As such, Aero clash his sword, pin the sword of the enemy and in one swift motion, took the opportunity to cut down his enemy easily. In just a few second, he had killed around few dozen soldiers.

And it is increasing as his attack become faster and faster that some people would only see a glare of light before dying.

Each of his sword attack is meant to kill and every moves are lethal and possess some kind of power that forces anyone that use the sword to be countered. Aero eyes shines with brilliance. His Heaven Sword is sharp and his attack is lethal. 

There is no deadlier combination than this.


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