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Mei Liling's golden Chains shot towards the black portal. As the golden chains reached the black portal, a wail that sounded like it came straight from the eighteen layers of hell sounded out. Following the wail, came a dense wave of Death Qi that blasted Mei Liling's golden chains into nothingness. A deep laugh could be heard coming from the black portal. 

"Haha! It has been so long since I was free! Those old bastards locked me into this dimension tens of thousands of years ago. Now that I am back I can have a little fun! Haha!" A large skeletal head pushed through the Dark Portal as it slowly climbed out. It only took a matter of seconds before this fifty-meter tall skeleton stepped into the world from the black portal. 

Ah Chun had never felt so much fear in any of her countless lives. The pressure This skeleton was giving was tens of times stronger than what Fei Hong was able to produce. Meaning this skeleton's cultivation was higher than the Heavenly realm! 

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"Your excellency!" Taoyan bowed towards the skeleton. 

"Ohho look at you being all respectful to me.  I will reward you for releasing me by giving you the honor of being part of my power." Without waiting for Taoyan to say anything more the skeleton reached out and grabbed Taoyan whose eyes grew wide with fear! He struggled with all he had but he was powerless against the skeleton before him. There was a sound of bones breaking as a muffled cry escaped Taoyan's lips as the Skeleton squeezed his body into a mash.

Silence dead silence. A devil king was killed, squished in the palm of the large skeleton that he had summoned himself as if he was just some kind of bug. The skeleton opened its mouth and inhaled causing Taoyan's body to twist like a rag as it was sent directly into the skeleton's mouth.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

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"Master!" Wang Chen who had finally stood up cried out. 

Wang Chen's cry caught the attention of the skeleton as its large head turned its dark sockets to look over at Wang Chen. Seeing those dark bottomless eye sockets that were devoid of life looking at him made Wang Chen's body instantly become drenched in cold sweat.

"Ohho another one!" Reaching its hand out the Skeleton was fast as lightning as it snatched up Wang Chen and just like how Taoyan went, Wang Chen's body twisted like a rag before being sucked into the skeleton's mouth. The Skeleton's empty eye sockets looked around. "Huh? No more?  Just some little immortal cultivators here?" Its cold gaze fell on to Ah Chun as it said: "Hey little one which Realm is this?" 

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Ah Chun felt sweat drip down her forehead as she cautiously said: "S-Senior, th-this is the M-Mortal Realm..." 

"Haha, no need to be afraid little one I got no use for you immortal cultivators. They used to call me the Devil Devouring Deity back in the day. I'm sure it has been a long time from when I was trapped in that godforsaken realm. Nothing to do in there after devouring all those Devil creatures. My cultivation has stagnated for so long due to not having any Devil Qi to ingest. Those two just now was like popping a piece of candy in my mouth! Haha!" Ah Chunb relaxed a bit but was also somewhat confused as to why this large skeleton seemed to be so chatty! "So this is a Mortal Realm huh? Say little one you know a way back to the Immortal Realm?"

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"Senior I do but I'm not sure if you will be able to get through the gate it is heavily guarded now." Mei Liling spoke up before Ah Chun could say anything. 

"How could some little immortals stop me! Plus me going there will save them a lot of hassle since I will go suck up those devil cultivators for them. Ah, screw it I will just do it the easy way. I was going to go see the sites on the way but this Mortal Realm probably has nothing worth looking at anyways." Stretching out this long skeletal finger it tapped the space in front of it causing a distortion rift to appear. Without even saying a word the skeleton disappeared as if it was never here in the first place.

Ah Chun and the rest looked at each other trying to figure out what just happened. The silence was broken as many let out a sigh of relief. The devil cultivators were gone but Ah Chun wondered if that skeleton was really a friend or foe. All she knew was that the skeleton was extremely powerful. It was of an existence above the Heavenly realm. 

"Mother was that a Deity realm cultivator?" Mei Liling smiled bitterly as she nodded her head: "Yes it would seem so. At least it was only interested in finding more devil cultivators to eat." 

Ah Chun stared at the space where the skeleton had left and wondered if she would ever reach that realm one day or would her path end before she got the chance. Her vow to the heavens meant that she would have to have the strength to fight against such existences as the large skeleton in the future. At least, for now, she knew she was far from that stage.

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