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It was now that Ah Chun calling this outsider mother finally sunk into everyone. But when Ah Chun left, the Spirit Pressure became much stronger than it was before. The people who were barely standing on all fours were now slammed down to the ground. It felt as if hundreds of elephants were standing on top of them. They could tell that this woman was very mad! So they did not dare to bring up the subject. Of course, the only one not suffering from Mei Liling's anger was Li Chen Bao who was let off by Ah Chun. But Li Chen Bao had fainted on the ground laying in her own urine.

Back on Ah Chun's side of things she had just arrived in front of the Li family home. She looked at the well-kept courtyard and the well-maintained house made out of wood. Ah Chun's anger started to rise again. These people have been living here in such a nice house while she was forced to live in a dilapidated hut that one could feel the wind every time it blew and would have to dry the floor every time it rained. How is that fair! Just the thought of what she had to go through the past six months after her mother died and how much she suffered while other people were living lives of luxury. On top of it all, they actually went and stole my birth mother keepsakes! Ah Chun could not help herself and just kicked the front door of the house in, causing it to fly through the house and out the back wall of the house and back outside!

After Ah Chun vented her anger once more she went room to room until she found a big jewelry box. After rummaging around it a bit she finally found the two hairpins her birth mother had left her. Upon seeing the hairpins Ah Chun's eyes reddened a bit. But she quickly pushed back her tears as she knew she had to be strong, stronger than anyone else from now on! She had already made her vow to the heavens! So now she had to stand at the apex! She would never let anyone bully her ever again!

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As Ah Chun left the house she made sure to kick every door she saw in the house outside creating many holes within the house. The people who were suffering under Mei Lilings Spirit Pressure could hear the destruction and kept shivering thinking that they might be next. Mei Liling, on the other hand, couldn't help but softly chuckle thinking that her daughter was at least acting her age with the way she vented her anger. A warm smile showed on Mei Liling's face when she thought of this.

After a while, Ah Chun came strolling back to where everyone was being held. Seeing Mei Liling a smile instantly formed on Ah Chun's face and she trotted over to Mei Liling to show her, her birth mother keepsakes. Ah Chun had completely ignored the people laying on the ground being pressed down on by Mei Lilings Spirit Pressure.

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"Mother! Chun'er found them all! Luckily they didn't get sold off or traded for something useless. " Ah Chun smiled sweetly as she fiddled with the hairpins in her hand.

"Good! Mother is proud of Chun'er! Now finish up the last of your business so that you can get started with your training." Mei Liling said as she couldn't help but pinch Ah Chun's cheeks.

Once again seeing this mother-daughter pair continuously having these warm family moments while people are on the ground being tortured made them want to cough up blood! ' You have hostages ok! Leave your family time for later, please! ' They just couldn't help but curse this mother-daughter pair in their hearts!

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"Un! Chun'er will finish up quickly!" After saying that Ah Chun looked directly at the Village Chief.

"Everyone else can go besides the Village Chief." Hearing Ah Chun's words Mei Liling released her pressure on everyone but the Village Chief

Everyone besides the Village Chief who was still under Mei Liling's Spirit Pressure, Li Chen Bao who had fainted and peed herself, and of course Li Feng Gou who was still stuck in the wall but was now passed out from to much pain, had run off as soon as the Spirit Pressure was released. Even Li Chen Bao's mother only thought of herself as she left her two fainted children where they fell.

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"VIllage Chief about my old house..." Ah Chun asked without finishing her sentence. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"Of course you can have it back! You can move in any time you want." The Village Chief was very quick to answer. He knew how powerful even a new Immortal Cultivator was. It was not something a Martial Warrior like himself could contend with.

"Un! Mother and Chun'er will move in right this instant then. Thank you Village Chief." Ah Chun turned to Mei Liling who had just retracted her Spirit Pressure allowing the village chief to run away. Ah Chun grabbed Mei Liling's hand and led the way to her old house.

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