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After seeing the young man get blown away by Qing'er no one else stepped forward to profess their love for Ah Chun. With that out of the way Ah Chun decided it would be a good time to go and register. As she made her way through the crowd towards the registration booth everyone stepped aside allowing Ah Chun, Qing'er,  and Prince Yu to pass by without hindrance. 

Ah Chun stood in front of the registration booth where an old man with a long white beard and white hair sat. His face was full of wrinkles. He barely opened the slits that were his eyes and looked at the girl standing in front of him. "Token" The old man grunted.

Although the old man seemed to be rude Ah Chun ignored him and passed him her token. Once the man looked at the token the slits of his eyes opened wide and he looked up at the girl as he got up out of his seat giving Ah Chun a small bow. "Miss Ah I have been waiting for you. "

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The actions of this old man stunned everyone who saw. Some knew of this old man to be very indifferent to others and never show any kind of respect to those of the younger generation. But here and now this old man was showing respect to the young girl in front of him! 

"Waiting for me?" Ah Chun was a bit confused as to why someone from the Academy would be waiting for her.

"Yes, Your master has informed us to make sure we take good care of you." The old man said with a smile. His old wrinkles all seemed to have formed into a half-moon shapes as he did.

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"Oh..." Ah Chun really wondered how high of a status her master had to even have the Academy act in such a way.

Ah Chun finished her registration along with Qing'er and Prince Yu. Time passed by and finally, the first group had finally gathered. There were around five thousand young cultivators here trying to attain entry to the academy and this was just the first group!

The same old man that had registered Ah Chun was the one who led this group. He stood on top of a tall podium as he looked down over the thousands of young cultivators in front of him.

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"You are the first batch this year that will be tested. I am the vice master of the Celestial Star Academy Du Wei. You can all call me Vice Master Du. Since there are so many young geniuses trying to enroll into the Academy we have to cull the flock a little. So for the first test, it is a test to see how strong you really are." Vice Master Du did not explain any further as he suddenly released his spirit pressure over the entire group!

This pressure was not that of what a Dao Root cultivator nor a Dao Tree cultivator could produce. This was pressure from someone of the Heavenly realm cultivation. The pressure slammed down instantly on top of the five thousand hopeful young cultivators. More than half the crowd slammed to the ground instantly, not even able to move an inch. Some even spit up mouthfuls of blood. The pressure did not let up either as time went on. It actually grew stronger by the second!

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As time passed many of the young cultivators started to drop out. Not being able to stand the pressure any longer. As for Ah Chun? Well, she was still standing there with her back straight as she looked up at the sky somewhat in a daze. Qing'er standing behind her rubbing her face all over her tail and next to Qing'er was her brother, Prince Yu looking at Qing'er with a face full of disgust. He was really wondering what was wrong with his sister's brain!

Time passed by until there were only one hundred young cultivators left standing including Ah Chun, Qing'er, and Prince Yu. Vice Master Du looked out over the crowd of young Cultivators and finally released his spirit pressure. "For all of those who are now on the ground. You have failed. Leave now!" 

His words boomed through the area like thunder. All those who were on the ground slowly got up staggering as the did. Their faces were sullen. They knew now just how weak they really were as they looked at the people who had passed. This was the true meaning of this world. There were the strong and then there was the weak. The strong got all the glory and fame while the weak could only strive to be stronger. If you were weak you would be trampled by the strong. Why? Because they were stronger than you. This meaning was instilled into the young cultivators who had failed the test. They knew they had to get stronger otherwise they would have no place in this world.

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