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Ah Chun was staring at her hands in a daze. She could not believe the sight before her eyes. The utter disbelief caused her to open and close her eyes many times in hopes that what she was seeing was just an illusion. But no her current circumstances were one hundred percent real. Her hands were small, her legs were small, her arms were small, and her chest was…

"What the hell! What happened to my chest!" Ah Chun couldn't help but yell out. She still had the scales and everything else including her tail. But she seemed to have reverted back to her body when she was eight years old! 

The only other difference was the grey rim of light that covered her body. Ah Chun was extremely depressed right now! It seemed that something had reverted the changes that her years of painful medical baths had done to make her body grow. But she had no idea what made such changes! 

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Ah Chun quickly pulled out a mirror from her interspatial ring. When she gazed at her appearance in the mirror she was in for another surprise. On her head was a faint grey smoky crown. Ah Chun reached up to touch it but her hand passed right through it. She waved her hand a few times but it would not go away. 

As Ah Chun was playing with the crown on her head a sudden stabbing pain assaulted her brain. Causing Ah Chun to hold her head down in her hands. Many scenes of a woman's life poured into her head. The woman looked just like Ah Chun in her human form. The scenes showed the woman as a young girl as she grew up in a small village. As the girl grew older she was discovered by a sect to have rare spiritual roots allowing her to enter the world of cultivation. Time skipped forward as scenes of the girl's ups and downs and near-death experiences flashed in Ah Chun's mind. The girl turned into a woman after living thousands of years. The woman was an unparalleled existence. Trudging across battlefield after battlefield soaked in blood.

One thing about the scenes that shocked Ah Chun the most was the sword she had in her hand was the same exact sword that she found when she was younger! The woman's journey took her from Realm to Realm.  She left a name for herself in each realm. She fought many powerful enemies. Many times barely escaping death as she defeated them. Time ticked by and tens of thousands of years passed by. The woman was now in an unfamiliar place with thousands of glowing white lights. In the woman's hand was a round globe that looked similar to the planet in Ah Chun's dantian. It seemed to be an entire world in her hand.

As the images of the girl's life continued to play within her mind, Ah Chun started to have a sense that she had experienced all this before. The more she saw the more it felt familiar. But she shook her head as she thought that couldn't be true. 

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The scene shifted again and it showed the battlefield she had seen from the surrounding swords that she touched. Millions upon millions of cultivators were fighting against one another. The woman was standing on a hill like a god as she raised her sword and casually slashed it down. Silence swept the battlefield only to be broken by a scream.

"It's Queen Asura!" 

All the cultivators who were fighting stopped fighting as their faces paled as they watched the simplistic slash from the woman.  The air trembled as the heavens and earth shook as a sword light bigger than the world it self formed as it shot out slicing everything in two. The ground split in half as the sword light passed through thousands upon thousands of cultivators. Reaping the lives of everyone in its way. Not a single cultivator was able to escape such a massive attack. The ones who did not die could only look up at the woman in fear. 

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"Queen Asura why are you meddling in our worldly affairs!?" One cultivator could not hold back as he asked.

"Who told you, people, to have fun without me! Fighting, bloodshed, the reaping of lives! What could be more fun than that!" The woman let out a maniacal laugh as she licked the blood off her fingers. 

Watching this scene was making Ah Chun's blood boil she knew this feeling well when she was younger and started to fight she could never contain her excitement! Fighting to the death was the biggest thrill to her!

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A huge sense of familiarity continued to flow over Ah Chun. The scenes in her mind were not as if she was watching it from an outsider's point of view. She felt more like she was the one who was actually living through each experience. It was if the woman's and Ah Chun's souls were one. 

The scene shifted once again as images of the woman and a man appeared in her mind. The man was absolutely handsome. But the expression on his face showed that of dire straits.  He had a worried look on his face as he looked at the woman.

"Chun'er I hope we can meet again in our next life… I'm placing a seal on your soul. This way until you are strong enough they will never be able to find you when you are able to reform your body." After the man said his words tears rolled down the woman's face as she stared at the man. The look of longing and the unwillingness to leave the man in front was written clearly on the woman's face. The man finished forming his seals with his hands and the woman's body turned into specs of light. 

The images stopped there as Ah Chun fell to her knees. Tears rolled down her face, her lips parted as she slowly whispered: "Zi Fen..."

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