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A few days had passed since Ah Chun's breakthrough and today Ah Chun was very happy because today Ning Shen and her were going to go out on a date! Although they had been spending a lot of time together most of that had been in the Academy. That made today different since it would just be him and her as they strolled the streets of Celestial Star City. 

Ah Chun had been worried that maybe Ning Shen would not want to be seen in public with her current appearance but when she finally asked if they could go out and have a date in the city he smiled and agreed right away. Ah Chun was so happy that she immediately ran to find Qing'er and Meimei to have them help her with her hair. Which in turn ended up having Ninge Shen wait almost three hours before she was actually ready. 

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"Sorry to keep you waiting!" Ah Chun said as she walked out to the front yard. 

Ning Shen looked at Ah Chun and smiled. He really wondered what took so long when she looked the same as she did before. But of course, he knew he would suffer her wrath if he ever said such a thing so he just gave her a smile saying: "It's fine. Waiting on a beauty is worth the time." Ah Chun, on the other hand, knew Ning Shen well so she just snorted before taking his hand and walking out of the courtyard.

The two of them were sights to behold. Unlike the last time the two strolled around a city they were not looking at them as an immortal couple but more of a parent and child. Ah Chun was in the lead as usual as she pulled Ning Shen along, her tail swaying away. She was really happy she could go out with the man she loved. Although they did not look like a couple and she knew this well but she did not care. Ning Shen was her man and no one else could take him from her. She would kill anyone who dared to even try. 

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Ning Shen's eyes went gentle as he looked at Ah Chun's back as they made their way through the streets with her tail swaying back and forth and smiled. She never changed always in the lead and always pulling him along. It was one of the reasons why he fell for this girl in his past life and one of the reasons he loved her so much in this life. If anyone tried to covet her he would erase them instantly. 

The two walked hand in hand one in the lead while the other followed. Each with their own thoughts but those thoughts were very similar. Being able to share two lifetimes together was a blessing under the heavens. Living through life and death only brings people closer. For the two of them, this was something that they knew all too well. 

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Ah Chun and Ning Shen wandered through the streets looking at each stall as they passed by. The only time they bought anything was when Ah Chun spotted a stall selling demonic beast skewers. Which she happily ate as they continued to stroll about. 

Ah Chun stopped near a fountain in the middle of the city. She jumped up on the ledge and stood in front of Ning Shen. "Shen..." pausing for a moment Ah Chun bit her lower lip as she struggled to get her words together. "Are you willing to wait for me? At the rate things are going I most likely will not hit the Immortal realm for a long time. I can feel that the Qi Universe realm is different. The amount of Spiritual Qi needed to reach the next level is almost a thousand times as much as before and it also requires Law Energy. It might take me hundreds or even thousands of years to make it to the Immortal realm so that I can change my appearance once again." Ah Chun knew what the answer would be but it still bothered her. It would be different if she still looked the same as before her awakening. But now she looked like a little kid. It bothered her a great deal when it came to Ning Shen. It was useful in the sense that it could work to her advantage but when it came to the man she loved, she was not able to be a proper lover to him. She had talked to Master Lin Fen and found out she would not be able to use the medical baths again to look her proper age. Her awakening reversed the process of the medical baths and even made her immune to the medical bath's effects.

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"Chun'er no matter if you are young or if you were old, it does not matter to me. You are my woman since ages past. Nothing will change this. All you need to do is just be you. I love you and nothing will ever change that. Whether it be hundreds of years or even tens of thousands of years, Chun'er, nothing will change how I feel for you." Ning Shen took Ah Chun's hand and kissed the back of it causing Ah Chun to blush. 

She had already known what his answer would be but in order to calm her chaotic heart, she had to be one hundred percent sure. But now that she heard his answer she felt extremely happy. All her thousands of years in her past life and her time so far in this life were not for nothing. This man in front of her loved her through and through. 

It was at that moment that a girl in purple robes came walking over her eyes staring passionately at Ning Shen. She stopped next to him looking at his outstretched hand that was holding the little lizard girls in front of him. Seeing how they were of two different races she came to the conclusion that they were in no way related. She was not bothered by the killing intent that was pressing on her. This was something she had been used to since she was young. She thought it was just the handsome young man's natural aura! A mocking smile formed on her face as she sized up Ah Chun. She parted her lips as she said: "Little girl run along I have something to discuss with this gentleman here. "

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