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As Ah Chun neared the old man he waved his hand once again sending out another blade of wind. It hit Ah Chun, head on sending her flying back once again as another pit formed from her hitting the ground. She coughed up a few more mouthfuls of blood as she struggled to get up. The old man snorted once again as he coldly said: "I told you to leave it but now, that you have forced my hand this day will be the day you die!" after saying his words he sent out three more blades of wind!

Ah Chun could hardly move, she knew she had overdone it but the excitement of the battle took control! If she did not somehow dodge this attack she would be done for! Before she knew it everything grew dark as she found herself in a warm embrace. A calm melodic voice entered her ears: "Chun'er if you are going to die at least take me with you." 

Ah Chun's eyes widen as the ancient qi within her started to dissipate. All cravens for battle disappeared. Her eyes started to redden. Why was he always like this! Her samsara, her last life, he always sacrificed himself for her!  She dropped her sword to the ground and reached her little arms around Ning Shen as she whispered into his ear: "As long as I am with you death is just another journey for us."

The two braced themselves for the incoming impact of the wind blades. But when they are only a breath away, a cold snort sounded out causing the air in the area to vibrate. The wind blades instantly disappeared. A figured appeared next to Ah Chun. It was an old man with a long white beard. He turned and looked down at the loving couple hugging each other and gave another snort. "You damn brat you trying to take advantage of my disciple!? I let you two go out on a date and look what happens!" 

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The loud voice boomed throughout the city. Ah Chun broke her embrace from Ning Shen and looked up at the old man standing next to her. Her eyes blinking away in disbelief. "M-Mas-Master!?"  

"Oh!? You know I'm still your master? Why is it every time you go out you end up in some kind of mess! Do your master a favor and stop causing problems!" This old man was none other than Master Lin Fen the Celestial Emperor, Ah Chun's master. 

The old man and Tang Na felt their scalps go numb. They were from the Tang Clan they knew who this old man was that just appeared. They instantly dropped to the ground and prostrated themselves. It was just that Master Lin Fen completely ignored them. 

"I did not cause trouble this time!" Ah Chun yelled back causing Master Lin Fen's face to go red.

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"Then what is this mess you are in now! If I did not show up you two would have been dead!" Master Lin Fen Roared out. He really wondered if it was a smart move to take such a troublemaker as a disciple! 

"It would not have been this way if that bitch didn't hit on my man!" Ah Chun roared.

"It does not mean you need to kill her for hitting on someone just beat her up a little bit!" Ah Chun's ground her teeth as she looked at Master Lin Fen. His words were making her mad! It went against her Dao!

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"Of course she deserves to die she hit on my man!" Now it was Master Lin Fen's turn to get angry his whole face turned red as he stared at the little lizard girl who had her cheeks all puffed out glaring at him!

All this while the two from the Tang Clan, Tang Na, and the immortal old man were both covered in cold sweat. There life and death were basically being argued over. There was no way they could escape. This was the Celestial Emperor we are talking about. He was at the pinnacle of the Heavenly Realm! He was only a step away from becoming a Deity! Even if they tried to escape it would only be a matter of seconds before they were caught.

"Fine! So stubborn! Let's do this! She will become your slave for a little while to make amends but you can't kill her! It would cause a headache if I had to go and explain everything to that cranky old man from the Tang clan. " Master Lin Fen said with a sigh while stroking his beard. 

"Mmmm... Fine… But she has to be my slave for one hundred years and I want a whip so she can take her punishment of one hundred lashes every day. As long as she does not die it's fine right?" Ah Chun's mouth said one thing but you could tell she was not happy about making an exception against her Dao. The only way to fix it was to exact punishment. 

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Master Lin Fen thought for a minute as he stroked his beard some more. He looked over at his little disciple before giving a sigh and nodding his head. "Fine, fine that works...  I will get a slave trader to put a brand on her later. Your such a kid!" 

"I am a kid! Look at me!" Ah Chun said with a cheeky smile. Master Lin Fen only gave a snort as his gaze finally turned towards the two from the Tang clan.

"Tang Na you will become a slave and receive one hundred lashes a day as punishment. Be happy your life is being spared." Tang Na face paled but she also inwardly sigh since she would at least keep her life. One hundred years was nothing to cultivators and with her cultivation one hundred lashes, a day by a whip was barely a punishment. 

When Master Lin Fen was done with Tang Na he didn't even look at the immortal old man he just waved his hand and the man exploded into a mist of blood. He had almost killed his only disciple this was a natural course of action. 

Ning Shen who was standing to the side watching everything as it happened didn't know whether to laugh or cry as he thought: 'What was with this Master Disciple Pair!?'

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