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Mei Liling moved her Divine sense to inspect the rest of Ah Chun's body. She first checked the meridians and saw that they were so wide now that Ah Chun's growth would be almost a thousand times faster than a normal cultivator. After the first surprise, Mei Liling quickly inspected Ah Chun's bones and muscles. Bones that should only have a bluish hue to them were fully dark blue. Meaning her bones were now tens of times stronger than the hardest metal! Even Ah Chun's muscles were compacted to the extreme. It was no wonder when Ah Chun opened the door how she would normally that the door shot through the wall.

It was now that Mei Liling decided she would no longer be surprised by what Ah Chun does or accomplishes. It was as if this girl was meant to be an immortal since the day she was born. Mei Liling retracted her divine sense and realized that with Ah Chun's new strength she would need to strengthen the array on Ah Chun's back.

"Chun'er remove your dress top and turn around. Mother has to adjust the array on Chun'er's back. " Mei Liling said while twirling her finger in a circular motion. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

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"Is Mother going to remove the array!?" Ah Chun excitedly asked.

"Sorry, Chun'er… Mother is not going to be removing the array. Mother is going to be strengthening it until it is back to how it was before your breakthrough." After hearing these words from Mei Liling, Ah Chun put on a disappointed face while biting her lower lip as she turned around reluctantly.

Mei Liling ignored Ah Chun's cute pouting face and concentrated on forming hand signs as the array on Ah Chun's back started to glow. Mei Liling then drew out two more root images with Spiritual Power and sent it to Ah Chun's back. The new root images lined up with the previous two and circled around inside the array circle until it finally stopped and the whole array dimmed and reverted back to looking like a tattoo.

Once again Ah Chun felt a burning sensation then felt a heavy force weigh down on her. But unlike last time, this time the force was only a little worse than before Ah Chun had her breakthrough. It did not hinder her actions at all. So there was no problem with her combat ability.

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"With this new breakthrough Chun'er, your lifespan is now extended by one thousand years. So by the time you hit one hundred years of age, you will finally look like a teenager. That is..." Mei Liling stopped her words and looked at the wide-eyed frozen stiff Ah Chun who had her mouth open so wide you could stick an egg in it.

"Mo- Mother you-you mean Chun'er will look like a little kid for one hundred years? " Ah Chun was very disappointed.

"Unfortunately yes Chun'er you will look like you do now for one hundred years. Well, that is as of now since you are at Stage One of Qi Sea. Once you reach Qi Sea your lifespan is extended by one thousand years per stage..." Mei Liling saw Ah Chun's eyes starting to tear up and stopped her words and quickly pulled Ah Chun into a hug.

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"Chun'er do you blame Mother for teaching you Immortal Cultivation?" Mei Liling asked her voice filled with guilt.

"No… Mother is not at fault. Chun'er was the one who made the choice. Chun'er also knows she can not slow her cultivation due to the vow to the Heavens and Earth Chun'er made. Chun'er will get used to it. Sorry for making Mother sad." Ah Chun wrapped her arms around Mei Lilings waist squeezing her tightly.

"Chun'er no matter what Mother will always be there for you. Mother loves Chun'er very much!" Mei Liling squeezed Ah Chun tightly and kissed the top of her head.

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"Un! Chun'er loves Mother very very much as well!" Ah Chun smiled brightly. Hearing Mei Liling say that she loved her for the first time made her very happy.

After being together for the past year Mei Liling had fully taken Ah Chun to be her daughter. Blood-related or not Ah Chun was her one and only daughter in this life. So every time she sees a sad look on Ah Chun's cute little face she can not help but feel bad. Mei Liling knows it's hard on Ah Chun who is just a little girl to know she will look the same for a hundred even tens of hundreds of years to come.

"Ok, Chun'er go and stabilize your breakthrough. Once you have you will need to set off." Mei Liling said with a smile on her face.

"Un. Chun'er will go do as Mother says." Ah Chun ran back to the bedroom leaving Mei Liling behind. Mei Liling looked at the hole in the wall and shook her head and thought to herself I guess I'll go force that old village chief to get someone to repair this after Chun'er leaves. With force, if I have to...

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