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The two of them started to walk down the long hallway. The whole area looked the same with no change in structure. Ah Chun and Yu Yan kept walking for almost fifteen minutes when the end of the hallway opened up to a large room. Ah Chun First spread out her Divine Sense to see if there was any kind of traps that lay in wait for them. When she found nothing was out of the ordinary only then did she take a step forward into the large room. She only walked a few steps into the room when she heard a noise behind her. When she turned to look she saw that Yu Yan was pounding on the space in front of her yelling over to Ah Chun.

"Little Chun I can't pass through here!" Yu Yan pounded on the air space. There seemed to be some kind of barrier that blocked Yu Yan from passing through.

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"Big Sister Yan it's fine just wait for me I will be right back after I check this room out. Maybe i can find a way to let you into the room." Ah Chun smiled trying to give Yu Yan some kind of assurance that everything was fine. Yu Yan felt helpless she couldn't pass the barrier and was worried about Ah Chun. She did not know if anything would happen. But since there was no other way to go about it, even though she was unreconciled about the circumstances she just stood there and watched as Ah Chun walked further into the room.

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Ah Chun had felt like something was calling out to her since she had first entered this room so her curiosity was peaked. After seeing that Yu Yan had calmed down Ah Chun walked deeper into the room. This room was rather large and at the far end of the room was a large platform. The platform had at least a hundred steps going from the base to the top. At the top, there were chains coming from the ceiling that seemed to be attached to the top of the platform. Ah Chun could not see what they were attached to from her location. The room was not lit up very brightly and only the blue fire on the walls of the room gave any kind of illumination.

Ah Chun slowly made her way to the far side of the room she kept her Divine Sense spread out to its max checking for any abnormalities. She knew she had to be extremely cautious since something could happen at any time.

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After taking it slow Ah Chun finally reached the stairs leading up to the platform. So far she had not encountered any kind of traps or the like. Ah Chun raised her foot and placed it on the first step. But right as her foot landed a horrifying killing intent pressed down on her. Ah Chun's face paled. She had never experienced such killing intent before. She hurriedly tried to move away from the step only to find that she could not move her foot! She struggled for a minute trying to remove it. But she just could not move her foot from the step. Ah Chun bit her lip and remembered her vow to the heavens and earth.

"If I can't even deal with this little bit of killing intent then how am I going to be able to get stronger! I made a vow that I would get stronger so I will never get bullied again! Now, something wants to bully me I need to go and beat it up! " Ah Chun gritted her teeth and placed her other foot onto the bottom step.

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Beads of sweat formed on Ah Chun's brow as she slowly took a step onto the second stair. The killing intent got worse with every step she took. By the twentieth step, Ah Chun was already drenched in sweat. Her dress clung to her small slender body remoisturizing the dried blood that was sticking to her dress. The blood on her arms started to drip off as sweat mixed in with it. By the fiftieth step, Ah Chun was starting to find it hard to breathe, but even so, she still pushed forward. She had to make it to the top of the platform. Since she could not retreat after taking the first step she had no choice but to continue forward.

Ah Chun had finally reached the ninety ninetieth step at this moment she was on all fours as she crawled her way onto the top of the platform. But to her surprise as soon as she stepped on to the top platform the killing intent vanished like it was never there, to begin with. With the pressure lifted Ah Chun slowly got up as she staggered to catch her footing. Even though it was only a hundred steps it still took Ah Chun over two hours to climb up them. Ah Chun looked down across the hall and saw Yu Yan sitting on the ground with her legs folded to the sides of her. She could tell even at this distance that Yu Yan had been crying. Ah Chun could only sigh. She felt bad for making her big sister cry but it still gave her heart a stream of warmth just by the fact that Yu Yan was worried about her.

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