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Many eyes were on Ah Chun as she stepped into Moon Clave City the situation outside the Dark Forest had already spread throughout the city. Ah Chun didn't even pay attention to these stares, she just calmly walked down the streets towards Feng Gong Pavilion. Right now she needed information on where she can find a quiet place to cultivate. Her main goal right now was to reach the first layer of the secret art dreamscape and also try to reach the second layer of her Heavenly Divine Lotus cultivation method. Whether she was able to gain another technique or not from her cultivation method was yet to be told but just by reaching the second layer she would gain a huge increase in her strength alone. If this was combined with the secret art dreamscape it would raise the current her's battle prowess by leaps and bounds.

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Right as Ah Chun stepped foot into Feng Gong Pavilion she heard a familiar voice calling out to her: "Chunchun!" Hearing this voice Ah Chun's cold eyes flickered a bit. She knew this voice very well. Her time in her samsara there was one man who she loved in each of her ninety-nine lives and that was Ning Shen. In one of her ninety-nine lives, Ning Shen had disguised himself as a young cultivator named Yu Jin. Although it may have been an illusion, but as Immortal Xiao Ying said: "Illusions and dreams all have some truth to them." He may be able to change his looks but there was no way he could mask his voice from Ah Chun. But now even his disguise was not able to work against Ah Chun since she possessed the thousand golden eyes.

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Ah Chun inwardly smiled as she turned to Ning Shen and slowly walked towards him. "Jin it has been a while."

Ning Shen smiled as he looked at the girl in front of him as he said: "Yes it has you seem to be different from before."

"Un, I had run in with good fortune." Ah Chun already knew that Ning Shen knew that she was at the crystal palace. She was not sure on how much he knew but she did not want to go into details anyway, especially in a place like Feng Gong Pavilion. She knew that if she ever said anything about the thousand golden eyes and someone heard about it, it would cause her nothing but trouble.

Ning Shen just shook his head as he thought 'This little thing probably already knows who I am! Aw well, since she is willing to play we will just play.' Ning Shen already knew that Ah Chun received the inheritance from Immortal Xiao Ying and also gained the thousand golden eyes. Although Ah Chun could not see him, he still entered the palace along with Ah Chun, quietly protecting her.

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Wang Clan…

"So what happened I heard the little bastard was found" Wang Tu was staring at a male cultivator who was now standing in front of him.

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"Patriarch, all five of the cultivators we sent out are dead." The male cultivator was shaking he knew this report will make the Patriarch unhappy but he had no choice.

"All five are dead? Who killed them?" Wang Tu's eyes widen, he knew there were not many people within Moon Clave City who could pull off such a feat.

"It was the little girl. She came out of the Dark Forest just today and when the five of them faced off against her she killed them all within seconds." The cup in Wang Tu's hand shattered when he heard this news. 'Just how strong was this little bastard!' If he was not bound by the words of that expert, he would have sent a Qi World Realm cultivator to do the job. But now he had lost five Qi Sea realm cultivators.

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"Fine, send twenty of Ninth Stage Qi Sea Realm cultivators. If this little bastard is that strong I will just make sure she has no option but to die!" After receiving his orders the male cultivator bowed and cupped his hands before turning and leaving the room. Wang Tu leaned back on his throne and looked up at the ceiling, nobody knew what he was thinking.


Ah Chun had no idea that she was being so heavily targeted at this moment. She was still in the Feng Gong Pavilion talking with Ning Shen. She had learned that the Dragon Mist Realm was going to be opening in four months. This meant that she only had four months to reach both the first layer of the secret art dreamscape and the second layer on her Heavenly Divine Lotus cultivation method. She figured as long as she had no disturbances she could most likely reach both goals.

"Jin do you know of any good quiet spots for cultivation? I need to go into seclusion before the Dragon Mist Realm opens up." Ning Shen looked at Ah Chun before nodding his head and saying: "I know just the right spot. Follow me I will lead you to it." He then got up and headed out of the Feng Gong Pavilion with Ah Chun following along.

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