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As time passed more and more cultivators appeared near the Dragon Mist Realm gate. Ah Chun and Ning Shen stood off to the side away from others keeping a low profile. So far there was a total of one thousand people standing around waiting to enter the gate. No one could tell how much time had passed since they arrived in front of the gate.

The sun in the sky seemed to have been locked in place and was beating down on all the cultivators here. The air seemed to get hotter and hotter as time passed. The more time passed the hotter it became. It got to the point to where some of the people with a lower cultivation base could not take it anymore and fainted. Even Ah Chun and Ning Shen were covered in sweat. Ning Shen was currently using his own clothes to fan Ah Chun. Ah Chun's white Hanfu started to turn transparent as it stuck to her skin due to sweat, exposing her skin for all to see. But with Ning Shen's quick thinking of covering her with a black robe blocking those around them from seeing her, Ah Chun was able to quickly change into a dark blue hanfu.

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Although the darker color would attract the sun's heat more it was still better than exposing her skin for others to see. The only thing was right now she was staring at Ning Shen whose face was fully red all the way up to his ears.

"You looked didn't you?" Ah Chun said with her cheeks puffed out. She had told Ning Shen to close his eyes while she changed! Ah Chun had to change clothes with Ning Shen's body blocking one side and with him holding the black robe up to block the view from the other side. So no one could see her changing. But from seeing how red his face was she could tell he looked!

"I-I didn't mean to… I'm sorry!" Ning Shen could only bow his head shame and apologize he knew he had been caught but he couldn't help it! He was trying to see if she was done changing or not but he ended up getting a full view!

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"Since you have seen, you can never back out of marrying me now! Humph!" Ah Chun said as she turned her back to him and crossed her arms over her chest completely ignoring him. Although she did all this on the outside, she was smiling inwardly as she thought 'The young Ning Shen is too cute!' She could care less if she was seen by Ning Shen, her body right now was not something to look at anyway. She still had quite a few more years before her womanly appeal would start to show. She really wanted to grow up a lot faster so her mentality will finally match her looks. Ah Chun knew she still had a couple hundred years to go before that happens though.

Ning Shen could only sigh as he thought: ' At least she doesn't hate me or think I'm some kind of pervert.'

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A thunderous boom sounded off up in the sky. Ah Chun took a peek at Ning Shen and smiled before reaching her hand back to grab ahold of his. This gave Ning Shen a start for a second before he silently clasped his hand with hers. The two stood there looking up towards the sky.

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A faint figure appeared in the sky. It was transparent and stood a hundred meters tall. It was an old man with his hands clasped behind his back. He looked down at all those present his gaze was sharp and when he laid eyes on you it felt like his gaze would pierce right through you. The old man's gaze finally stopped on the people who were passed out on the ground. He waved his hands and those people all disappeared into thin air. All that remained of the thousand people was a measly one hundred. These were all elites from the Primordial Lands.

"Those of you that remain here are now allowed to enter the Dragon Mist Realm. But be warned there are dangers within the mist. The Dragon Mist Realm has lasted for tens of tens of thousands of years. There are many mysteries and treasures that you might obtain. What you find will, of course, belong to you. Rankings will be decided in multiple segments combined. There is a total of three segments. The first segment is the testing phase. Allowing each person who passes a test to enter a mini dragon gate to receive an inheritance from my clan. There are a total of nine tests. You must pass at least one test in order to be able to go to the second segment. The other segments will be explained later. For now, all may pass through the main gate. For those who do not want to take part in the testing then please speak up and this old man will send you back. " The old man said in a thunderous voice.

The old man looked over the crowd and saw that no one was willing to leave. A smile spread across his lips and with a wave of his hand the massive dragon gates started to move. Ah Chun and Ning Shen who were still holding hands looked at each other and nodded before walking towards the massive dragon gate in front of them.

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