Ai o Ataeru Kemono-tachi

Chapter 60: 60


It was that time of year when I had to wear thick clothes because the weather was chilly and our breath turned white.

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I didn’t realize it when I was a slave, but it seems there are significant seasonal fluctuations in this world as well.

Meanwhile, I had a fever and was bedridden.

I had no intention of pushing myself too hard, but I guess my body couldn’t keep up with the changing climate. 

From the symptoms, I’d say it was a common cold, but my spouses were unusually upset.

I didn’t want them to get too close to me in case it was an infectious disease, but they were adamant about that.

However, I asked them to keep Licht and Hikaru from getting close.

They are currently in the care of Hector-sama, but my spouses will bring them to the guild when they go to work.

Both of them also took turns nursing me.

However, they seemed to really need to go to the guild together today.

I managed to persuade the reluctant two to go to work.

If it’s just a cold, I think I’ll get better soon.


Before leaving for work, Gail-san told me that he had asked Sebastian-san to come over, but I refused because I thought I would be okay after some sleep, but I was wrong.

My feverish and flushed body was more painful than I expected. I found myself having nightmares so bad that even when I closed my eyes and fell asleep, all I saw were nightmares.

In my nightmares, I remembered the patients I had in my previous world.

I left behind patients who were about to undergo surgery or were about to begin treatment.

Their faces came and went in my mind, one after another.

I remembered one patient who was so unfortunate.

I wonder if he’s doing well… No, there are many doctors who are better than me.

I’m sure he will have successfully completed his treatment.


At that moment, something cold touched my forehead.

“Young mistress, Chikayuki-sama, are you okay?”

“Nn, ah…”

“Oh, you don’t have to get up. Please drink this. It’s the hydration drink you taught us about before.”

When I opened my eyes, Sebastian-san was there.

He gently supported my body and put water into my mouth.

What poured into my mouth was a drink similar to a sports drink, with a slightly strong herbal aroma, but it was cold and went down smoothly.

I continued drinking it as I felt my body was craving water.

“Haa…. Sebastian-san, I’m sorry…”

“Please do not force yourself to speak and rest. I will take care of the housework, so if you need anything, please call me using the bell over there.”


I accepted Sebastian’s words and went back to sleep.

Strangely enough, after that, I no longer had nightmares, although my body was still in pain.


I didn’t know how long I’d been sleeping, but when I was still in a dream, I could feel the presence of someone nearby.

“…Hm, ….husband?”

Could this presence be Douglas-san?

He should have been at work.

“Yes, I feel a little… cold, but I… am fine.”

I answered in my dream with my eyes closed.

“You must be feeling cold, then.”

The presence in the room expanded.

At that moment, I heard the sound of the door opening and sensed another presence.

I was too lazy to open my eyes and was unclear whether it was a dream or reality.

I could hear some voices, but I couldn’t understand what they were saying. Then, as soon as another presence appeared in the room, the noise disappeared, leaving me alone again.

The fatigue worsened, and I started to shiver from the cold.


I curled up under the covers and hugged myself with my arms, but for some reason, I felt uncontrollably lonely and felt like crying.

After a while, a presence appeared once again in the room.

I could feel someone staring at my face and then crawling into the bed.

I felt supple muscles, fluffy fur, and a mane.

Without saying anything, I leaned my body against that person’s chest and hugged him like a child.

The warmth of being wrapped in fur and, above all, the comforting warmth of human skin reassures me.

He hugged me back, and I just let myself go.

“Chi-Chika, how are you feeling? Are you about to wake up?”

The next time I woke up, the person in front of me was Gail-san, who looked extremely worried.

I thought I was sleeping in the lion’s arms, but was it my dream?

“I’m sorry for waking you up. I wanted to let you sleep, but you’re sweating so much, and Sebastian has prepared something for you to eat. Do you think you could put some in your mouth?”

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I definitely felt like my body was feeling much better.

I nodded in response. Afterward, Gail-san wiped my body and fed me food with his hands.

There was a minor accident during the meal, but it wasn’t a big deal.

The milk porridge that Sebastian had made for me had a faint buttery flavor, soft sweetness, and the right amount of saltiness, so I could finish it even though I had lost my appetite.

“Okay, we’re done. I’ll be back soon, so get some sleep first.”

After Gail-san left the room, I closed my eyes again.

The next thing I felt was a hug from behind.

My head was placed on its arms, and I was hugged from behind.

The arms I touched were muscular with short hairs, and I could also feel the soft animal hairs on its neck.

I instinctively turned my body around and buried my head into its chest.

Fluffy fur covered its thick chest. It was also elastic and had a very soothing scent.

If I opened my eyes a little and looked up, emerald eyes were staring at me.

“Just sleep like this for today. You’ll definitely feel better tomorrow.”

Ah, it was Gail-san, after all.

I nodded and went back to sleep.



Douglas’ POV


Chika’s condition this morning was the worst he’d ever been.

What’s worse is that Gail and I had to work together at the guild today.

I finished up my work in the morning. I still have a meeting in the afternoon, but I’ll leave that to Gail.

I will probably get scolded later, but I’m more worried about Chika.

I carried Hikaru on my back and Licht was at my side, then ran as fast as possible toward home.

First, I must leave them at my father’s house.

I used to be dissatisfied that he built a two-family house as he pleased, but it may be a blessing in times like this.

However, he wasn’t at home. Only Theo and Alex were there.

I left Licht and Hikaru with them and asked for Dad’s whereabouts.

As usual, Theo treats Hikaru with great care, as if he is a great treasure.

Hikaru is indeed reacting to him, so maybe what Chika said isn’t exactly wrong.

However, I don’t know if I can easily accept that after Hikaru grows up…Will I be able to allow that as a father?

No, there’s no point in worrying about anything but Chika right now.

[Douglas] “I don’t see my dad. Where is he?”

[Alexei] “Uh… I’ve tried to stop him, but he said, ‘I was worried about Chika-chan!’ as he headed toward the main house… Sebastian-san, who showed up in the morning, already told us not to get close to Chika-san, but…”

[Douglas] “That idiot father went off the rails again… Haa, I’m going to go for a bit. Sorry, but please watch over Licht and Hikaru.”

Licht slipped out of Alex’s arms and came to my feet.

He asked, tapping my foot with his little paw.

“Mommy, hurt? I want, see mommy.”



Ever since Chika was bedridden, we never let them see him at Chika’s request.

Even though he is a fast-growing beastman, it’s perfectly normal to miss his mother. On top of that, Licht seemed to sense that Chika was not feeling well.

I picked up Licht, whose ears drooped as he patted my foot.

“He is fine! Your mother may be small, but he is strong, right? He’ll get better soon and hold you again. Licht, can you be a good boy and wait here?”

“Yesh, mommy, wiw wait. Lich ish a good boy.”1Licht basically said, “Yes, I will wait for mommy (to get better). I am a good boy.” but he slurred his speech so much in the raw so it turned out like this. Slurred speech is so hard T.T

“Yep, that’s our son!”

I kissed Licht’s forehead and handed him over to Alex.

[Alexei] “Licht, shall we play together? Do you want to play throwing ball or string pull today?”

[Licht] “Thowing ball!”


I left Licht, who was already absorbed in playing, with the two of them and went to see Chika.

I thought it would be better to say hello to Sebastian, but I needed to go to my father who was said to be at Chika’s place.

When I opened the door to my room, I saw my father was about to turn into his beast form.

I grabbed his arm and started yelling.

“What are you doing, Dad!?”

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“Look carefully, isn’t Chika-chan shivering? It looks like he is feeling cold, so I thought I’d warm him up with my fur!”

“I appreciate your feelings, but that’s not your job.”

“But Douglas! Your mother also thought it was just a common cold at first! How about that!”

“He is okay! He will get better, so calm down. Dad, you know that Chika is an excellent doctor, right? He says he is okay, so trust him.”


At that moment, a strong presence appeared outside the room, sending chills down my spine.

Ah, we’re done for…he’s here.

“What are you two doing there?”

This was not the same Sebastian who never stopped smiling. This was Sebastian with a straight face.

Sebastian right now is really scary…

Dad and I looked at each other.

Even that old man2Hector couldn’t fight back when Sebastian was in this state.

“No, you don’t have to say anything. I’m pretty much aware of what happened, but for now, we can’t disturb the young mistress’s rest. So, can you please leave this room?”

His words were polite, but it was so scary. Sebastian in this mode is really scary.

Neither my father nor I could say anything, and we meekly followed his instructions like a borrowed cat.

We were taken out into the hallway, and we wondered what would happen to us.

“Please sit down.”


“Sit down.”

“Eh, but the chair…”

“Sit down.”


“Sit. Down.”


“Hector, too, hurry up.”

My father and I were made to sit on our heels while Sebastian looked down on us.

[Sebastian] “First of all, Hector-sama, I had asked you to stay away from our young mistress because I will look after him, right? I also told you it was young mistress’ wish, considering that the disease may be contagious, didn’t I?”

[Hector] “B-but, I’m concerned about Chika-chan…”

[Sebastian] “Hikaru-sama and Licht-sama are often near Hector-sama these days, right? Don’t you know how much the young mistress would blame himself if Hector-sama caught the disease and then infected his children?”

[Hector] “Ugh, sorry…”

[Sebastian] “And Douglas-sama, what is on your mind when you speak so loudly in the presence of your wife, who needs to rest? Besides, I heard that you and the young master have some work that you must attend to today, so how come you are here?”

[Douglas] “U-uh, that’s…”

[Sebastian] “Most likely, you were so worried about the young mistress and came back without telling the young master… Well, you should get scolded firmly by young master later. But, this is the most painful period for young mistress. Please do not let anything disturb his rest, is it clear?”

“Yes!” “Yes!”

Dad and I replied in perfect unison to Sebastian’s overwhelming force.

[Sebastian] “However, it is true that young mistress complains about the cold. Douglas-sama, please warm him up. You know how to do it, right?”

“Eh? Is that okay?”

“This is your role as his spouse. Now, Hector-sama, let’s go back.”

My father was grabbed by the scruff of his neck and was dragged away by Sebastian.

[Hector] “Douglas!! Help me!!!”

[Sebastian] “I thought I told you to be quiet?”

Dad, I’m sorry.

I hurried back to Chika while silently praying for my father’s safety.

Indeed, Chika was trembling slightly while hugging himself, and his expression looked like he was about to burst into tears.

I quickly took off my clothes, transformed into my beast form, crawled into Chika’s side, and hugged his trembling body.

Chika desperately leaned on my chest and hugged me as if he was so scared.

All of his gestures and facial expressions stimulated my desire to dominate him.

I know it’s disrespectful to someone in a vulnerable state, but I love this creature in front of me right now so much that I’m dying to mark him as my own.

I just want to take him away somewhere.

Perhaps relieved that I hugged him back, Chika relaxed a little.


When I came to my senses, I realized that I was asleep and was woken up by Gail, who returned from work.

“To think you would run away from work. I heard from Sebastian that Chika was feeling lonely, so I forgive you, but I’ll be the one who watch over Chika from now on. You go check on Licht and Hikaru.”

Of course, I also felt guilty for running away, so I gave my place to Gail and returned to my children.

Hikaru continued to sleep in Theo’s arms, looking very comfortable as usual, and Licht, probably tired from playing, was also curled up and sleeping.

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“What happened to my father?”

“He’s been locking himself in his room since returning.”

Hmm, I truly thought that he deserved it, but I felt like I still had to tell him about Chika’s condition.

After the children had their meals and I had a light dinner, I headed to my father’s room and opened the door without knocking.

Inside the room, I saw my father lying on the bed while hugging something.

“Dad, about Chika-”

I froze at that point when I saw what my father was holding.

It was a doll. It was a doll, but…

It has black hair and dark eyes and is deformed, making it a charming doll, but I am so familiar with the doll’s figure.

“Hey, Dad! What the hell is that doll?”

“Hmm? This is the Chika-chan doll that is currently very popular in the Circle of Human Lovers that I sponsored. Is there a problem?”

I squeezed the words out of my mouth while holding my aching head.

“So, what is this ‘the Circle of Human Lovers’?”

“It is a place where we talk and sometimes debate about the beauty and loveliness of the human race. We are a group of people who have the noble will to share our passion for the human race with others. Of course, there is nothing impure about it. The main purpose of this group is to watch over and love the human race genuinely!”

“So, how does that relate to that doll?”

“After Kyril and Alex, Chika-chan is the most popular human right now! Since he started seeing patients at the guild, the number of Chika-chan’s fans has increased rapidly, and the size of the Circle of Human Lovers is increasing daily!” 


“But, Chika-chan belongs to you and Gail! It wasn’t easy for me to meet Chika, let alone other members!”


“That’s why this Chika-chan doll was invented! You can admire it or display it! You can also use it as a body pillow! Look, even in its deformed state, it still captures Chika-chan’s characteristics well and is adorable, right?”

“That’s right.”

“The commercial guild is also taking an interest in this! We’re currently discussing the possibility of commercializing it!”

My headache had reached its limit.

When I snatched the ‘Chika-chan’ doll from my father, I apologized to Chika silently in my heart and crushed it without leaving a trace.

“Y-y-y-you!! What are you doing?! This is still made to order, and each piece was handmade, so there aren’t many of them!!” 

“Don’t commercialize people’s wives without their permission!! Give me a list of the people who own this doll. I’ll collect every single one of them.” 

I left the room, clutching my aching head as my father still collected the shattered ‘Chika-chan’ doll.

I regretted that I was too merciful. Nevertheless, my children were left with my two nephews, and I still need to return to Chika.

As a side note, when Chika found out about the existence of Chika-chan dolls later on, he gave my father some dolls that he knitted himself because he was too embarrassed to have one modeled after him.

I heard it was called amigurumi3a knitted stuffed toy.

Dad was overjoyed, and it seemed that the doll was revered as a legendary item among the members of that circle…


Gale’s POV


Doug hasn’t come back from his lunch break.

I went to check on Licht and Hikaru, but they weren’t there, and another employee told me that Douglas carried them and ran back home at great speed.

Sure, the afternoon meeting would’ve been fine as long as one of us was there, but that guy…

I’m also worried about Chika, but the decisions won’t be made if I were gone too.

I managed to suppress my restlessness and finish my work.

When I returned home, Sebastian was cooking. He told me about Hector-sama and Doug’s matter, but I was scared to see Sebastian’s smile as he said that he had punished them a little.

Doug was in Chika’s room, sleeping while hugging him like a treasure.

I woke Douglas up and sent him to check on the kids as punishment for skipping work.

I felt like Chika’s complexion was improving, but I was still uneasy.

I called out to Chika and woke him up.

I wanted to let him sleep like this, but he was sweating a lot in his sleep, and Sebastian had told me to give him some food.

I was relieved to see Chika smile and nod a little. I wiped his body with hot water and a towel I had prepared.

[Gail] “When I’m doing this, I remember what happened right after I met you.”

[Chika] “Now that I think about it, you were always there and looked after of me.”

“Yeah, but then I feel like I was already captivated by you. I even gave you medicine and soup by mouth-to-mouth, right? Here, raise your arm.”

“T-that’s, I apologize for the inconvenience…”

“Alright, I’ll wipe the lower body next. You were never a nuisance. I even fought with Doug over would take care of you.”

I chuckled a little as I remember those days.

I wiped Chika’s entire body as he obediently followed my instructions, then put on the clothes I had taken off of him and wrapped him in a blanket.

“It’s done. The dinner was being prepared in a moment, so just lie down, okay?”

Although his face color had improved, his body was probably still in pain, so he nodded slightly, curled up, and closed his eyes.

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That sight tickled my desire for protection so badly that I couldn’t help but salivate.

At times like this, I hate my own rationality, but I’m not so outrageous as to act against a sick person.

I took the food from Sebastian and hurried back.

It was said to be a stomach-friendly dish made with rice, which is Chika’s favorite, and the faint smell of milk and butter certainly whetted the appetite.

I called out to Chika and woke him up, put a pillow on his back, and made him sit on the bed.

“Chika, I’m going to feed you, so open your mouth.”

“Gail-san, you don’t have to do that much. I can still hold a spoon…”

“No, I’m just thinking back to when we met. Back then, I used to feed you things with my hands. Please let me do it.”

Chika opened his mouth slightly as if thinking about it.

I put a spoonful of slightly cooled porridge closer to prevent spill.

Chika put the spoon into his mouth and licked it, then chewed and swallowed the porridge.

Seeing that scene repeatedly made my protective desire kick in again.

And then I came up with a little prank.

I looked at Chika, who was chewing the porridge, and put more milk porridge into my mouth.

Just when Chika finished swallowing, I covered Chika’s mouth with my own.

I used my tongue to pry Chika’s mouth open and sent the milk porridge inside his mouth. Chika accepted it without any resistance, intertwining his tongue with mine.

The inside of Chika’s mouth is hot, probably due to the fever, but the contact with the burning mucous membranes shakes my rationality.

After all, no matter how many times I’ve tasted it, the taste of passionate kisses with Chika is exceptional.

[Chika] “This is how you made me drink the soup.”

[Gail] “Sorry, I got nostalgic and did it.”

[Chika] “No, it was very delicious and felt good. Um, Gail-san, if you don’t mind, can you… feed me the same way again?”

I never thought I would hear such words from Chika’s shy mouth.

Maybe his illness has made him a little reserved.

[Gail] “Oh, of course. I’ll feed you as much as you want.”

I happily fed him the rest of the porridge from mouth to mouth.

Chika looked at me with moist eyes the whole time I was feeding him, and I couldn’t tell how many times I had a battle with my rational mind for today.

After finishing the meal, I put Chika to bed and cleaned up the dishes. When I came back, Chika was already sleeping peacefully.

I transformed into Chika’s favorite beast form and slipped into bed.

Of course, my purpose was to keep him warm with my fur.

I hugged Chika from behind and wrapped his whole body.

After a while, Chika turned around, pressed his body and face against my chest, and hugged me.

I guessed he was satisfied with the fluffiness of my chest and belly fur. He looked up at me, opened his eyes a little and smiled, so I called him before he started sleeping again.

I wondered how much patience I had to put up with for my precious ‘pair’, but the fact that he is unaware of it makes it all the worse.


While I was admiring the treasure in my arms, Doug came over.

[Douglas] “Hm, are you not asleep yet? How is it going?”

[Gail] “He has been sweating a lot, and he was able to eat enough food, so he should be fine.”

[Douglas] “I see, that’s good. However, I feel like Chika was being a bit spoiled today.”

[Gail] “Maybe you’re right. I was able to enjoy a lot of things because of that.”

“What do you mean by ‘a lot of things’?”

“It’s a secret.”

“Tch, whatever.”

Doug also removed his clothes, transformed into his beast form, got into bed, and leaned against Chika.

“Gail, this is just a hypothetical. If someday Chika could go back to his original world, do you think he would choose us then?”


I couldn’t reply to Doug’s sudden question.

“No, sorry, I asked something stupid. Please forget it.”

After saying that, Doug closed his eyes.

I also closed my eyes while hugging Chika.

Doug’s question was something that I had thought was a possibility but never dared to consider until now.

Chika appeared to wander into this world suddenly, so it wouldn’t be strange if there were a way to return.

What will you do when you find it, Chika…

No, it is not even worth thinking about, because Chika is the one who makes the choice when that time comes.

We have no choice but to follow his wish.

But… even so, I…


1Licht basically said, “Yes, I will wait for mommy (to get better). I am a good boy.” but he slurred his speech so much in the raw so it turned out like this. Slurred speech is so hard T.T2Hector3a knitted stuffed toy

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