Ai o Ataeru Kemono-tachi

Chapter 63: 63


“Chika, Chika, wake up!”

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Suddenly, I was shaken awake by a shove on my shoulder.


[Chika] “Umm…Gail…san? What’s wrong?”


I saw Douglas-san also quickly get dressed and had a weapon in his hand.


[Gail] “I sense something disturbing around us. I’m sorry, but I need you and the children to be ready to move anytime.”


At that moment, Johan-san jumped into the tent.



“They’re not demonic beasts, but beastmen. There aren’t many of them, but they’re surrounding us.”

“It doesn’t seem like they’re targeting Theo or Alex… it’s probably some idiots targeting Chika or the children.”


Alex-san and Theo-sama came along with Glanz-kun.


“Uncle, what are we going to do?”

“There’s no reason to wait for them to attack us, so let’s set them up and crush them. But don’t kill them because I want to know who’s behind this.”



The fact that I might be targeted sent a chill down my spine.


[Gail] “Chika, don’t worry, trust us. Please take care of our children.”

[Douglas] “Theo, stay here and protect Chika, Alex, and the children.”

[Theo] “I understand.”


Theo-sama pulled out the sword from his waist and adjusted his stance.

I held Hikaru and Licht, while Alex-san held Glanz-kun.

Of course I believed everyone could handle those beastmen targeting us. But still, fear swelled up inside me.

I guessed my fear got through to my children. Hikaru began to cry in a small voice and Licht’s ears drooped uneasily.



After a while, we began to hear the sound of metallic weapons clashing, followed by the sounds of people groaning and falling. 

My body started trembling, and my nerves had reached its limit.

At that moment, Licht slipped out of my arms, which were full with my children, and ran towards the outside.

It happened briefly, so Theo-sama didn’t notice him slipping past and went outside.

Maybe my anxiety had gotten over me, and I became too panicked.

I hurriedly pushed Hikaru onto Alex-san and ran after Licht.


[Chika] “Licht! Licht, wait!!”



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I could hear Theo-sama’s voice from behind, but that wasn’t the point now.

When I looked around, I saw Gail-san, Douglas-san, and Johan-san, each holding a weapon and facing the enemy.

Licht was running frantically with unsteady steps towards Douglas-san.

I chased after him as fast as I could.


Meanwhile, I noticed that one of the people Douglas-san was dealing with was looking at us with an arrow attached to his bow.

The arrow was aiming at Licht.


“Licht!!!!! Stop!”


Apparently recognizing my voice, Licht stopped and looked back at me.


“Chika!?” “Chika!” “Chikayuki-sama!?”


Douglas-san, Gail-san, and Johan-san also seemed to have noticed me and Licht.

However, the bow had been tightened and the arrow was about to be released.

I jumped to protect Licht and held him in my stomach.

The next moment, after a sharp sound, I felt a pain as if a burning stick was pressed against my left arm.




I saw Douglas-san running towards me, who was unable to move due to the pain.


“Uncle, go to Chika-dono’s side!”


Theo-sama, who ran past my side, started dealing with the enemy in Douglas-san’s place.

Douglas-san held me in his arms and called me with a tearful face.


“Chika! Chika! Are you okay!? Hey! Hey!”

“I’m fine… Licht…”


Licht was still in my arms, and he seemed to be shaking and peeing his pants.

Pain slowly spread throughout my body from the part where the arrow was pierced.


“Licht is fine. More importantly, Chika, it’s your arm! It penetrates through your arm…what should I do…”

“Uncle, please switch with me.”


I hear Alex-san’s voice from above.


“Alex…I leave it to you.”

“I understand.”

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Douglas-san lowered me down, retook his sword, and let out the coldest voice I’ve ever heard.


“Gail, Theo, Johan… Enough. No need to go easy on them. Kill them all.”


His voice was filled with a ruthless tone that struck fear in all who heard it.


“Chika-san, please stay strong. The arrow has penetrated completely, but there is not much blood loss. But just to be safe, I will stop the bleeding forcefully. When my uncle returns, we will remove the arrow, and I will use healing magic to heal you.”

“Alex-san… ple…ase. Can you… look after… Licht, too?”

“Yes, I’ll take care of him. Hikaru-kun is not harmed either, so don’t worry. I’m still Chika-san’s self-proclaimed number-one disciple, after all. Please rest assured, Chika-san, I will heal you perfectly with the knowledge you have taught me.”


Alex-san put a smile on his face that seemed improper in this situation, but I could clearly see that he was just trying to put me at ease.

However, the pain in my left arm, where the arrow was stuck, changed from dull ache to severe pain.

All that I could hear from my surroundings was not the enemy’s groans like before, but only the death agony.

It didn’t take long for the surrounding area to become quiet.


“Chika! Are you okay?”

“I’m sorry for… making you worry…”

“It’s not your fault, so don’t apologize.”


All the enemies must have been taken care of because the four people fighting them have returned with worried faces.

Gail-san and Douglas-san’s faces were pale.


[Alex] “Uncle, can we remove the arrow now? We need to heal him soon.”

“Yeah…Chika, this might hurt a little, but please bear with it.”


Douglas-san held me and raised my body.


[Chika] “Yes, I will. Alex…san, there’s a non-zero possibility… that pulling the arrow will cause major bleeding. At that time, use the healing technique to close the wound… and hematopoiesis1hematopoiesis/hemopoiesis: blood cell production that I taught you before… ”

[Alexei] “I get it.”

[Johan] “Chikayuki-sama, please excuse me.”


Johan-san used the dagger he had to cut off the arrowhead sticking out of my arm.

His hand movements were so difficult to follow with the naked eye that I didn’t even feel the slightest vibration.


“Chika, Gail is going to pull out the arrow, and I’m sure it’s going to hurt. Don’t hold your voice, you can also bite my arm if it’s so painful. Don’t ever hold back, okay?”


“Chica, I’m sorry…I’m pulling it out.”

“Nn, aaaaahhh!”


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The pain was instantaneous, but the pain that coursed through my brain and my entire body was so intense that it drained the strength from my body.


“Chika-san, the bleeding seems to be okay. We will continue the healing process, so please be patient for a little while.”


Although I couldn’t see the process because Douglas-san was holding me, I knew Alex-san was performing a healing technique on me, as that peculiar discomfort spread from the wound.


“Ugh, Nnaaaaahhh, mmm!!”


As I screamed out in intense discomfort, Douglas-san pressed his arm against my mouth. I could feel my teeth sinking into his arm, but I couldn’t help it.

As I continued to sink my teeth into his arm, the discomfort suddenly disappeared.


“Chika-san, it’s over.”


My stiff body relaxed, and there was definitely no pain when I moved my arm.


“Thank you, Alex-san. There’s no pain and everything seems to be back to normal.”

“I tried to fully concentrate on healing the blood vessels, muscles, and nerves that I learned in the lecture, but is it okay?”

“Yes, thank you so much.”


I tried various movements, but there didn’t seem to be any aftereffects.


[Douglas] “Chika, don’t make us worry too much.”

[Gail] “Chika, are you really okay? Are there any other scratches or pains?”

[Chika] “Yes, I’m fine. Speaking of it, Douglas-san, is your arm all right?”

“Ah? Do you mean the part where you bit me? I don’t even feel it.”


Both Douglas-san and Gail-san’s faces were finally getting closer to their original complexions.


“I’m really sorry. I was so focused on Licht that I didn’t see what was happening around me.”

“No, I never expected Licht would panic, so I guess I wasn’t thinking straight either. It’s not completely your fault.”


“Rather, Chika, you did a good job protecting Licht. Thank you.”

“Not at all…I was just too absorbed, or rather, I was desperate. By the way, was Licht okay?”


I could see Hikaru sobbing in Theo-sama’s arms, but I couldn’t find Licht.

Then, from behind Gail-san, a dejected Licht with his ears and tail drooping clumsily walking towards me.


“Mommy, sowwy… I’m so sowwy…”


Licht kept apologizing as his tears trickled down from his little eyes.

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I dropped off at the place, and then I picked up Licht.


“It’s not Licht’s fault. I guess you could tell how scared I was, so I’m sorry I made you feel scared, too. Good boy, can you stop crying now, baby?”


Although I hugged him tightly and stroked his head while saying that, Licht kept crying and sniffling.


“Okay, okay, there’s nothing to be afraid of anymore.”


I continued to pat Licht’s head and soothed him.

Then, Johan-san came up to my side and prostrated himself on the spot.


[Johan] “Chikayuki-sama, I am truly sorry for my mistake in letting you get injured… even though I was entrusted with the responsibility to protect you. I will accept whatever punishment you want to give me.”

[Chika] “Wai-, Johan-san, please don’t say that. This time was considered my fault, so please don’t worry about it!”

[Johan] “But……”

[Gail] “Johan-dono, Chika also said this, so there’s no need to worry. Besides, we were also unable to protect Chika.”


Gail-san took Johan-san’s hand and made him stand up while talking to him.


“I wonder who these guys were. I forgot about restraint and killed them all, but maybe that was a bad idea.”

“No, Douglas-sama, as long as there is a corpse left, it is possible to find out the other party’s identity. Rest assured that we will find out who is behind this.”

“Seriously… as expected of my father’s confidant. Can I ask you to do that?”

“Yes, please leave it to me. Then I will call my colleagues and take care of the situation here, so if you will excuse me first.”


After saying that, Johan-san disappeared from the scene.

I recalled how I chased after Licht while completely ignoring Theo-sama’s call.


“I’m sorry to have caused you trouble, Theo-sama. I could hear voices behind me, but I was too absorbed in Licht…”

“No, it was my fault for letting Licht out… because of my inexperience. I’m sorry, too.”

“Indeed, my brother was stunned for a moment after Chika-san ran out, right?”


“Oh, I see now. Gail and I will train you again next time, so look forward to it, Theo.”


For some reason, Theo-sama’s expression tensed up at those words.


After that, we waited for dawn to break before hurrying back home to tell Hector-sama what had happened.

When I told him that I had been hit by an arrow, Hector-sama fell down unconscious on the spot, but he quickly revived and strongly assured me that he would discuss the future with Albert-sama and that I could leave the matter to them.

When I went to Mintz-san to apologize for putting Glanz-kun in danger, he was extremely worried about me instead and examined me all over.


However, this incident made me keenly aware once again of my own weakness and helplessness.

I need to become stronger to protect these children…


1hematopoiesis/hemopoiesis: blood cell production

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