Ai o Ataeru Kemono-tachi

Chapter 64.5: 64.5


※This is a side story with no context.

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※Even if you do not read this extra, it will not affect the main story in any way.


The underground meeting hall had no sunlight shone through, and the air was constantly stagnant due to the high humidity.

Rumor has it that in the past, meetings of evil cults were held here every night.

In such a place today, people wearing black robes and cloaks and masks covering their eyes were gathering one after another.

Standing on the podium in the center of the circular assembly hall is my Lord…

Although he wore a black cloak and covered his eyes with the same black mask as the others, there is no way he could hide his innate dignity and aura, and there is no doubt that he is Hector-sama, the former King of Leonidas.

[Hector] “The 137th regular report meeting of the Circle of Human Lovers will now begin!!”

The audience cheered as our Lord announced in a loud, dignified voice.

That’s right, this is the meeting place for the circle of human lovers hosted by our Lord.

Previously, dozens of old acquaintances of our Lord (although almost all of these dozens of people are influential figures in the center of the country…) gathered together and carried out activities in a small group. As soon as Chikayuki-sama’s existence was widely introduced in our country, the number of members increased dramatically, and now there are several hundred people in the community.


The only requirement to become a member is that you must “love the human race with all your heart,” and there are no questions about your social status or origin.

Of course, we secretly conducted background checks to ensure no dangerous individuals were sneaking in…


Today, as usual, I almost got dizzy standing here looking at the faces of the participating members.

The man with the words “LOVE HUMANS” embroidered in gold thread on his black robe is a civil official from Fishreed whose diplomatic skills are highly admired by our Lord.

He is known as the diplomat of the permafrost because of his unsmiling appearance in any situation.

Nearby, holding a so-called “Chika-chan” doll with great care is a military officer from Wolfair, known for his bravery and is feared by hostile countries as the war demon.

Seeing a wolf tribe military officer with a more ferocious appearance and physique than me, holding a Chika-chan doll in his arms, smells a bit like a crime…


Not only that, but I also glimpsed other well-known faces, including the head of our country’s commercial guild, the minister in charge of national politics, knights, and chamberlains.

Of course, everyone was wearing masks, but there was no way they could hide their identity with those masks.

Thus, I have always wondered why these people wear masks.

[Hector] “Without further ado, let’s start with the miracle created by the human race! Let’s hear the report on the economic effects brought about by Chika-chan, both domestically and internationally!”

My Lord…you are the only one who calls Chikayuki-sama “Chika-chan”, so please don’t act rashly…

Well, I know that you have no intention of hiding it, but…


Report by official A from a certain F Country

Since Chikayuki-sama’s cuisine using ingredients from my homeland was introduced to the public, which has become very popular in the royal capital, our country’s export trade surplus has increased eightfold compared to the previous year.

In particular, the export volume of Lahish, which Chikayuki-sama calls rice and likes to eat, is increasing day by day.


In addition, seasonings, which had never sold until now, are selling surprisingly well. Even in our home country, production has been unable to keep up with demand.

This has led to new national policies such as expanding farmland, building work facilities, and promoting the employment of workers, which has had such a positive impact that it can be called a revolution in our country.

Chikayuki-sama is truly the god of salvation for our country, which has earned small amounts of foreign currency mainly by producing food products.


“Chika-yuki!” “Chika-yuki!” “Chika-yuki!” “Chika-yuki!”

Are they the people of Fishreed? Enthusiastic calls came from those robed participants near the diplomat.

If you look closely, you will see that the robe has delicate embroidery that says, “Humans are the best!”, “God Chikayuki!!”, and “LOVE Chikayuki”…

If Chikayuki-sama’s two spouses find out about this, their lives might be in danger.

[Hector] “Silence! Silence! I see, the influence of Chika-chan’s cooking has spread that far. The Washoku1Washoku is the Japanese word for “Japanese food” and consists of rice, soup, side dish, and tsukemono (Japanese pickles). It has the principle of “ichiju sansai” or “one soup, three side dishes” to accompany the rice and is said to be a Japanese way of eating that provides ideal nutritional balance.
meal recipes Chika-chan has taught us are very popular in the country, as you can guess.”


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Report by commercial guild official B in a certain L Country

First of all, as mentioned in the previous report, the cuisine invented by Chikayuki-kun is very popular these days.

The three stores that have already been chosen to open chains in the country are; Chika-chan’s Signature Cutlet Sandwich Shop, Chika’s Favorite Crepe House, and Chika’s Homemade Rice Ball Shop.

These were made possible with the cooperation and investment of a powerful sponsor, and long lines have formed everyday since the store opened.

In response, it was hastily decided to first open one store in every commercial district in the north, south, east, and west of the royal capital.

After that, we would like to move on to other cities within the country and eventually to other countries.


“That cutlet sandwich is really delicious. It’s great that you can eat it with one hand despite its big portion. Chikayuki-kun, who invented that, is really amazing, isn’t he?”

“The rice balls are yummy too, right? It’s not as filling as a cutlet sandwich, but it tastes comforting when you eat it. It’s like the person who made it is putting their heart and soul into it, and I’d love to have my ‘pair’ made it for me…”

“Come to think of it, the crepes are delicious as well, but sometimes I feel like someone who looks like His Highness Alexei is making crepes there. Is it just my imagination?”


“Why would royalty work in the crepes store? You should have seen it wrong, but I’m really grateful that the number of stores is increasing because they were hard to get before.”


Also, as we all know, Chikayuki-kun is working hard to spread the new academic system called medical science throughout the world.

Some of you here may have already experienced firsthand the treatment and healing techniques of Chikayuki-kun and his students. That is truly magnificent.

Even diseases and injuries that were previously incurable can be treated with medicine.

Elves, dwarves, and even fairies have flocked to Leonidas, eager to learn more about this knowledge.

They each try to help spread medicine in their respective fields of expertise.

The benefits go without saying, of course, but they’re not solely focused on that.

Dwarves make full use of their casting abilities to create not only weapons but also cooking utensils and other household goods.

Nowadays, even ordinary stores in our country can easily display cooking utensils made by dwarves on their shelves.

The same goes for elves who are good at pharmacy and fairies who are adept at making magic tools.

Valuable items that previously would have cost outrageous amounts of money to acquire are now available on a daily basis as the makers of these items continue to flock to our country.

The benefits of this are immeasurable.

Of course, our country does not intend to monopolize this benefit. We intend not only to consume it domestically but also share it with neighboring countries at a reasonable price.


Thunderous applause and cheers erupt from the hall once again.

“It was truly a dream of mine to cook with a knife and pot made by dwarves…I never thought I’d see the day it would come true.”

“Until now, only the aristocrats could get medicines made by elves. I can’t thank Chikayuki-kun enough for making it available at such an affordable price. My father’s health has improved thanks to the medicine.”

“Magic tools made by fairies are valuable not only for their appearance and value as accessories but also for the strength of the magic they impart. I never imagined that one day I would be able to easily buy them for children for crime prevention purposes.”


Chikayuki-sama… I’m sure you haven’t noticed, but apparently, the commercial guild received quite a bit of profits thanks to you.

I suppose I should report this to Douglas-sama.

[Hector] “Chika-chan’s healing techniques and medical knowledge are genuine. It is no wonder that other races who pursue knowledge and technology as their purpose in life are attracted to her. I can’t wait to see what will happen from now on. Next, the report on recent trends in the human race.”


Report by the adventurers’ guild staff C

I am a staff member of the adventurers’ guild, and I look after the children of all the guild employees.

There, I also take care of Chikayuki-san’s child, Hikaru-kun, who is so adorable… his puffy cheeks, his round eyes, his innocent expression that didn’t know to doubt others, his small hands and feet that looked like they would fall off if I touched them… No, excuse me.

This is where the main issue comes in.

Immediately after giving birth, Chikayuki-san left Hikaru-kun in the nursery and returned to his job, but as you can see, he needed to breastfeed him.

Chikayuki-san often takes time out of his busy schedule to visit the nursery, but how he looked at those times was… his breasts were fully exposed in front of some of the staff members, among them are those with strong animal nature, and he breastfed Hikaru-kun without any concern.

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We are all proud employees of the adventurers’ guild, and we are doing our jobs with pride, so there is no way that any mistakes will occur, but I am so worried if a thoughtless person were to see him in such an unguarded figure.

I would like to ask you to please do something about it.


“Isn’t it dangerous for such a young and cute human child to have his breasts exposed in public? Even if he doesn’t feel like it, some people might get a weird feeling.”

“Predators can be rather indiscriminate…”


Oh, Chikayuki-sama, this is why I warned you so many times…

When I told him to please hide before breastfeeding the baby, he said, “No one will be pleased to see the nipples of a poor guy like me, so there won’t be a problem!” with a smile on his face….


[Hector] “Ay, I understand! Chika-chan really does have a tendency to lure people in without realizing it, and there’s no guarantee that it won’t lead to unfortunate outcomes for both parties. I will inform him of this matter and have him improve his behavior. I would like to recognize this as an issue for the entire human race and consider the establishment of a new law. Is that good enough?”

A loud applause of approval rang out in the hall.

What in the world is the establishment of new law…I wonder if our Lord intends to add a clause to the law stating that humans shall not expose their breasts in public.


Report by official D from a certain W Country

I’ll be honest.

I used to think of humans as just weak creatures.

In this world where the strongest and fittest survive, it is fair that they should be eliminated because they are the weakest.

The audience booed wildly, and our Lord raised his hand to calm them down.

However, I know now that I was too arrogant to think that way.

Even I, who are called the war demon, respect their strength.

It started with my first encounter with Prince Alexei and Chikayuki-dono.

This country is peaceful and my duty as a resident military officer was incredibly dull.

Hence, I took a few of my men to the land where the ferocious demonic beast lived to pass the time as well as to test our skill.

I was arrogant enough to think we would never fall behind any demonic beast.

As a result, we were outnumbered and overpowered by the strength of the demonic beasts. Two of my men were seriously injured, and I was wounded all over my body, to the point where my dominant arm was almost torn off.

With the help of the remaining subordinates, we were rushed back to the royal capital and received treatment at the guild’s health department.

But I was being arrogant here too…or maybe I was desperate.

My subordinate would most likely die from those injuries.

Besides, even if I were saved, I wouldn’t be able to wield the sword like I used to with my dominant hand.

I called out to the healer, who was about to start the treatment.

“Forget it. It’s not going back to how it was anyway. My men will die like that, and I will die like this. No need for healing techniques.”

I will never forget the look on the human healer’s face as he turned towards me after I said that.

He had a mixed expression of anger and sadness, and even though he was very young, I could sense a strong will in his eyes, and he surely glared at me brazenly.

Then he came to my side and slapped me on the cheek.

Sure, it was a slap from a human, and for me, it was the same as being patted by a child, but I was stunned because I didn’t expect to be slapped by a human.

“How can you…how can you say that you will die so easily!? There are people out there who can’t make it and die despite wanting to live desperately, you know? I will be responsible for healing your injuries and those of your subordinates. So please don’t talk about dying so casually in the future! Am I clear?!”

The human healer’s face was crumpled, and tears kept streaming down his face.

He told me that he would heal my subordinate first, and when the human healer left, His Highness Alexei came to me as if to replace him.

“War demon-dono of Wolfair, you may indeed be risking your life on the battlefield to protect your people. I respect that. It is true that we humans are powerless, but both Chika and I are also fighting to save as many lives as possible every day on the battlefield called the Health Department. Please refrain from making any disrespectful remarks regarding this.”

His Highness Alexei’s expression as he spoke was so dignified and confident that it was hard to believe he was a frail human being.

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And then the healer from earlier returned, saying he had finished treating my men.

You’ve already finished healing my subordinate who is on the verge of death!?

I could hardly believe it.

No, in the end, I had to believe it.

He saved my subordinates’ life and healed my arm without leaving any permanent defect.

I apologized to him for my earlier rudeness, but he apologized back.

He laughed and said he had a bad habit of losing himself when he sees people who doesn’t value life.

I had no choice but to change my perception.

These humans are indeed poor and weak compared to us beastmen.

But in the truest sense, they are strong.

After that, I found out that the healer who treated me was Chikayuki-dono, the talk of the world nowadays, and here I am now.

I can’t thank Chikayuki-dono and His Highness Alexei enough for changing my world, which was once full of prejudice and plain arrogance.

I now believe that my strength lies in protecting these humans.


“It’s true that some people around us make fun of humans just because they have lower physical abilities than beastmen. I wonder why they don’t understand that good virtue.”

“We tend to be overconfident because of our strength. However, the human race is different. Kyril-sama, Alexei-sama, and Chikayuki-kun are all ‘strong’ as humans, aren’t they?”

“Rather, we should protect and care for them because their physical abilities are less than ours, and conversely, I want the strength and kindness of humans to be given to us beastmen, but there are too many fools who don’t understand that.”


He is indeed a member of the circle of human lovers.

If you let them talk about the human race, they won’t stop talking about it, or rather, it’s a little scary to see them talking about how amazing the human race is, as if they were in a fever.

Also, all reporters, how about putting more effort into hiding your origins?

It’s obvious by the proper nouns you used and the name of your country… So, what the hell is that mask for?

[Hector] “Silence! Silence! It was a wonderful story that clearly shows the greatness of the human race. Thank you, war demon-dono. The human race is indeed physically very weak compared to us beastmen… My companion died due to an epidemic so easily. However, their strength lies in their hearts, and all of them, except Alex, have suffered unspeakably at the hands of us beastmen. And yet they are living strongly in the present. Also…this may not be the place to talk about it, but humans are very virtuous and proud. So much so that they have the strength to choose their own death if they are defiled…. No, I’m sorry this turned out to be such a gloomy story.”

It is true that humans are virtuous, so much so that they are fastidious.

I felt that they have a strong sense of virtue that suggests that any deeds other than with their approved “pair” or anima are taboo.

This is supported by the fact that most of the deaths of the human race rescued from slave traders or whose villages were attacked were due to suicide.

That is why even my Lord could not stop the decline of the human race.


[Hector] “And this is an announcement from me! I would like to talk about the Chika-chan dolls that were invented in our circle and are about to be mass-produced…. I’m sorry…because of my lack of ability, it has been decided that all of the dolls will be recalled, and production will be discontinued.”

Screams and shouts erupt from the audience.

[Hector] “I’m so sorry!! This is my own fault…. One narrow-minded man said he would never allow it, and Chika-chan’s other companion also looked at me with a sinister expression…. Also, Chika-chan himself pleaded with me, so I was quite ashamed…”

The hall was filled with sobs and sighs, like a funeral hall.

Common sense would tell you that you wouldn’t like many people having a doll resembling your spouse…

Especially when the dolls really resemble your figure, which makes me feel sorry for them, even though it’s my Lord’s doing.

[Hector] “However!! Here’s the good news! Chika-chan made this for me because he would have to take away the doll because of his selfishness!”

My Lord held up something that looked like a stuffed animal knitted with woolen yarn.

Its shape is a lion…could it be the beast form of my Lord?

[Hector] “This is a handmade doll by Chika-chan! It seems to be called amigurumi, but he made it to resemble my beast form. Chika-chan says it’s very easy to make, so he can teach us how to make it so that we could also make it ourselves!”

The entire venue was filled with thunderous cheers.

“Is it seriously handmade? I definitely want one of those!”

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“I’d like something made by Kyril-sama if possible, but it’s impossible….”

“I’m pretty sure His Highness Alexei is working with Chikayuki-san, right? Maybe if I ask, I can get a doll made by His Highness Alexei!?”


What are you people trying to get the royal family to do?

And, Chikayuki-sama probably thinks that the circle is small, with only a few members…

What would happen if I told him there are hundreds of members?

I think it would be best to discuss this with Douglas-sama.

Chikayuki-sama, you are too kind…

[Hector] “Now for the last, the consultation corner! We received a letter from Z-kun, a resident of Leonidas, because he feels that his safety is in danger if he appears here.”


Confession of a civil servant Z

My name is Z. I work in Leonidas in a position close to the royalty.

I often meet the Queen due to my work. He always smiles gently and appreciates my labor.

I think it’s a great honor, and I felt happy just seeing him as a member of the circle of human lovers.

But lately, I’ve come to feel like that it’s not enough.

Even though I know this is a deviation from the rules of the circle of human lovers, I can’t stop the fantasy inside my head.

I don’t want Kyril-sama’s smiles! I want to be glared at by those long, cool eyes of his!

I want a disdainful gaze, as if he were looking at filth!

And instead of words of praise, I want to be cursed by those well-shaped lips!

And if possible, I would want him to step on me with his long, slender, beautiful legs!

Of course, I will never put these into practice, and this is just my imagination.

But I’m already having a hard time holding it all alone.

Someone, please help me.


[Hector] “Hmm…. Z-kun is in trouble, I see. Kyril has that appearance, and with his true nature… cough, cough, he might attract people with such tendencies. However, since the purpose of our circle is to love, care, and protect humans, satisfying one’s own desires is not in line with our purpose. Poor thing, he should just forget about Kyril. But I will introduce Z-kun to the best brothel in town. There, he will find a wide variety of girls who can satisfy his sexual desires!”

I had a terrible headache because it didn’t make much sense.

As soon as the consultation was over, I saw someone suddenly standing up with a clatter and another person desperately trying to restrain him.

The person holding back the person trying to stand up, isn’t that my brother…

Then, the one raging next to him is…no, I don’t want to acknowledge that fact.

I made up my mind to review the security system of the venue.

[Hector] “This concludes the 137th regular report meeting of the Circle of Human Lovers!!”

According to our Lord’s declaration, the circle’s activities had ended safely today.

Although my Lord does not hesitate to say that this is part of his important mission to protect the human race, I know that 90% of this is just a hobby.

But with such a strong influence, Chikayuki-sama is undoubtedly a wonderful person…

I am so honored to be able to serve by that person’s side.

But if the scale of this circle’s activities continues to expand, I feel like having a headache worrying about what I’m supposed to do…


1Washoku is the Japanese word for “Japanese food” and consists of rice, soup, side dish, and tsukemono (Japanese pickles). It has the principle of “ichiju sansai” or “one soup, three side dishes” to accompany the rice and is said to be a Japanese way of eating that provides ideal nutritional balance.

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