Vol 2 Chapter 2-4

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After we get home, I confirm the bathroom inside the house. The tub is being installed with water heater as the resource is magic stone. Of course, it cost you money if it is being used.

The Magic fill the empty tub with hot water.

She is dirty compared to the ordinary people since she is the slave. So I urge her to take a bath.

「The hot water is ready, so would you mind to take a shower? Please clean up yourself」

「A shower?」

Maria is looking at the tub with curious eyes.

「You don’t know about to take a shower?」


「Its clean up your body. So enter the bathroom to clean up yourself but be careful with the water since it is hot」

「……Yes, I see. Okay」

Maria answered my word and begin to prepare for the entering the bathroom.

Apparently, she says nothing and takes interested in it but also vigilant.

Seeing her like that makes me wonder about what kind of person Maria is. The only thing that I know Maria have some point for cooking skill.

I left Maria in the bathroom and head for the kitchen. And I draw out the food that I bought earlier. I can use fire magic stone in the kitchen freely, but this time, I will make a simple dish like a sandwich of salad.

However, even though I finished the meal, seems like Maria still not done yet with her business.

「Maria, are you done?」

「Yes, right away. But how to wipe out my body?…」

「You may use the towel near you」


This is the least of the standard life you should have from now.

Before long the bathroom’s door is opened, and Maria gets out of the from the bath.

With wearing a new cloth, Maria says nothing come closer to me. It is embarrassing to watch a girl who just got out from the bathroom, but I concealed my emotion and do pose like usual.

The water which left from the shower, drop fall on the shoulder of her. I wipe Maria’s head with the cloth at hand and make her sit on the chair which besides the eating table.

「Sit over there. Though it was already late, please have the dinner」


Maria replied me just like that. Perhaps in her eyes, this meal is somewhat strange.

Then Maria takes her seat. So do I on the opposite side.

Maria in wondering in silence while I start taking the food and holding up the sandwich.

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「Whats the matter?」

「Apperantly I miss understood」

「Hmm? What did you misunderstand?」

I’m curious about the perspective’s slave, so I decided to ask her.

「I was told that one day I will have regret being born as a woman due of that I will biting my own tongue」


From her suddenly I heard about regret. Sandwich inside my mouth got queasy. This is the story about slavery-related fate after all.

「You will command me to commit a crime, stealing right?」

「I won’t do that. At least you don’t have to worry about that」

「At least?」

「Yes, I might sell you again tomorrow. So at least you could prepare the resolution regarding that. Honestly, it was a mistake that I bought you today. Because I fall to the atmosphere」

I’m wondering what kind of reply she will say.

Since tt’s not possible to bring Maria over to the Labyrinth the better way is to recover back the fund, I can just sell her again anytime. It came to that option in the result after I think calmly.

But the opposite I just don’t dare to say it.

That is why because I’m weak mentally, Maria accidently being dragged.

First of all, she actually resembles with… No, I have to think something aboutLabyrinth launch.

「Ummm……Then why did you buy me?」

「……That’s my line, why did you always fixed your gaze on me?」

I returned her doubt with my doubt. I don’t want to say my real reason, but if Maria didn’t stare at me, perhaps this kind of thing won’t have happened. That’s why I didn’t respond Maria’s question.

「Because you have black hair…」

Maria answered me while chewing the sandwich.

What a simple answer. Right, black hair is rare in this world. Thi is is a little bit anticlimactic.

「Really just that? You have the black hair too you know?」

「Me too, that is why because I have such a hair and eyes my clan kicked me out. Because I have this kind of hair and eyes, my life became terrible. That is why I’m interested in you are the one who has the same eyes and hair like me」

While saying so, Maria is touching her own hair.

I convinced that She is not lying. Maria is telling the truth. Then, I answer the question which Maria asked ahead.

「I’m so sorry for you. But let me say this. Indeed I bought you by coincidence. Looking at you made me in pain, so I didn’t have no choice but to take you. Really, my reason is only like that」

Honestly, the idea is really complicated to explain. But, If I said the real reason ti will take this conversation too long.

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「Okay. But. Shouldn’t you have in pain looking at others slave as well?」

「It was paining me, so don’t make me recall it again」

「……Is that so. You might not care about them, but I feel sorry for the others」

The conversation became uninhibited by Maria. Along with communication flow, her personality is becoming clear. But still, I feel kinda irritated by her words.

「…What a sassy slave. Don’t change my mind and stir me up okay?」

「With this eyes I can convince myself that it will be alright」

Maria said proudly while keep taking the meal. I don’t find in my knowledge about a slave have that kind of attitude.

Though just earlier she was so quiet. I wonder after having the conversation she has insight into my life.

「It will be alright? Why do you think so?」

「You are the kind of person like for example if you saw a weak people, you feel pitiful and make sure they are safe」

Maria straight answered my question.

I lost my word and became freeze.

「Saving weak people to satisfied yourself….generally you can’t do such a thing to me, can you? You are really kind」

Maria’s eyes are fixed on me.

Her eyes are not the same eyes that I saw previously when she was still in the slave market. It resembles the Palinchron eyes.

I take a deep breath while still reviewing Maria’s character.

She has the confidence that I can’t just throw her away. Though we are just met she able to evaluate me to this extent.

And then at that moment, I use my skill, observe.



Name: Maria HP31/41 MP35/35 Class: Slave

Level 3

Strength: 0.89 Vit: 2.02 Dex: 1.23 Speed: 0.73 Wisdom: 1.07 Mpw: 1.91 Quality: 1.52

State: Confusion: 0.42 Alertness: 0.89

Origin Skill: Insight: 1.44

Aqquired Skill: Hunt: 0.67 Cook: 1.07


In my judgment, she has no high status at all. But, she has something that anybody doesn’t have.

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It is the skill of Insight.

Perhaps she chose me over when I was in the hall of the slave market.

There is a possibility she used her skill to pull out herself from the situation. Then I continue the conversation.

「Yup, I won’t do anything bad to you, but I could sell you anytime you know?」

「You may do as you please. No matter what, I can’t do anything if that’s happening」

Right after me, Maria answered me naturally. I put my gaze on Maria and let out the sigh.

After Maria resolution, she is getting my respect. But compare to me I’m embarrassed despite she is just a slave.

Still, it’s different each individual have their own circumstance.

No excuse since from the beginning I was the one who wanted to buy her.

「……Haaa, a slave, is just such a pain. Really, I don’t know anymore」

The feeling of defeat is drawn on my face, and Maria is looking at me.

「Though I have a grudge toward the residence of the city…」

Maria put a frustrating face while muttering something.


「……Really you have fetish for weak people, the worst」

「I will like a child who obeys and listening to me, though. Haaa, I give up, I surrender. Do what you want. You may sleep on the bed over there, and I will sleep here.  And…don’t wake up early tomorrow okay?」

Said that, after we had the dinner without cleaning I move to the nearby sofa.

For the time being, let’s take the rest.

But, Maria interrupt me in the midway.

「Wai, wait a moment! You are not setting up the collar first? If you are not, there is a possibility that somebody will steal me you know!」

Maria made a panic face.

Ah, I remembered something that I heard when I was in Slave Market.  If you drop your blood on the collar, it will automatically become the official master of its slave. With that function, it will secure the slave.

「Aaa, there was such a thing? Stand still like that!」

I get up and pull out my Tressured Sword of Aries.


Maria screams out.


「Ah, Sorry. Are scared of sharp stuff? Don’t worry. Stand still like that. Magic, Gladiate Dimension」

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Right after said that I chant out my magic.

And then I point down my sword toward the collar and intend to cut it

I’m enough to do this. It’s not a good thing to let just as it, so I decided to cut the collar which resource of the problem.


I swung down my sword and cut the collar.

「You can flee to wherever you want」

I take the posture to sleep right after put my sword beside the sofa.

It can’t be helped if Maria decides to run away. I should have to use the 4 gold coins more wisely. Well, it best to not think about what I should do if she runs away.

The surprised Maria picks up the broken collar while babbling…

「…There is a limit to doing a thing to someone you know!」

「You don’t like it? Let me tell you, it is just the weak people timidly scare over such a thing, that is why I can only put my trust on such people」

「……No, I was joking」

Well, I closed my eyes already.

While on that Maria continue to talk.

「I can get out from here?」 But besides, no one willing to help me. Moreover, I don’t have a place to return. That is why it turned me up into a slave. I don’t know where I should run away?  Nothing change」

「I know, but I don’t know about your circumstance, well let me sleep」

According to Maria, a slave’s life obeys the Master who bought them.


Come to think of it even if I wanted to run away, but there is no place where I should go. Since this world is not my origin, I don’t have someone that I know. There no one who want to help me or the place where I could run away to. It is the same as me. Even there is a place but not in this world.

That just make me the same as a slave.

Conquering the Labyrinth make me kinda a slave.

If that’s so, who is my master then? Will it something from the Labyrinth or System? I don’t know.

「Good night, My Master」

Inside the darkness of my closed eyes, I heard Maria’s voice.

She called me, “Master” Then I give her my respond.

「Its disgusting……」

I heard a sound of Maria get on the bed. I feel relieved, and finally I able get to sleep.

Like usual, while getting to sleep, I build a plan for the next. But due to my tired, I fall to sleep.

A long day is ended. A new companion is increased.

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