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These measurements are for your typical beings that are born with and not leveled or altered in any way, shape or form.

Human - 0-1000

Elf - 0-5000

Demon - 0-7500

Devil - 0-12500

Goblin - 0-100

Goblin King - 0-500

Wolf - 0-0

Wolf King - 0-1250

Fairy - 500-8000

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Fairy Queen - 500-12500

Beast People - 0-500

Dwarf - 0-250

Dwarf King - 0-1250

Slime - 0 - 50

Big Slime - 50 - 100

Huge Slime - 100 - 500

King Slime - 500 - 1000

Baby Dragon - 5000-10000

Adult Dragon - 10000-50000

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Dragon King - 50000-250000

Dragon Queen - 35000-67500

Dragon God - 1000000-1500000

Brave - 0-5000000

Demon King - 5000000-1200000

Half Elf - 0-2500

Orc - 0-250

Orc King - 250-1250

Kobold - 0-200

Kobold King - 0-500

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Wyvern - 2500-7500

Baby Wyvern - 1750-2750

Wyvern King - 8000-12800

Zombies - 0 - 0

Lich - 750-5000

Lich King - 3000-9000

Skeleton - 0-0

Angel - 0-5000

Vampire - 2500-7500

Vampire King - 10000-15000

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Vampire Queen - 12500-17500

Vampire Princess - 7500-10000

Succubus - 1000-3000

Incubus - 1000-3000

Trolls - 0-0

Troll King - 0-500

Werewolves - 500-2500

Werewolf King - 500-6000

Giants- 0-5000

Giant King - 2500-8000

-Will be updated as I can't think of any more races at the time of creating this. @@

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