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"Wow, why is it so dark all of a sudden. The crows are cawing, its raining and thundering. Isn't this bad omen?" Sam said as he continued to walk forward while looking around with his eyes darting restlessly.

"Calm down, what could possibly happen to us. The only thing bothering me is the rain, it's making my clothes soaked." Lance said as he calmly walked on the mountain.

"But It's bad omen you know! Bad omen! We could be encountering death right now!" Sam cried out.

"Hey! Think about the three girls right now? Wouldn't they be scared too right now? They also literally live near where we do. They could be encountering death right now too! To be exact, they are encountering death right now!" Lance shouted at Sam.

"Why would they be encountering death right now?! Those three girls are too overpowered! Did you not see how they beat me to a pulp during the entrance exams!" Sam cried out.

"No, I did not." Lance quickly said.

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"Ugh, what's that smell?" Sam asked Lance as he smelled something really terrific.

"Smells rotten. Do you really want to check out what it is?" Lance asked Sam.

"Yeah, we should. I feel like when we see it. We will know we really need to prepare." Sam said.

"Alright, since you have your senses. I will trust in you, now let's go. The smell seems to be coming from that way." Lance said as he pointed to his left.

"Alright, prepare yourself," Sam said as he slowly made his way over to the disgusting smell.

As the two inched their way closer to the smell did they hear some noise.

Crunch Crunch Crunch

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"What is that sound? Sam whispered to Lance.

"Don't you already know what that sound is? You truly know it in your heart." Lance replied to Sam in a low voice.

"How about we say it on 3?" Sam asked Lance.

"Agreed," Lance replied.

"1, 2, 3." Sam gave the countdown.

"Bone crunch." They both said at once.

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"I knew it, let's get out of here," Sam said immediately as he turned around.

"Don't do that, you idiot!" Lance said, however, it was too late.


Truly, what unlucky was. Sam had stepped onto a twig and snapped it in half. The crunching sound had stopped as a low growl sound was emitted from where the crunching originated.

"Run!" Lance immediately said as he ran past Sam.

"Wait up! Why are you running so fast! Shouldn't we be together on this one!" Sam cried out.

"You're right about that," Lance said as he slowed down his pace while looking behind Sam to see if he could see any movements.

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"I think we're good?" Lance said as his hand which was on his katana's hilt gradually loosened.

"Yeah, I think we are good now," Sam said as he put down his guard.

However, that was a bad move for both of them, as there was a noise directly above them from the trees.

"RAWRRRR!" The monster cried out as it dropped down onto the both of them from above.


Author : Nyehe, cliff hanger yes! That's the 4th chapter done for today! I am stockpilin today!


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