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Back in the boy's dormitory.

"Oh, you're finally back?" The boy who was reading a book on his bed asked as he heard the door open.

"Yeah, I am back. What is all this stuff laying around here for? They weren't here before I left." The other boy asked him.

"Oh, they are our new roommates. Two of them." The boy replied.

"Do you know their names?" The boy that just walked in asked him.

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"Naw. They never told me." The boy said as he closed his book and placed it under his pillow again.

"Now that I remember it, you always put your book away when you're talking to someone huh? What do you even read Chad." The boy who walked in said as he dug through his luggage to find clean clothing for him to wear.

"Ah don't worry about it." The boy who sat on the bed said.

"Oh yeah, did you see two people on your way back? One fat one, and another with a katana equipped." Chad asked him.

"Huh? No, why? I only came back because the landlord warned us of there being a strong monster in the mountain currently. They are dispatching a team to go kill it right now." The boy replied to him with a puzzled expression.

"T-this is bad… The two went to explore the mountain. They haven't gotten the communication devices from the boy's dormitory yet." Chad replied to him.

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"What! We need to tell the landlord right away!" The boy said as he stopped whatever he was doing to go find the landlord.

"Wait up Benji!" Chad shouted from behind him as he hopped off his bed and chased the boy from behind.

"Tch!" Lance immediately saw the sabertooth tiger using its shadow step ability once more as it had disappeared from both of their sights.

"Sam keep running forward! Careful though! He might appear behind you and attack you!" Lance warned him.

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"I got it! I didn't know it had a shadow step earlier! So I wasn't prepared for it!" Sam said as he carefully observed all 360-degree angles around him.

However, after waiting for a few seconds, the two still did not see the tiger. This made them both even tenser as they could not always be alert as it caused a lot of energy to drain from them.

"Sam! Continue running! Let's see if we can find anywhere to corner it in. This mountain has too many trees which lets it have a lot of covers to use to sneak attack us." Lance said as he continued running forward while being cautious.

"Got it!" Sam said as he started to follow Lance from behind while also being cautious.

"There's a cave! Enter it!" Sam said as he spotted a wide-open area in the mountain to their left.

"Got it!" Lance said as he immediately dived into that cave with Sam following him from behind.

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"Torch!" Lance chanted as fire appeared from his finger illuminating the cave so they were able to see in the dark.

"Now we wait." Lance said as he looked at the entrance of the cave.


Author : Wow, this is like, the longest fight thing I've ever done in my entire life.


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