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"Achoo!" Sam sneezed as he started to rub his nose.

"God, did you all just get the chills too?" Sam asked them.

"Yeah… It was like, a vengeful ghost wanted to kill me or something… I kept hearing the whispers of, 'Stay away from my daughter!' repeatedly in my head… I think I should just go to sleep…" Chad said as he was already terrified of this abnormal thing.

"Yeah, me too… I brought protective charms just in case a ghost would really attack us at night…" Sam said as he started to rummage through his bags until he found some charms. He then started to put them around the room.

"Do you actually believe in those charms?" Chad asked him.

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"Of course! I have never been attacked by a ghost to this day because of these protective charms!" Sam said as he hit his chest reassuring them.

'Sure sure whatever, why would a ghost haunt you anyway?' The three thought to themselves as they laid on their bed.

"Well whatever, I am going to sleep. You three do whatever." Lance said as he laid on his bed before closing his eyes and falling asleep.

"Yeah, I am going to sleep too. I didn't know being with girls could be so tiresome… They actually made us carry the luggage before we parted ways… Can't they just carry stuff they bought on their own?" Benji said as he laid down on his bed before quickly drifting away to dreamland too.

"Welp, good luck Sam. Don't let the vengeful ghosts bite." Chad said as he turned off the light before he too, fell asleep.

"Whatever…" Sam said as he fell asleep as well, after guaranteeing all the protective charms were set up.

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"Ah! A refreshing morning!" Maria said as she woke up and stretched her body.

"Keep it down Maria, the other girls are still sleeping," Elise said as she slowly rose up from her bed while rubbing her eyes.

"Nyaa~" Light faint breathing sounds could be heard from Maal who continued to nest in her bed.

"Well then, I wonder how Sylvie is doing," Maria said as she went to the bathroom to start brushing her teeth.

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"She is doing well. We've been doing this for almost 200 days after all." Elise said as she started to brush her teeth too.

"Nyaa… You two are awake already nya?" Maal slowly stirred up as she heard the two of them talking in the bathroom.

"Yeah, come rise and shine Maal. It's time to fetch us a Sylvie." Maria said

"Alright nya…" Maal said as she gave a small groan before hopping out of bed and going to the bathroom to wash her face and brush her teeth.

"UGHHHHHH… Somebody save me please!" Sylvie gave out a small cry as she was being hugged by four girls and could not escape out of the bed.

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"Why is it always me! Why can't they hug Maal to death? She's so cute! Why me!?" Sylvie cried out as she just couldn't find the reason why.

She was finally free after the other girls came to wake up the girls that were keeping Sylvie restrained.


Author : :)


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