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"I have spoiled him too much! If he kills in the academy, even I can't save him!" The noble's father said as he held his head in agony.

"Looks like I will need to teach him a lesson after this round." The noble's father said as he clenched his fists.

He could only watch on as the students all charged in to kill Maal with a hopeless expression on his face. He could only pray that she wouldn't die so his family would not lose their reputation.

"Get them!" The contestants said as they all charged at Maal and the random young boy.

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"I'll take care of the ones on the right, you take care of the ones on the left." He said as he started dashing at them with his dagger in hand.

Maal merely nodded at him as she started dashing at the left side, wanting to clearly end this round quicker so she could go back to napping. She was really tired from waking up too early still.

"We've got you now!" The contestants said as they swung their swords at her when she got near them. However, the sword was met with nothing as it cut through a mirage of Maal.

Suddenly, multiple reflections of Maal surrounded them as they did the same actions in unison.

"W-what! What is this!? She must be a demon! No one can have so many of themselves!" The contestants screamed out as they were in fear.

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Maal hearing these accusations did not care, as she rushed in at them while brandishing her dagger. She aimed at the chest for all of them before sending them off the ring. Clearly avoiding the vital parts so they would not die.

She did not know, doing this would save a certain noble family's reputation. Which the family head would repay her later in the future.

After finishing up the contestants that went after her, she looked towards the boy who had supposedly helped her. She watched silently as he took out the enemies one by one.

"Die!" The contestants said as they brought their sword down upon his head.

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Seeing this, he immediately ducked as he dodged to the side. He then quickly got behind the contestant before giving the contestant a stab in the rib before kicking him off the ring.

That was his move to get rid of these nobles, he counter attacked and sneak attacked them whenever he could. The nobles may have flashy gear and everything due to their money. However, that could not help them cover up for their lack of skill.

The boy had only wanted to help Maal because he sensed that she would be a good opponent. And he only wanted to fight stronger opponents so he could get stronger himself.

He was truly a battle-maniac, as he completely single-handedly destroyed the entire group of contestants. Both Maal and him had finished their sides, leaving one arrogant noble left that had ordered the charge.

"Stop! You can't do this! Do you know who I am!?" The arrogant young noble said as he walked back in fear.

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"Don't know, don't care," Maal said as she kicked his buttocks making him go off the ring.

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Author : zzz


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