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"Hmm, where is that lady that has the Sakura Frost…" The lady cloaked in black said as she was walking around the streets which were populated due to the tournament.

"I wonder why there are so many people here right now. Or was it always like this?" She mumbled to herself before she asked someone near her.

"Excuse me," She said as she tapped a man on his shoulder.

"Hmm? What do you want, girl?" The man said as he turned around to look at her.

"I have a question, why are there so many people here right now?" She asked him.
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"You don't know?" The man asked her back as he looked at her in astonishment.

"Nope." She said bluntly as she shook her head.

"YOU REALLY don't know?" He asked her twice just to confirm she was not mocking him


"I really don't know." She said as she looked at him annoyedly for why he had to ask her that twice.

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"Sigh, you must not be around here or something. Right now there is a fighting tournament being held in the colosseum. It is for the students in the academy to fight. And students only." He said as he pointed towards the colosseum which was relatively close and not too far.

"Oh, is that why? When are the matches?" She asked him.

"The next one is in 45 minutes now I believe. You should hurry and get a seat before all the seats are taken. The entrance is that way." He said as he pointed towards a shack near the colosseum.

"Alright, thank you!" She said as she left and went towards the entrance of the colosseum.

"No problem!" He said back at her as he went back to doing his own business.

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"Wow, I can't believe that there was actually a fighting tournament being hosted the moment the Sakura Frost was contracted. Maybe this is fate?" The lady muttered.

"If fate is being played like this, she is definitely watching this tournament as well! However, there are too many females here… How will I narrow it down? I don't even know what the Sakura Frost looks like. All I know is that it looks like a katana… Sigh, many swords look like katanas nowadays." She gave out a sigh as she realized how annoying and tedious her mission would be.

"Guess I will just have to look at everyone one by one." She said as she secretly started to look at everyone in the colosseum one by one as she waited for the match to begin.

"Hey did you guys feel that? I felt as if I was being watched just now…" Maria said as she got goosebumps and started to shiver.

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"Me too. Someone definitely just scouted us out, however, that was only a glance. Maybe they were just looking around?" Lance said.

"Indeed, I felt that too. Even Maal felt it even though she is asleep. You can see her tail standing up." Elise said as she pointed at Maal.

"Looks like we need to be careful now. Since we did create a lot of attention in our matches." Lance said as he warned the group.

"Indeed." They all said.


Author : :<


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