Event: Final Battle No. 1

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I was going back to Bandu and I was planning to think about things slowly, but Rion did not allow it. The rumor that Rion was a missing prince was spreading quickly. Of course, it is just a rumor, and it is a story that is limited to the nobles ahead of the spread.
Still, this speed is just enough for Rion to question the secrecy of the kingdom. However, this matter is not necessarily the only problem in the kingdom. That is why Rion attracts attention from the surroundings, and many people who search for information also have a considerable influence.
So what did those who got Rion’s amazing information as they wished? As the Kingdom’s high-ranking members were concerned, they were actively approaching Rion.
The first move was the neighboring lords of Bandu. It’s just that I was able to get in touch with Rion quickly because of the closeness rather than moving quickly. There is no need to worry about the excuse. Let’s get along well with your neighbors.
The thing is just a rumor. Now, for the purpose of many people who have only a connection with Rion, the mouths of the appearing messengers are all really roundabout, just like exploring somewhere. In addition to that, Rion had to play a number of difficult games, saying that he would never admit to being a royal family.
If it is thought that the visit of the messengers from the neighborhood is over, the next one is a messenger from a distant place. It will continue for days. There are many days when the day is over, even with time and mental fatigue, just by exchanging with the messenger, and there are days when the day is over, so it is not possible to think about the future or to work on the consul Only had passed.
I had no time to think about anything extra, so in the sense of mental recovery it might have been better.
Recently, I have finally shown me calmness, and I have some room for everyday life. I’m devoting that vacant time to what I had not seen before.

“… good”

Rion arranged the letters piled up on the desk. It seems that it has ended, and the letters are sorted and placed in several boxes.

“What’s that, right?”


Ariel asked about such Rion.

“Sort of letters?”

“I see”

“Somewhat biased in one place. Why?”

“… yeah”

Ariel’s eyes are slightly lifted. It is an expression when angry that I do not know how many times Rion saw again. However, Rion does not know what is angry at.

“It’s strange, isn’t it all female?”

“… I can not see it”

The letters are stacked in a box. Although it is visible, it is about two or three above. I can not tell you all. So why does Ariel say this?

“What I read just a moment ago”

It is decided because I saw it.

“After all …”

“Because there were also some names of women I knew.”

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“That’s right, because everyone is acquainted at the time of the academy.”

Even if I say acquaintance, there are various partners such as female students and their maidens. What is in common?

“Would you know that, to what extent?”

“Hmm …”

In other words, I know him hard to talk to Ariel. Ariel’s eyes are getting harder and harder.

“Because that’s the time of the academy. It is necessary to erase the bad reputation.”

It is that women and Rion who are full of boxes have a connection as a driver for raising reputation in order to offset Vincent’s bad reputation.

“I know that, but it is …”

Ariel also knows the fact that Rion had close relationships with many women. Rion didn’t imitate that to Airyle. But, indeed, I did not expect Airliel to this point either. There was even a girl student’s name that I thought was true.

“It’s like that, because it’s another. Because it’s another with everyone.”

“What is that?”

“So …. Anyway, everyone who thinks I have a little connection with me just sent me a letter.”

“Are you in love?”

“No, I used to write something like that, but it’s not really serious. I just want to have a relationship with the past and just connect with me. Not someone who is involved

Most of the letters actually sent are for that purpose. I want to make a connection with Rion by using even a few musicians. Among those who thought so, it might be that there were those who noticed in the school days.

“… So why do you have a past relationship?

“If you can’t do that, you don’t have a relationship with your followers. Well, I can’t fall in love with anyone you write.

“… yes”

I will try to bring out the past men and women relationships and make connections. Certainly, I can not understand it. Ariel has no such man, but if Rion does the same thing, it will undoubtedly be able to grab the cheek.

“Well, I know it’s not a credible person.”

“Oh, it’s good to read.”

Even if I understand the circumstances, I would like to complain. There were also letters in which enthusiastic text was written just as Ayriel wrote love letters. Ariel doesn’t like it.

“Even if you don’t like it, there may be people who need to do so. For confirmation.”

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“Are you there?”

“Well, that’s right, people are this box”

The box pointed to by Rion contains only three or four letters. Most of the other people are the ones Rion does not trust. This is a natural result, as I chose three or four, I can say that Rion has become much more kind to others than before.

“What does that person do?”

“I’m in trouble. I can think of what I can solve with money as a reward I am indebted to in my school days, but other than that. I do not know what to do.”

“What else is there?”

“I want to go away”


“It’s a bad opponent, but I can’t say that I’m going away because of the power of the reign. I can’t ask if it’s a good excuse if the royal family asks for it in the side room.”

“… what are you going to do?”

Even if it is not Eyriel, it is suspicious content so as to doubt it. Whoever listens to it seems that the excuse is the other way around, aiming at Rion’s side room. It is probably only Rion that becomes insensitive at this moment as it is not suspicious of this.

“I leave it to Sol”


Although it should not be related to a couple’s thing, it was Sol who had lost the presence without listening to a single word, but he reacted unintentionally to this surprise.

“Because I’m doing it in person, I’m doing something so useful.”

Since coming to Bando, Sol sends information to the Chief of the Knights of Knights, as ordered, when and whom Lion meets. Rion also knows. Even as Rion, there is an advantage that it is not necessary to search for an angry person by not falling.

“No, but what should I do?”

“Recommendation to ……………

It is Baraberu that it is a total no idea.

“You have not decided yet, right?”

“Decide on it now. Do you order something strange again to take away Ariel, or I can’t sleep for fear?”

To the extent that such a statement can be made, Rion has been digesting Prince Arnold.

“Do you really think so?”

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“I do not think”

“… I think it’s difficult to intervene even if you’re joking about the matter of Highness Wang. If you are unhappy, how is it for your parents’ home?”

“Is it likely that there is an advantage?”

The marriage of nobles is politics. It is not uncommon to marry someone you have never met and never met. Not only that, but just because you have power does not mean that you will be greeted by a beautiful woman. The position of a regular wife is determined by the outcome of political ties, regardless of Biei.
However, the nobles in this world have so many beautiful shapes that they are unusual, so there is usually only a difference between the average beauty and the best. It is such a world.

“If you were born in a noble family, you need to be prepared for it”

“That’s right …. I’m a bit unfair, but I can’t help it.”

“Do you really support your money?”

“Well, because people who bothered me for the sake of this, I feel apologize for now.”

“……Is that so”

Somehow Rion’s way of saying made Sol so concerned. It sounded as if it had cleared the past. If it is to forget the past grace, Sol is also welcome. However, it did not seem to Sol that Rion could do it.
This Sol’s intuition is correct.
Rion knows that the final battle with the devil is finally over. As a result, it is not known to Rion what Maria’s ending will be, but in any form it will end the game. The time when Rion was waiting is finally coming.
There is still some confusion about Rion about what to do with the Kingdom of Grand Fulham, and with Prince Arnold. But there is no reason for revenge against Mary, and Lancelot, Erwin.
The time for action is approaching. That is the time of past liquidation.


Final battle with the devil. The Grand Fulham kingdom is finally ready.
In fact, the preparation time for the war was not so big. The time spent was to corroborate the information that the devil’s home is indeed underground, also around the capital city.
Therefore, the investigation based on Maria’s testimony was advanced thoroughly. Find a place where it is considered to be an entrance to the capital city, and from there a survey following the devil’s hometown. An underground survey of the ruined castle that was the basis for Rion’s guess. Besides these two major surveys, various studies have been conducted, such as analysis as to whether there is really another place to be based.
As a result, the conclusion drawn is that the home of the demon must be underground, which must also be underground of the ruined castle.
It takes a long time to research, and it must be, and it seems that it is not enough, but this can not be helped. The only way to get a solid proof is to get into that place, which will be home again. It will be over the investigation already and it will be a decisive battle.
And the kingdom decided to start the decisive battle.

The strength of the battle is about 50,000. Of course, it has become more than the battle with the former demon.
However, more than half will be devoted to the royal capital defense. In a survey based on Mary’s testimony, the underground route, which is an entry point to the capital city that was supposed to be used by the demons, has been extracted. But the people of the kingdom are not optimistic as they believe it all.
I do not know what it would be like if a demon would invade the capital city from the underpass that I had missed. Even if the number of demons is small, it will not be easy for the residents to panic and to get rid of them. In order to prevent the situation, the kingdom has decided to deploy nearly 30,000 troops beyond the attacking force in the royal capital.
And the remaining twenty thousand are the real decisive force. Both Maria and Prince Arnold and the Vandu forces who follow it act with this 20,000.
It is an abandoned castle that the army has headed. It has been confirmed that there are several layers of space in the basement of the ruined castle, which is quite large, and the kingdom expects it to be somewhere or all home to the demons.
Divided into several units and conduct simultaneous invasion of the underground space from the confirmed passage to the underground. That was the basic strategy of the kingdom.
But, because things are young, I did not go as the kingdom thought.

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“Is there a report from the scout yet?”

The general commander of the attacking army is the deputy chief of the Kingdom Knights Corps. The general commander was annoyed that he asked the subordinates.

“The scouts around the back of the castle have not returned yet”

“… what is the situation so far?”

The general commander could not wait for all the scouts to return. It was a surprising report that the scout who had been ahead had shown the appearance of a demon on the wall of the ruined castle, as it was about to finally reach a position where the ruined castle could be seen.
If this were the case, a siege would be required before the underground invasion. Such an assumption does not say that it was nothing, but it was supposed that there was almost no possibility.

“The total number of demons is not clear yet. The number of demons visible is that there are not so many, but it is difficult to judge whether it is a fact or whether it is hidden …”

“…… Although it is an abandoned castle, is it a siege battle?”

The general commander prepared for the siege at this point. It is because the devil’s side who showed up does not seem to pull up without doing anything.
The situation is not very good. The castle is overwhelmingly favored by the defender. Because the demons say that they are ruined castles, the defenses of the castle itself are not high. There will also be a lot of defenses. However, there is no difference that the attack on the castle is troublesome.
More than anything, the chief commander thinks that it can not be imagined how the demons show how to fight. What I know is that the magician who is operating has a way of fighting without thinking about the life of the demon. This only gives a bad feeling.

“If there is so much anxiety, it may be better to think about the attack from the king city side too”

Anxiety of the commander was transmitted to Prince Arnold. I thought that I should not give an excuse for the operation, but I could not stay here without saying anything.

“There is a possibility that it will be a trap for letting it do so. The detected invasion route to the royal capital is only narrow and can not plunge a large army. If it is the attacking side, it will be a perfect situation for each individual defeat.”

The entrance to the underground passage of the ruined castle is by no means large either. However, it is possible to attack at least several places simultaneously, and the side of the attacking enemy also needs to decentralize the strength.
This is a well-considered content when deciding on a strategy.

“… That’s right, but there is also the possibility that this is a habit.”

“Yes, at least while I was investigating, it was reported that there was no sign of demons coming out. That’s it, so I knew it was hidden.”


“It’s a lot better than fighting in narrow underground. The defensive side of the castle has an advantage, but the offensive side has the advantage of choosing an attacking point and attacking time. There is no need to focus on anything.”

Until recently, he was a general commander who was showing himself quite upset, but now it seems to be calming down. If the order of things is clear, just act in accordance with the situation. Those who can not do this can not be the deputy chief of the Kingdom Knights Corps.

“He has sent him to the royal capital! The enemy has detected an attack, and has prepared and defended his defense. We will enter into a siege from this. I wish to carry the necessary materials on that premise.


On this day, the end of the final battle was cut off.
No one knows at this point that the last battle with the demons will be a long battle that can not be imagined at all from the previous battles. And this battle, after all is also a sub-event.

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