The Miracle Diva.

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We have watched Cidar-kun chase the pipsqueaks for a while.


A woman’s scream resounded. Oh, a Siren was submerging.

“Mission complete!”

And the Valkyrie went to work on her next prey. The Sirens are of flesh and blood. The Valkyrie is capable of singing semi-permanently, as long as it has magical power. It also does not make mistakes. The opponent will have to admit defeat if their voice gets even a little hoarse. It's only a matter of time before Valkyrie defeats the Sirens.

“Valkyrie, how much magical power is remaining?”

“No problems. There’s more than 90% left.”

Umu, there are no problems whatsoever. Well, propulsive power and singing won’t consume so much, right?

“Now then, why don’t we try our best, too! Kuurin, one more time!”


Kuurin turned into a gigantic fish and started swimming off the coast. Dirk made a proposal to me.

“Rosarin, we don’t feel like we can win, so let’s do it together.”

Well, there certainly is the risk of spillover just like you saw. It's no problem for all of us to do it together. I accepted Dirk's suggestion and we all hunted together for a while. Since we had hunted down all the surrounding monsters, we put up a barrier to prevent new ones from entering the area. All that's left was for the Sirens to go away and we can go swimming!

There were still a few Sirens, and it was just about lunchtime, so we barbecued our seafood haul. Oh my, fresh seafood is delicious. Prawns (-like monsters) and scallops (-like monsters) were simply grilled with butter and soy sauce or salt. It was insanely delicious! Fish (-like monsters) were delicious too! I enjoyed the seafood and the cool sensation on my feet.


I looked down at my feet fearfully and saw a woman with her hair resembling seaweed grabbing my ankle.

“Hii………… nooooooo!!”


I kicked it with all of my strength… no, it was a monster! It was probably a monster! That I kicked. Huh? I kicked it really hard...

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“Eh? It’s not moving?”

I accidentally made it look like a wet rag, so I healed it for the time being. It appears to be one of the Sirens the Valkyrie defeated earlier. The Siren was kneeling on the ground before me.
For a mermaid-looking Siren to be kneeling before me, what a seriously surreal scene.


“Please have a proper contest with meee! T, to think I would lose to that boat that I cannot even tell if it’s alive or not, that’s too crueeel! Waaaaaaahh!!”

The Siren wailed. Ahh… this cold gaze is tormenting me! But, I don’t think that I am at fault! I spoke to the wailing Siren gently.

“Umm… I think it’s far less cruel than killing you all. Rather, you should be thankful that your defeat could be decided with just a song. You are greatly mistaken if everyone would do as you want. In the first place, haven’t you guys attacked the human boats?”


“Ohh, what a splendid final blow.”

Curtis was amused by the crying Siren. Alphage-sama’s entire body was shaking. He seemed to be holding back his laughter. It was me who made her cry, but you guys are awful!

“Rosarin, I feel sorry for her.”

“Rosary, let’s compete with a song.”

“Rosarin, can’t we just do it?”

A mass of good intentions... I was completely defeated by my angels and the purifying power of the Pure White-sama.

“It can’t be helped, who here is good at singing?”

Silence. Hey, is there no one good at singing? In the end, we decided that the loser of rock-paper-scissors is going to sing.

And I was the one that lost! Well, I don’t hate singing, so whatever.

“... Whether I win or lose, you have to promise to move out of this area. Then I will have a contest with you.”

“Yes! I promise!”

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It was against the rules for the Sirens that lost to negotiate in the first place, so the Siren readily agreed. She also promised to persuade the rest of the Sirens.

“Valkyrie, return.”

Valkyrie turned into a guitar in response to my will. It politely came with a pick.


Dirk mentioned the name of an instrument often used by Christia's bards.

“No, this one is called a guitar. It’s a musical instrument Rin was good at.”

I played the guitar lightly, making sure no tuning was needed. Now, what shall we sing? Since I’m already singing let’s not do a worn-out hit song, but an impromptu one.

I played soft ballad-like music. Took a deep breath and started the song.


------As I stood In a pitch-black world just waiting for the end------

------The reality was so hard, and I was confused because I was not getting anywhere------

------And then you showed up------


The song picked up the tempo.


------You appeared before me out of the blue and you colored my world------

------You taught me that the cruel world was still the same, but the world was beautiful------

------Meeting you, walking with you, I got to know the world as I never knew it------

------If you can't get over the wall, break it down; if you can't break it down, climb it up------

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------Even if feeling pathetic or unsightly, we could go anywhere------

------I know I could do anything with you by my side------

------I'm sure that together… we could reach the future we want------




The sound of the guitar stopped.
Fuu, I exhaled. Aya? It’s quite silent here… eh? Am I perhaps tone deaf? Rin was pretty good at singing, though... but I've been told that I have an abnormal singing range, and people even called me a miracle diva, and said that I have a rainbow-colored voice...
Rather, is the Siren not singing?

“Rosarin… is that song about you and me?”

“N? N~? Yeah.”

Secret technique, ambiguous head tilting! The correct answer is Rin and Rosalia. Rather, Dirk is crying, oy! If you looked closely, a few other people were crying too!





The Sirens submerged one after another.

“It’s my loss… I cannot beat such a wonderful song. It's no wonder everyone submerged into the sea… you truly have a voice that touches the soul.”

So the rest of the Sirens submerged into the sea when they heard me sing, thinking they were defeated? Um, Miss Siren here... she used to be a beautiful woman, but she got ruined by crying too much...

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There was applause. Stop it, I'm dying of embarrassment. I’m getting confused about whether my chuunibyou syndrome has relapsed!

"I think Rosarin should have sung from the beginning without using Valkyrie.”

"... Well, looking at the results, I suppose.”

As expected of CRMC (Can read the mood, but don't care) Curtis. The Pitch Black-sama agreed with him. You are too blunt!

“Anyhow, you will be leaving from here, right?”

“Yes, however I do have a request for you, Miracle Diva.”

Miss Siren grasped both of my hands. It felt nice and chilly, but somewhat slimy. The seaweed from earlier? Or some kind of secretion that protects her skin… no, let’s stop thinking about it. No, wait! What the hell does she mean by Miracle Diva!? That’s a name that digs up Rin’s dark history, though!?

“I will have to refuse. Don’t attach strange names to people. I only want to take a swim in the sea.”

“I can leave it for later! Please!”

The other Sirens that submerged into the sea, came out with seaweed and other stuff entwined in their hair and started to prostrate before me in unison. I'm scared to death, though!

“Miracle Diva-sama, please!”

“Please save us!”

I was surrounded by numerous Sirens. What do you want me to do? I can't help but get a hint of trouble. And I’m no Miracle Diva, alright!
The old men and women of the fishing village were looking at the surreal situation of the Sirens prostrating before me from a distance.

“As expected of Martha-chan’s masters. She had the Sirens prostrate before her.”

“The song she sang was also amazing. As expected of the Miracle Diva-sama.”

Wait! The title of the Miracle Diva is about to take hold! I don't need such a chuunibyou filled nickname!

"Don't give me funny names! Stop prostrating before me! I'll just listen to you first!”

At this rate, the Miracle Diva will take hold in this fishing village! With a sense of urgency, I had no choice but to listen to the Sirens.

How did this happen!?

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