Promise of the Future

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While Dirk and I simply awkward, I decided to finish one more errand. Now that Shushu-san was away from Kanata-san, it was the time.

“Shushu-san, there is something I would like to do before returning.”

“Hm? Anything for you, Rosarin-chan.”

“... I hope you don’t find me too meddlesome. I’d like to meet with your father.”

“... With my father? I don’t really mind.”

Shushu-san smiled serenely. Shushu-san yo, you don't know why I want to meet your father, do you? Oh, well.


Dirk, on the other hand, understood my intentions and took on a reproachful tone.

“I am who I am. I will do as I please.”

“... I know. I will protect you. Let’s piss him off together.”

“... Dirk, I love you! The matter of my righty can be finally put to rest!”

“Righty?.........!! T, thank you very much…”

The curious Shushu-san took us to her residence. She said that her father was undergoing medical treatment, so Shushu-san was working as a Duke in his stead.

“Father, how do you feel?”

“Hmph, Shushu? I won’t acknowledge your marriage if that’s what you are here for.”

“... That’s not it today. You have a visitor. My Lord wanted to greet you. Look how cute My Lord is.”

Shushu-san was fully boasting. W, well, sure.

“How do you do? I’m Rosarin Rosenberg.”

“Dirk Barton.”

“I’m sick so excuse me for greeting you from bed. The name’s Oscar Void.”



I was in turmoil because I didn’t know Oscar-sama would be hiding in a place like this.

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“E, excuse me. It’s jsut… well, I know of a blonde beauty of the same name, so I was just a bit shaken.”


The three of them looked at me with delicate expressions.

“Well, that would certainly be surprising. Sorry for being an old man.”

No, it’s not your fault, Shushu-san’s father. He smiled and winked at us, clearly more mischievous than I thought. Handsome Uncle..! Oh no! He's so cool! I don't prefer blondes, but this is the first time I've seen one, an uncle at that, winking at me! As expected of Shushu-san’s father, he looks just like her. He's an androgynous hunk!

“Well then, what are you here for? Princess of the Roses?”

Ah, he cooled down. Everyone loves to give me weird nicknames that it makes me feel like a chuuni!

“I will get straight to the point. You don’t intend to agree to anyone except Leon-san… the Golden Lion, as Shushu-san’s marriage partner, right?”

“... What about it?”

"I have no intention of using you as living sacrifices. I forbid the sacrifice of the Magic Leopard clan as well.”

“... Hah?”

"I have found another way to reduce the power of the Evil. I will make sacrifice unnecessary forever. So, I beg you. Please bless Shushu-san with happiness."

“... Are you for real?”

“Yes. You can inquire from the royal family as well.”

“.................. I see.”

Shushu-san's father quietly wept. The reason he didn't approve of the marriage, even though he knew they were a couple, was to keep the Golden Lion tribe alive. It was for the sake of Wolfanea. If that was true, he would have liked to approve Shushu-san marriage, but considering the mission of the family, he couldn't do it.
That's why I thought that no matter how hard Kanata-san tried, it would be impossible unless we solved the root of the problem. That's what I thought. I'm sure he'll be angry with me. But I don't regret it. It's more important for Shushu-san to be happy.

By the way, as a side note, Beastmen who are aware of their pair mate will not go into heat with anyone other than them. However, there is an exception to this rule. It is said that if a special aphrodisiac is used, it is possible to make a baby.


“Shushulina… I will recognize your marriage. I wish you find happiness.”

“Yes! Thank you, Father!”

Shushu-san hugged her father tightly. She had a big smile on her face.

“Hey, you are not a kid anymore, stop it.”

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Although he said that, Shushu-san’s father seemed happy. I met Dirk’s eyes and we left the room.

“You seem happy, Rosarin.”

“Yeah. I’m glad it worked out well.”

“I love that about you very much.”

“I? Wha?”

He loves that? What is that? Don’t just say that out of the blue! You hunk! I also love you! I was so confused that I couldn’t say anything.


“You are cute when shy, too.”

Noooo!? I was kissed on the cheek! Thank you for the meal! It was delicious!

“B, by that you mean…”

“Hm? The fact that you can be happy for someone else's happiness so naturally, and the fact that you can act for someone else's sake without considering your own gains or losses.”

“I do have a little bit of gains and losses in my calculations.”

“Just a little bit, though, right?”

Dirk giggled softly. W, what a hunk!

“You have those qualities as well! I love your kind self!”

“A… ugh… thank you.”

He seemed to be embarrassed as he looked away with his hand over his mouth. This is a habit that Dirk-sama also used to do. It's too cute to be true.

“You are cute when shy, too.”

“......... Is this a payback?”

“No, I mean it. It makes me happy when you are flustered by my words.”

“... It feels weird knowing exactly how you feel.”



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While we were clinging to each other, the door opened wide.

“...... Sorry for bothering you.”

Shushu-san tried to retreat.

“Nono, it’s fine! Have you finished talking?”

“Umu. Kanata and I will be officially engaged in just a few days, and we decided to hold the marriage in a couple of months!”

Shouldn’t you discuss this with Kanata-san first, though? Kanata-san, do your best.

“I see. By the way, is your father ill?”

“We don’t know the cause. We had many doctors see him, but it was to no avail.”

Shushu-san said sadly. Why didn’t you just say so?

“I will look at him then. I do have some medical knowledge, after all.”



Then I saw a familiar pattern and stiffened.

“How long have you had this bruise?”

“Come to think of it, this bruise appeared at about the same time as my health deteriorated.”

By the way, the symptoms seem to be weakness, fatigue, nausea and auditory hallucinations.

“When did it start?”

“Since about two years ago.”

What a strong mental strength you have... he’s only physically weak. That's amazing, Shushu-san's father.

“Umm… I hate to tell you this, but you are possessed by Evil. Your mind doesn’t seem to be polluted, but you have been polluted with auditory hallucinations and insomnia which weakened your strength, so you are definitely polluted physically. If we know the reason, we can treat it! Chita!”


“Can you cure him?”

“N~ I alone won’t be enough. Call for Arisa, too.”

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That being the case, Arisa came over as well. We began the treatment immediately.

“Well then, eat up~”

And then, Rosarin’s special herb porridge to revive his failing strength! This is my brother's recipe! Shushu-san's father took a cautious bite, perhaps because of the delicate smell.

Shushu-san’s father’s eyes opened wide.


Oy!? There’s light coming out of his mouth!?

“Ro, Rosarin-chan!? Is my father alright!?”

"There's nothing weird in it! It's just ordinary herb porridge! I used dried Leviathan for the broth, but that’s used just a tonic at most!”

“A casually outrageous ingredient..."

As soon as the light subsided, Shushu-san’s father chugged the herb porridge. Is it not too hot!?


He demanded a refill! I rushed to bring fried rice and other items that I could make in a jiffy. Shushu-san's father devoured everything in a flash.

"Father... your fur got all shiny and glossy..."

It's definitely shiny. I'm not sure if it's because he was sick or because of the Evil, but his fur looked dried out just a few minutes ago.

“Rosarin, have you spoken your good fortune charm again?”

“............... I did.”

I seem to have unconsciously given the porridge a cheat.

“Rosarin-chan, My lord!! I thank you from the bottom of my heart!”

Shushu-san thanked me over and over again with tears in her eyes.

Oh, well. I don't care if it was a cheat or a bull crap, as long as it helped my precious friend.

“You are welcome. You have been doing your best all this time, weren’t you, Shushu-san?”

“I’m happy for you, Shushu-san.”

The happy crying could be heard for a while.

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