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TN: It’s 4 AM, I’m sleepy. I’ll see if I can do the rest of vol 1 today. Two more chaps for vol 1. And after that, vol 2.

In the middle of clear sunny day, both men and women were smiling.

 The adorned lecture hall was full of bustling voices. People who were crying because of the separation, people who were making oath on unbreakable friendship, and people who were standing side-by-side with the teacher and laughing together.

 There were also female students who were taking a stance, ready to pass the flower to student council member, especially to Patrick. It might be the graduation day for the famous student council members, but aside from junior and students who already graduate, there were also people who live around the neighborhood…

“Patrick-sama is amazing. He already went to the stage twice for previous student council president salutation and ceremony.”

“There’s also the certification award, that will be the third time.  This is Patrick-on-stage, how hilarious.”

“Rather than laughing at him, you should take his place at the ceremony… what are you reading, My Lady? “

 Addie who were reading the ceremony guide booklet turned his gaze to the book in Mary’s hand.

 He thought she was reading the same guide, but the booklet in her hand had different color. The thickness was different as well, it was already a different book.

 Mary who had her gaze lowered at the book, raised her face and answered,

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“Why, it’s guide book for the Northern Continent.”

 as if it was the most natural thing.

 The pamphlet in her hand had names for each area in the North and pictures of birds.  If the word ‘Carelia Academy’ wasn’t written on it, the cheap and ordinary design of that booklet was like mud and cloud with the Carelia graduation booklet.

 Glancing at it, Addie let out a big sigh.

“Even though we’re having a graduation ceremony…”

“My, it’s precisely because this is the graduation ceremony.”

 Because this is the last scene, Mary laughed while Addie let out another sigh.

For DoraGaku’s Mary, this ceremony was the last stage for her. Her biggest performance.

 Being accused by the princess, Alicia, and having all her sins exposed under everyone’s eyes. The villanious noble daughter who started her downfall by bullying the heroine. No, rather than a soft thing like a downfall, this place was definitely where she will be kicked down into hell.

 However, since the other player is Alicia, here was the so-called “serves you right!” scene, where Mary would be denounced. The more she would lose her place, the more Mary’s exhilaration increased.

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 So she explained while gazing back to her booklet. Addie only replied, “I see,” in disagreement.

 If one think about the current situation, there was no chance of Alicia and Patrick denouncing Mary. But if the path still continue just like DoraGaku, there was a might-be situation… and that was where she felt uneasy.

 Everything didn’t exactly go as what Mary said, but it was also wrong to say everything was different.

 Even if it wasn’t Alicia who denounced her, Mary might be chased out to the Northern Continent because of different reason. Rather, looking at her now, if nothing happened, she might as well went by herself to the north.

 That’s why Addie renewed his determination and grabbed Mary’s dress. “Hm? ” He stared at her eyes when Mary raised her face.

“Be it Northern continent or bird-donburi shop, I will follow you, My Lady.”

“My, you haven’t given up yet? “

“Of course. My place is by your side. Besides, I can deal with the bird.”

 Feeling her cheeks redden slightly, Mary tried to divert attention away by widening her eyes and laughed happily, “Then I’ll make you the assistant manager,” at Addie.

 The graduation ceremony went smoothly, and when Patrick went onto the stage for the third time, female students gave out shrill screams and some of them even shed tears.

 Meanwhile, Mary was about to laugh at Patrick’s second time on stage and by the third time, she could only look down while her shoulder shook with laughter.

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 However, she regained her control, and when it was the principal’s turn to talk, she already reverted back to her modest poise. You could even feel the determination from the way she looked to the front.

 Of course, it was because she knew her denunciation would come after this.

 She waited for that time boldly, without any shred of hesitance nor resistance.

“My Lady?…”

“It’s about time, Addie.”

 If everything went according to the game, after the principal’s speech, Alicia would appear while wearing a dress.

 The light blue dress was embroidered with royal patterns, and the tiara on her golden hair was simple but of good quality. Alicia who were wearing that dress had a regal bearing that was so different with her previous country bumpkin aura, enough to make the player hold their breath.

 And then, with everyone’s gaze on her, she would speak about her experience, about how bad the custom that placed importance in status difference and she swore to change it for the better.

 The ideal that could only be supported by Alicia, who lived in Carelia Academy as a common citizen, and Mary’s daily attitude was the archetype of ‘bad custom’.

 On the other hand, in-game Mary couldn’t accept that the country-bumpkin Alicia appeared as royalty in front of her, and continued to hurled abuse, not knowing that all her lies were already uncovered.

 Of course, Mary had no intention to make such unsightly figure, and since she wanted the downfall route, she had no intention to make excuse or lie.

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 It was true that she kept calling Alicia as a bumpkin, and she kept throwing sarcasm about how manner-less Alicia was, even after knowing her true identity.

 Above all, as a perfect noble daughter, to Mary who had table manners and good at feigning innocence, there was nothing more humiliating than being accused of being mannerless in public. Don’t make noise while running, don’t spill the bread crumbs, watch the angle when you bow… all that she said to Alicia were things that would make her run away in humiliation if those were spoken to her.

 That’s why she waited for the downfall boldly, ready to accept the end.

 With that determination, Mary stared at the stage, and when the principal was done with his lengthy speech, he bowed once.

 His shiny skin peeked out from his pitifully thin hair, reflecting the stage light. In retrospect, one year ago she recovered her previous life’s memories in the same moment. If you think this is the beginning of everything… it was not impressive.

 If the program was running as scheduled, the ceremony ended here. She could see some students who were stretching in their seat while muttering, “finally,” some who were dozing, and some who were slapping them awake.

 Everyone certainly thought that the ceremony is over.

 Only Mary stayed in her seat, waiting for the appearance of that person.

 And after a short while, her form slowly appeared on the stage.

 The heroine has come.

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