‘Doki-doki Love Gakuen ~ Koisuru Otome to Omoide no Ouji’, shorten as ‘Dora-gaku’; set Mary Albert’s Household as the second power holder subsequent to the Royal Families.

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She had always dressed in expensive garments; as might be expected her school uniform was haute couture.

Affluent with fortune she tended to be in charge of everything and did whatsoever she wants.

She had relentlessly taunted the heroine’s commoner sense into realizing their immense disparity in financial weight. Hence, Mary’s flaunting event scenes were termed the archetypal ‘obnoxious-snob’.


“Heh~, The Ojou in game has such lavish expenditures, huh?”

“That’s right. After bragging about something, she’d shot ‘Oh my, isn’t it stinks of plebeian here?” at Alicia’s personal belongings.”

“Again with the typical……..”


There’s nothing unexpected about it – Addie equivocated and Mary nodded in consent. Even both were nobles, even having an identical name ‘Mary Albert’; thatMary has poor intrapersonal skills.

But alas, this world’s reality is almost all of the nobles are accumulation of prides.

A princess imprisoned by the cage of Albert House, for Mary, spending her parents’ wealth to obtain anything she desires was a matter of fact. For instance getting numerous horse-carriages or had a villa built as her birthday present. Since her favorite foods were foe gras and caviar, she’d invite first-class patisseries to create them in her parties…….

The game’s Mary was possibly pompous in this fashion; likewise she’d boast her affluence by proclaiming ‘I’m the winner’. A girl born from Albert House, withal how prestigious her opponent’s lineage is they are compelled to admit defeat* and listen on her tall talk.

Howbeit, the real Mary has infinitesimal self-importance, everything new unfolding before her has constantly generated her ebullient reactions. One house-carriage is plenty; the archaic villa hasn’t posed any problem in accommodating her stay by far either**……….


“But, I have to be arrogant henceforth.”

“Speaking of arrogant, I haven’t yet seen you bragging Ojou. Also, you’d never buy anything expensive. Why’s that?”

“Even you ask why, I did buy things I want and I ate whatever I wish.”

“By the way, nowadays what do you want the most?”

“Someone’s dismissal”

“…………………..Ojou’s favorite food?”

“A dismissal letter is pretty hard to get, well I did get it but it disappeared when it’s still half-completed. Hey Addie, are you aware where your dismissal letter has gone?”

“No, I haven’t the slightest idea. Perhaps, a dwarf living inside your room has stolen it.”

“What a fantastical answer.”

“That wasn’t me, leaving aside ‘a dismissal letter which has no correlation to me’, Ojou’s favorite food is?


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To Addie who faked a cough to change the topic back, Mary muffled, “My favorite food…” and her face soon brightened.


“Is Croquette!”

“…………………Ojou, with that kind of level please don’t be so proud***”


Blowing a deep breath, Addie directed his sight on the menu.

Incidentally, they were in the third building dining hall. Given that it was lunch break, it was jam-packed.

Among them, Mary and Addie were looking at the lunch menu lists while lining up for their turn.

If it was ‘Dora-gaku’ Mary, once she entered, she’d take a seat and adjure “Hurry up Addie!” unfortunately, Mary didn’t do such eye-catching endeavors.

On the contrary, observing the compact dining hall, she nonchalantly uttered “We should have taken a seat first.” Unlike from ‘Dora-gaku’ one, Mary would never force others to give her their seat either.


“At any rate, the foods here are pretty pricey.”

“Well it’s a nobles’ academic institution after all.”

“Like foe gras and caviar, I’m surprised they can serve these.”


For Mary who still bemused, Addie nodded “That’s to be expected.”

Certainly as Mary mentioned, St. Karelia foods were profusely exorbitant, even a single dessert costs more than general house’s nourishment expenses.

The design layout was grandiose, equaling a first-class restaurant interior.

Moreover, chefs gathered from around the world plated their foods; it’s already surpassed the definition of ‘dining hall’.

Nonetheless, their customer-services were indeed lacking, as evidence of the lengthy lines. It’s a predictable outcome considering they put an extra care in each dishes.

It’s precisely an inefficient system, someone cannot help it forasmuch as the nobles being the cause. For commoners ‘fast, cheap and delicious’ are their priorities. Meanwhile, for people who have a leeway in time and pouch, ‘leisurely, high-priced, delicious and valuable’ are their approaches in selecting meals.


“But they sure are dilly-dallying. Shouldn’t they construct another one?”

“Ojou, again with the nobles’ whimsical remark………we can eat wonderful foods, so let’s be an adult and wait patiently.”

“Geez, I’m Mary Albert, y’know? Any foods listed here, I can eat them whenever I wish at home. If Addie doesn’t need to come, who wants to go to this boisterous place?”

“Well, if I wasn’t enrolled here, I probably would never eat something so pricey either.”

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Mary heaved a sigh noticing Addie joyful expression as he grabbed a tray.

Where in the world you can find a lady accompanying her servant buying his lunch……….well, she’s here, okay.

Spotting someone, Addie abruptly tapped Mary’s shoulder who was engrossed in her thought.


“Ojou, please look over there. Isn’t she Alicia?”

“Eh, where!?”


Indeed on the spot Addie appointed, Mary figure could be seen.

She sat in the corner of dining hall as to hide herself, edgily paying attention to her environs.

Held in her hand was a tiny box, plausibly her lunch, nearby it was a single platter which was improbable to be a handmade gourmet.

Inspecting the whole situations, Mary grinned.


“Addie, this is a chance.”

“A chance?”

“In the game, that girl didn’t have enough money and brought a lunchbox. The one who appeared before her…….”

“I see, the villainous Mary-sama would then boast her meals.”

“Yes. Presenting her luxurious meal, she poked fun at her meager lunch. Then Addie let us show her the vast difference between a commoner and a noble! With the high-grade seafood bowl****!”



“Ojou, there’s no such thing.”

“Ah, really?”


High-grade seafood bowl is no good, huh……….. Mary thence dropped her lunch ticket from her vision.

Written in bold font there was [High-grade seafood bowl] as expected it’s an unfitting food for an Ojou-sama to brag about.  Well, it’s certainly appetizing but…………..

While Mary was still contemplating, Addie swiftly removed her ticket and exchange it with the one he had.

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“I have a sudden urge to eat high-grade seafood bowl. Ojou, would you mind?”


Giving no chance to riposte, Addie ushered Mary to walk ahead; ensuing Mary to unintentionally smile.

Geez, what an awkward servant he is. But If I point that out, he’ll surely answer ‘I’m just acting in accordance to my master’s wish.”


“It can’t be helped then. I’ll reluctantly eat this………”


Mary naturally read the ticket.

Analogous to her ‘high-grade seafood bowl’, written in bold font was……..


[Fillet-lamb steak with foe gras]


“………….Addie, you sure can sap Albert House’s generosities to the utmost.”

“I just don’t want the Lord’s benevolence to be put into a waste.”

“Fine, anyway today I’ll show Alicia the difference between our standings.”


Taking a tray, the driven Mary continued queuing.

None so far had volunteered to sit beside Alicia, a commoner transfer student, as though they deliberately distancing themselves, the seat encircling her were left vacant.

“I don’t want to eat beside a commoner.” Was ostensibly what the blue-blooded thinking

Some whose curiosity took over them, jarringly eyeing at her and parts of them were palpably tattling her.

Of course, the one in the core of swirling attentions realized it herself; Alicia’s posture became smaller and she pulled a rueful face which induced sympathy.

For Addie who was in the same rank as her, he couldn’t ignore it as somebody else problem.

Nevertheless, Mary aloofly strode and seized a seat across Alicia like she owned the place.

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“Is it unoccupied?”


She enquired so in a menacing manner.

Both Alicia and Addie were dumbstruck, then Alicia accented “…….yes” and offered a chair whereas Addie still astounded watching Mary seated.


“Oh my, you brought your own lunchbox, huh? Why you won’t eat that one?”


Glancing at the plate untouched by Alicia, Mary expressly queried.

Alicia looked down in shame, and gently confided “I don’t know….”


“I, I’ve never learned about table manner……. And I’m afraid if I screw up.”


As she was an uncultured bumpkin, she sat in the corner to hide. Her usual effervescent atmosphere was absent as Alicia admitted.

Nonetheless, as expected from a nobility school, everyone in the dining hall has a perfect table manner. Even the girls displayed sophisticated conducts whilst eating and chatting.

Here they didn’t teach table manner but as a matter of course to do it. Therefore Alicia who wasn’t taught could merely reflect on herself in front of the polished silverware.


“Humph, it’s natural for a peasant girl to never learn table manner.”


Shooting a comment laced with sarcasm, Mary raised a fork and a knife. Thenceforth she gracefully put an ideal cut-size piece of steak to her mouth, everyone who has seen it ought to praise her faultless manner. That was to be expected, Mary was Albert House’ lady, she could execute table manner as natural as breathing.

Alicia was entranced by Mary’s elegance, and when she had broken free from her spellbound state, hurriedly lifted her silverwares.

She silently observed Mary, ineptly correcting her technique of handling knife and fork. Imitating Mary, she sliced a small portion and happily took a bite.


“…………….Ojou, let alone a villain, you became her role model.”


Eating his high-grade seafood bowl in front of these two, Addie swallowed his opinion.

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