“Today, I’ll unhinge her*! So I can ridicule her later!”

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Mary was totally ablaze; Addie, who stood nigh her, emitted a long breath.


“Ojou, for tonight only can you please refrain from impersonating a villain………”


Being opined, Mary retaliated zealously “Because It’s ‘tonight’ that I can’t!”

Obviously, her voice’s intensity, that Addie in close proximity perceived, was thunderous.

In particular, tonight Albert’s manor was overflowing with guests, unnecessary remarks must be buried.


Yes, negating the witching hour’s tranquility, tonight Albert manor was displaying kaleidoscopic vibrancy.

Visibly, tonight party was sponsored by Albert House. To celebrate Mary’s father’s birthday……….under such pretext everyone gathered, innumerable speculations were twirling inside their minds.

Those conjectures, as expected of the noble house merely second in authority from the royal families. Twinkling adornments covered the mansion, for this day instrumentalists were assembled to perform; a first class chef was serving the cuisine live. It’s resplendently fabulous**.

However from Mary’s perspective who disliked revelry, ‘ignorantly expending a great deal of gold for flamboyance, a social gathering of flattery and self-aggrandizement’, it’s truly exhausting.

Nevertheless as Albert House’s daughter she was obliged to attend, bearing a great burden***, concealing her urge to flee she had masqueraded as a splendid lady each year.


Although, this year was different.

This year Mary attended as the Albert House’s daughter, personating her role as a villainous lady.

Until last year, whenever this day came she thought ‘it’s a pain in the neck’, this year was peculiar. She was sizzling with fighting spirit.

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——-Candidly speaking, it wasn’t to celebrate her dear father’s birthday———


“Listen well; I’ve summoned that girl for tonight party. I’ll show our difference in social status there.”

“Difference in social status, huh?”

“Yes, as far as I know she only has a measly dress.”


Retrieving information from her memories, Mary smirked.

This as well was an event from the game.

Alicia was coerced to attend Albert House’s party, borrowing her acquaintances’ dress she went to the ball.

And in the entrance she was ambushed and beleaguered by Mary along her cohorts, moreover on that occasion Mary’s high stature escort suddenly arrived.

He recognized Alicia’s pathetic figure fleeing in tears. She was dragging her inadequate dress to leave the venue whilst being ridiculed, and was deprived from her beloved person ……………but her only option was to flee, it was a terribly humiliating development.

Notwithstanding, afterward an Otome game’s like episode awaited her.

The escort character chased Alicia, intimidating Mary who finally complied to explicate the situation, and at last he complimented Alicia’s appearance in her dress.

Thence depending on the choices, there’s an illustration of them waltzing under the glimmering moonlight in the garden as she received a princess hug. Beneath the starry sky, in an embrace they kissed…………..there’s that outcome too.


“Well, well, it’s diabetes inducing sweetness****………………then what happened to Ojou who was left by her escort?”

“They didn’t illustrate Mary that explicitly. If it was me, I’ll go back to my room and sleep; however the villainous Mary probably will unleash her wrath to her attendant?”

“Ah, how pitiful am I (game)”


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Empathizing, Addie wiped his imaginary tear.

But he immediately reverted to his apathetic self, “Setting it aside.” He returned the topic aback.


“Tonight, Ojou has put an extra effort for your dress, huh?”

“Right, I need to show her that I’m an otherworldly beautiful lady.”


Snickering, Mary puffed her chest proudly. Addie hurriedly averted his face.

Conscious of it, question marks were floating over Mary’s head.

What the heck happened to him? Today he has been sneaking some glances at me, yet when our gaze met, he rapidly diverted his eyes.


“What’s wrong? Is my dress weird?”

“No, nothing………it s-suits you”

“Is that so, I’m glad. It’s my once in a while selfishness to exclusively request this dress, if it’s ugly it won’t be a contest.”


Mary smiled elatedly. Addie deliberately cleared his throat.


Formerly, Mary wouldn’t fuss over her gown in this type of party.

Saying so, she did take delight in dressing up like any adolescent girls; being a noble daughter she had several favorite designers. Wearing stylish apparels made her exuberant, being praised enticed her glee. If it’s not because these distinguishable villain’s drill shape hairs, she would fiddle around with various hairstyles.

Nonetheless, she who carried her title as Albert House’s offspring had diligently showed up at parties to the point of repugnance. Of course not merely one or two pieces, she had dozens of new dresses at her disposal, conversely since they’re the same object; their designs are more or less identical.

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A design which didn’t over-shadow the guest of honor, yet brandishing pulchritude, decent exposure of skin for her blooming age, manifesting the presence of Albert House’s lady, and at last looked fanciful……..Thanks to it, her dozens of dresses appeared as carbon-copies.


Still, tonight was special.

Her gown tonight was daring at front and had grown-up approach. There’s no frills nor laces, a deep-blue one, even her hair ornament was specifically selected to match it.

Contrasting her regular ‘lady of prestigious aristocrat’ dresses, its’ design resemble the one ‘Dora-gaku’ Mary wore. Based on the illustration from the falling scene she somehow remembered, she instructed a designer to create it for today occasion.

Justifiably, in the process of designing this audacious gown, her parent had voiced an objection, yet Mary insisted till she gained approval.

Villainous daughter Mary-sama with her egocentrism, would have thrown a tantrum, howbeit for Mary who previously had never been selfish, it was a daunting task.

——‘had never been selfish’, well, it didn’t mean that Mary was justifiably an upright daughter either.  She was exceedingly austere in following her principles, and she had a criterion for every little thing which ultimately divaricated her from other aristocrats.

For instance, she wished to eat vegetables from far regions every day, unless they are fresh she wouldn’t consume it, forthrightly speaking she was indeed egotistical, and yet whether demanding for croquettes in each of her meal could be dub so by nobles’ standard.  No, there’s undeniably a preceding health problem with eating croquettes in every meals……..


Anyhow, forasmuch as its Mary unusual egocentrism, her parent reluctantly abided to her wish… result, seeing her donning that dress, her parent was dazzled.


It suited her. Enough to fascinate even her own parent

Mary, who didn’t wear her usual befitting dresses, exuded an extraordinary allure.


Her uncovered upper chest skin was refined and velvety; the azure colored simple dress accentuated her superior style.

Hitherto was deemed as ‘disgraceful’ then again when she put it on there was no such trace, rather one could sense her exquisiteness. As boldness equal to dignity, absolute confidence was needed to expose oneself.

The grown-up dress divinely fitted Mary. Indubitably, she herself had realized it. After all she had seen it for umpteen times in the game.

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On the contrary, Mary felt people around her that changed. Above all Addie’s reaction was intriguing, when she presented herself; he spurted out the coffee he was drinking and spoiled a single table cloth.


“That girl should be wearing a pink derisory dress. It’s her acquaintance’s hand-made dress, an A-line style one. “

“A-line or not, pink color definitely suits Alicia-chan.”

“Ehrm, it’s…..somewhat boorish”
“Well, from Ojou’s perspective A-line is surely uncouth.”

“That’s not the case. How to put it……it’s stink of boorishness, and beyond ‘indescribable’.”


‘The game characters’ senses of fashions are cataclysmic’……..was relatively a common article.

Especially ‘Dora-gaku’ was a Cinderella story with ‘A plebeian heroine inside a rosy world’ setting. Although it’s a party, if she’s cladded in wonderful dress, the players would feel a discrepancy.

In essence the Otome game’s principle was, even the heroine’s true identity is a Queen or a Miko, ‘the plain protagonist among handsome and popular boys’. With little impropriety, it’s easier to attract empathy.

That’s why, corresponding to Alicia, Mary enrobed a daring gown. ‘She who futilely using her charms to seduce man, and was wrapped in bold dresses, I can’t help but think she was designated as a revolting woman.’


While Mary was warped in her rationale, she detected Alicia’s frame up front. She was donning a puffy pink dress interweaved with ribbon and laces, slipping on high heels she’s not accustomed to, she hobbled like a baby born chick.

Over her golden mop, a gigantic ribbon with a matching pink was nailed, on her frilly and lacey bosom part there’s a flower corsage, to emphasize her hip line,  a ribbon was tightly fastened on her abdomen, and one of her hand was holding a parasol……….

During ‘Dora-gaku’ debut scene, ‘that’s impossible’ such exclamation was uttered for the controversial dress.

How to say it, after beholding it once again in real time, she thought


That’s impossible…….

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