Chapter 9-2

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When one played “Dora-gaku” they’d stumble upon several ‘date events’. The heroine and her partner would saunter around at town and do a shopping, having light conversations……those little casual things found anywhere.

At times there’re sprinkled with accidents, such as the heroine being harassed by mobs or her partner being kidnapped out of the blue, random occurrences that were unsolicited but crucial turn points to determine the capture target’s affection in order to clear it.

Plus, sometimes an unexpected capture target will invite her and to reluctantly refuse him will result in decreasing the other capture target’s affection parameter……well such tragedies were prone to happen, the event last for a short life nonetheless has high appearance frequency thus the player’s cleverness was repeatedly being challenged.

——–Among those players, when their date invitation were rejected they’d reset as the last method. ——–

That’d be the last ‘date events’.

Mary would be stepping her legs inside such a battle.

And looking at the time table, the timing was approaching closer than ever.

“Hence, Ojou is going to mess with their date?”

“Exactly. All this time I’ve let them run free, but I ought to partake in the game last event, the date event.”

“I see……….however why’d you choose this time?”

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The date should be at noon, right? Addie questioned. Mary’s sharp gaze was directed toward her surroundings.

They’re at the town’s central area.

Assortments of fashion stores and general merchandise shops were lined up at the plaza; it was a perfect dating spot.

It’s just past 9 o’clock. Only few of the stores have started their business this early, moreover barely any people were present. The hustle bustles of lives will commenced at noon.

At the tranquil view of the urban square, Mary placed her hands on her hips seemingly like an overbearing commander while beside her Addie stayed nonchalant; they made a quite disproportionate picture.

“As you’ve said Alicia’s date will begin at noon. However there something we must do before that.”

“Um……why……..*yawn*. Can I stop over at that café?”


“Come on Ojou-sama! We must hurry up and do that important thing! I’m brimming with spirit here so there’s no way a yawn just slipped out!”

“……..I see.”

Mary heaved a sigh toward Addie’s typical insufferable attitudes and looked around.

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The florists and cafes have finished their preparations to welcome customers; although most of other shops were not and some have close notification board stilled being hanged on their front doors. Eyeing a shop, Mary ushered.

“Let’s go shopping Addie!”

Mary declared. And Addie, noticing that the previous threat still mingled with her tone, swiftly answered, “YES!”………whilst tilting his neck in wonder.

In date events the heroine and her partner usually spent their time playing around within the town, exchanging words and doing modest activities along that idea. Once in a while, there were options presented but the answer wouldn’t make a big impact on the overall story.

Nevertheless it’s different for the date event’s last scene. Only this event held the scenario’s final outcome and a special mechanism was embed.

Forasmuch as it’s an important date, Mary couldn’t refrain herself from being involved.

Several days ago her pride took a huge jab and it dampened her motivation; be that as it may she longed to accomplish her role as the Villainous Mary, to deliver a harsh chastisement even just once.

She’s going to gallantly appear between the heroine and the capture target………..

“I’ll trash talk Alicia and snatch her partner before her eyes.”

“And consequently Ojou in the game was austerely dumped.”

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“Well, I wonder…..”


As Mary was snickering rather creepily, Addie’s gaze was filled with doubt. Nonetheless Mary buried the subject as a riddle and with a shout, “That is!” changed their topic in a jiffy.

First of all, having a discussion in the middle of the road was a weird course of action. Hence Mary pulled Addie’s arm and scanned the stores with interest, “What should I buy…”

Attires, shoes, and foods as well………….whilst Mary was throwing her attention to variety of goods, Addie, who was gradually becoming more lost, at last called Mary’s name.

“Ojou, why a noble lady must trouble herself to buy merchandises by her own hand?”

Mary was a lady of Albert House.

An influential and affluent noble house, the top of the icing. Accordingly everything she wished for could be obtained straightaway, there’s no reason for her to go by herself, Addie was assigned there to satisfy her demand.

The concept of ‘buying goods directly’ only existed on commoners minds, the nobles normally send a steward on their stead. Rather than finding shoes that suited them, exclusive designed ones were manufactured for them.

Addie tilted his neck since he couldn’t phantom why Mary has deliberately paid a visit to the town’s shopping district…….that being said, Mary was an oddball of a lady, it’s not rare occurrence of her to detour and play at town, this was by any means not a first.

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“Is there something you specially wanted? I’ll arrange for it.”

“There’s nothing, I just want to do a shopping spree.”


As Addie’s angle of neck became more severe and wrinkles appeared on his eyebrows, Mary straighten her pose, “I’ll explain it to you.”

“Inside the game, Mary appeared with Addie who carried numerous boxes behind her!”

How’s that! Mary proudly declared and after a few minutes of being tongue-tied Addie…….

“I’ll sleep for a while in that café, please wake me up if Alicia-chan arrives.”

Exasperatedly began to walk away.

——–“Right, I want to buy a pen for Otou-sama to write a dismissal letter.” Cue to Mary’s threat his action was obviously halted. He impeccably lived up to his part. ———



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