All Hail Cousin Brother

Chapter 370: 370

370 Killed on the Spot

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The leading military commander did not even look at her. He raised the document in his hand and announced loudly, “The higher-ups have ordered that no one is allowed to go out of the grounded residence of the Marquis of Changxing’s Residence. Those who disobey will be killed on the spot!”

The entire capital was turned upside down because of Ye Hanyuan’s drumming.

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At this moment, the capital was already under full martial law.

On the streets of Chang An, groups of soldiers with knives rushed to the sides to block the commoners.

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The official sedan chairs rushed past Chang An Street and went into the palace.

Under the scorching sun, Ye Hanyuan, who was seriously injured, looked up at the sky and laughed. “I’m Ye Hanyuan from the You Prefecture and I hit the drum. I might be punished with 30 strokes of the cane but I will report the Marquis of Changxing’s Residence for ten deadly crimes!”

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Yu Youyao’s carriage was blocked in the middle of the road. When she heard Ye Hanyuan list the crimes of the Marquis of Changxing, every word was heart-wrenching. It was really terrifying.

“The first crime is for forming alliances for personal gain and colluding with the Ministry of War. Every year, he owes money to the You Prefecture army. King You doesn’t report it well, but his tracks are hidden by the Ministry of War. The army is bitterly cold. The soldiers can’t eat their fill, their clothes can’t withstand the cold. Their armor can’t defend against the enemy, their swords can’t kill the enemy, and their thin horses can’t charge ahead. King You fights with the Northern Barbarians every year, and there are casualties every year, causing countless loyal souls to die in vain in You Prefecture…”

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“Secondly, he colluded with external enemies to commit treason. This thief colluded with the Di people to cause Youzhou to lack resources. He colluded with external enemies and caused the Di people to invade on a large scale. He also used a delaying tactic to wear down the 300,000 troops under King You, causing him to lose three cities in a row in the north. This is not King You’s fault, but the disaster of a traitor…”

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