All-Round Mid Laner

Chapter 124.1

The Third Mark (1)

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When it came to the previous two marks, Ye Shaoyang did not have any psychological barriers at all. It was just a bite after all, so he accepted it easily. He thought that it was quite comfortable even though he was bitten, so he would always smile and say thank you to Chi Shuo after he gave him the temporary marks.

But now, as long as Chi Shuo got closer to his neck, his mind would automatically form the picture of them jerking off each other. Not only was Ye Shaoyang’s face flushed, but his body also became a little stiff.

Seeing his nervousness, Chi Shuo gently pressed his shoulders and whispered, trying to comfort him,”Don’t worry, didn’t I mark you twice before? I won’t hurt you.”

Ye Shaoyang, “…”

Stop mentioning it, buddy! The more you say it, the more embarrassed I feel.

Should he just stop this and ask Chi Shuo to mark him tomorrow? To be fair, it would only make things even more awkward.

Anyway, now that the arrow was fixed onto the bow, he had to fire it. If Ye Shaoyang were to retract the arrow, he would be nothing but a coward.

Ye Shaoyang took a deep breath and said in his heart, I’ll do this no matter what, so let’s just get over this! A single mark can last for months, so after this bite, we can act like nothing happened.

He turned around and lowered his head with his back facing towards Chi Shuo. Then, he quickly tore off the pheromone blocker on his neck.

Ye Shaoyang’s ears were red and the skin on the back of his neck was also slightly reddened due to the force he exerted when he tore off the blocker. It almost seemed like his entire body was cooked to a ripening red hue.

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The shy Shaoyang looked particularly attractive.

Chi Shuo felt his heart beat faster at the sight, so he took the initiative to lean over and kissed Ye Shaoyang gently on the back of his neck.

The Alpha’s burning lips were close to the skin as the intimate touch was clearly transmitted to his mind.

Ye Shaoyang’s whole body trembled violently— the psychological barrier was so difficult to overcome! Chi Shuo kissed the back of his neck, but his mind automatically switched to the image of him kissing somewhere else, making him feel numb.

Chi Shuo was marking him for the third time. Since he had already experienced this before, he quickly found the glands in Ye Shaoyang’s neck and was just about to bite down hard. However, Ye Shaoyang suddenly ducked to the side, so Chi Shuo wasn’t able to leave his mark.

A question mark slowly appeared in Chi Shuo’s head, “Why… are you hiding?”

Ye Shaoyang’s voice trembled, “L-let me adjust myself again.”

Chi Shuo, “…”

Aren’t you adjusting yourself a little too much today? I don’t think you were doing it as much the previous two times?

Ye Shaoyang’s mood was extremely conflicted, but he scolded himself to make sure his mind no longer wandered with its imaginative scenarios. It’s just a bite on the neck, nothing more. He took a deep breath and whispered, “Okay, let’s do it.”

Chi Shuo said, “If you are not feeling well, we can do this another day.”

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Ye Shaoyang hurriedly said, “It’s okay, let’s just do it today. If we renew the mark earlier, we’d be more relieved sooner anyways.”

Chi Shuo was silent for a few seconds before he whispered, “Then… I’ll get started?”

Ye Shaoyang hummed and closed his eyes tightly.

Chi Shuo got closer again and this time, Ye Shaoyang didn’t shy away despite his body being very stiff. Chi Shuo’s movements were still as gentle as usual. After finding the position of his glands, he first bit him gently before slowly increasing the intensity.

Ye Shaoyang could clearly feel the soft glands on the back of his neck being slowly bitten by Alpha.

His head was a jumbled mess.

The cold scent of green bamboo under the moonlight gradually emanated in the air.

He had smelled this scent before and knew that this was the scent of Captain Chi’s pheromones. But today, he somehow found this scent very tempting…

The temptation made his heart beat faster and he felt his blood pulsate.

The familiar pheromones were injected into his body along the glands as they slowly flowed along his blood. He felt that his whole body was wrapped by the cool yet gentle pheromones emanated from Chi Shuo as every pore of his was comforted very pleasantly.

Now that he thought about it, this was joy felt from the foreplay between an Alpha and an Omega, as written in the pamphlet ‘The Science of Marking’…

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Ye Shaoyang blushed, wishing he could find a crack in the ground to bury himself.

Chi Shuo continued as Ye Shaoyang’s heartbeat also pounded at a ridiculously fast pace. A lot of messy imaginations also surfaced in his mind.

He clenched his fists to barely control his racing heartbeat and rapid breathing.

At this moment, time seemed to be deliberately slowed down. Every second felt like it was extremely long and every single detail of Chi Shuo’s bite was magnified several times in his mind. It was done with such clarity that it made him ashamed and unbearable.

Why is it not over yet…

How long will Captain Chi mark me?

My body seems to be responding—help!

Ye Shaoyang was about to explode with shame.

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Chi Shuo’s heart was also beating wildly. The Shaoyang of today was more attractive than how he was the previous two times. Shaoyang’s blushing appearance was absolutely adorable. Chi Shuo got a little distracted, so the speed of his marking process became slower as well.

To the both of them, it was torture.

After an unknown amount of time, Ye Shaoyang couldn’t help but ask in a low voice, “I-is it done?” The way his voice trembled towards the end of the sentence exploited that his emotions were on the verge of collapse.

Chi Shuo let go of him, his voice hoarse as he replied, “It’s done.”

There were sharp tooth marks left by the Alpha on the neck as the tender glands were bitten and filled with his pheromones. This time, the mark was a little deep and it should last for a few months. Hence, the next game would not be affected.

Chi Shuo was thinking about it, but saw Ye Shaoyang suddenly jump up as if he had experienced an electric shock. He then rushed to the bedroom in large strides, “I’m going to the bathroom.”

Chi Shuo, “…”

In the bathroom, Ye Shaoyang stood under the shower and turned on the cold water to its maximum pressure.

At the hospital today, he asked the doctor if an Alpha would have a hard time controlling themselves while marking an Omega. The doctor then affirmed it, saying that it was an instinctive physiological response.

In the end, he didn’t know what Chi Shuo’s reaction was, but he himself reacted to the marking process rather violently.

For the first two marks, there were no waves of emotion brimming in his heart, because in his opinion, it was just a simple bite.

But now that he realised what the mark stood for…it was extremely hard not to think about it!

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