All-Round Mid Laner

Chapter 127

Time passed very quickly. In the blink of an eye, it was already the third week of May. The third round of the regular season of Gods War pro league started.

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Coast City was the venue for the match this time. The Tianhuan members flew there on Friday morning and while checking in at the hotel, they coincidentally met the Jingzhe members.


Fang Zhengqing stepped forward and shot a smile at Chi Shuo, “What a coincidence.”


Chi Shuo looked at the luggage in his hands and asked, “Did you just arrive?”


Fang Zhengqing nodded, “Mn, we took a morning flight.”


The coaches of both teams shook each other’s hands and Coach Lin remarked while smiling, “Old Chen, what comp will you be using tomorrow?”


Coach Chen put on a fake smile, “You will know from just asking your Captain Chi. He’s able to guess it.”


Chi Shuo: “…”


It would be strange if he’s able to make a correct guess. All the coach did was make him guess and then reverse-eliminate the options. 


Coach Chen looked at Ye Shaoyang and joked, “Lieyang, you won’t happen to be picking the Destiny Goddess tomorrow too, right? This is destiny, don’t try to resist?”


Ye Shaoyang replied, “If I really pick it, you can try resisting it.”


A roar of laughter sounded out.


Fang Zhengqing squinted at Ye Shaoyang before saying, “How about this, for the duel between the two dedicated members of the kitty litter division in the league, whoever’s side loses will have to buy a box of delicious food for the winner’s cat?”


Ye Shaoyang readily agreed, “That’s good. Captain Fang, what brand of kibble does your cat eat?”


Fang Zhengqing answered helplessly, “My cat is extremely picky. He doesn’t like kibble and only eats canned food.”


Ye Shaoyang was a little surprised, “Is that so? My cat eats both kibble and canned food, but simply wouldn’t eat cat food.”


Their eyes met. Fang Zhengqing thought about something for a moment then said, “Then I’ll send the kibbles I bought previously to Tianhuan and let Xiao Bai have them. It’ll go to waste otherwise.”


Ye Shaoyang thanked him, “Alright, I’ll thank Captain Fang on behalf of Xiao Bai.”


Fang Zhengqing then asked again, “Is your cat a male or female?”


Ye Shaoyang replied, “It’s a male.”


“Has he undergone sterilization?” 


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“Not yet. I’m planning to wait until he gets a little older before doing it, probably when he’s around a year old.”


Their surrounding teammates pricked up their ears to listen to their conversation.


Chi Shuo frowned and glanced at Fang Zhengqing, “Why not let your cat compete in your place for the match tomorrow?”


Fang Zhengqing agreed, “That’s great, why don’t we put in a request to the league? Tianhuan and Jingzhe will be offstage resting while the two celebrity cats1 will duke it out in a decisive game.”


While they were talking, a group of people walked over from behind——it was the members from Yaoguang. They had a Group A match on Saturday afternoon. Yaoguang had a new marksman now that Yu’mao is suspended. 


The atmosphere instantly became awkward when they all met each other at the front desk of the hotel. Fang Zhengqing also stopped discussing their cats and swiftly went through the formalities before returning to his room.


On Saturday afternoon, Ye Shaoyang watched the live broadcast of the Group A match between Yaoguang and Luoshendian in the hotel. Yaoguang was trashed by Luoshendian and lost tragically with a 0-2. The live broadcast was flooded with bullet comments full of taunts and insults.


Ye Shaoyang finished watching the match with complicated feelings. After dinner, he followed his teammates to the venue.


The match between Tianhuan and Jingzhe at 7 p.m. was the highlight of the night.


The stands at Coast City’s esports center were already full of people. The fans in the back rows held up huge banners. Not only did Tianhuan fans hold up promotional photos and banners of the five players, but they even brought along posters of Ye Shaoyang’s cat.


Xiao Bai was initially already adorable, and some fans made chibi-style drawings of him. With just a glance, one could see a large number of chibi-style drawings of Xiao Bai on the left side of the stands. 


Jingzhe’s fans also weren’t willing to be outdone. Fang Zhengqing’s fans also had drawings with them. His was a colorpoint ragdoll that had a black nose, and its face made it look extremely cold.


And so, everything turned into…


A duel between the two cats.


The scene happening at the stands was coincidentally released on the big screens and the netizens in the live stream all burst out into laughter. 


【This is the duel between the two great members of the kitty litter division in the league!】


【Actually, they should’ve taken the two cats to the venue with them and let them fight it out first before deciding who will take the blue side, and who will take the red side】


【Everyone, take a guess. Who’s stronger? Xiao Fang or Xiao Bai?】


【I’m betting on Xiao Fang. After all, he looks fiercer. Xiao Bai looked so soft and obedient, I think he won’t be able to overpower him!】


【You can’t judge a cat by its appearance. The more obedient a ragdoll looks, the greater fighting strength it has】


【It is said that a cat’s personality follows its owner. Since Captain Fang is so lazy, his cat is definitely lazier. If they really fought each other, Xiao Bai will obviously be stronger, because Xiao Fang will be too lazy to move】

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【Hahaha, how lazy is Fang Zhengqing? His ID is [I’m Very Square], and he gave his cat the name [Xiao Fang]. Does he not know how to write other words outside of Fang!】2


【Since Captain Fang is so lazy, just stay in the mid lane and don’t move!】


【He’s still pretty diligent when competing though [Doge.jpg]】


Ye Shaoyang looked at the bullet comments in the live broadcast, not knowing whether to laugh or cry. 


If there’s a chance in the future, why not let Xiao Bai get to know Captain Fang’s cat? Maybe the two will become comrades? Or will they start fighting the moment they meet? Ye Shaoyang was pretty curious.


When it was 6:40 p.m., the screens cut to the commentators’ booth. The backstage staff knocked on their door, “Tianhuan, get ready to go on stage.”


The two commentators’ excited voices could be heard from the big screens, “Welcome to Coast City’s esports center and the regular season of Gods War S10, everyone! This is the first week of the third-round match, Tianhuan vs Jingzhe of Group S!”


“We noticed that there were many fans of both teams who came to support them today. Moreover, there are also many cat posters appearing in the stands.”


“That’s right! There are many ‘cats’ here to boost morale!”


“The mid laners of both teams are members of the kitty litter division and had raised ragdolls of different colors. Although the cats aren’t here now, their photos have occupied one-third of the venue!”


Laughter sounded out from the stands. 


“Next, please welcome the players to the stage!”


The players from Tianhuan and Jingzhe went onto the stage from the left and right entrances respectively and the commentators started with a simple warm-up before the game. “As always, there is a trash talk segment according to international practice. Is there anything the players would like to say?


Fang Zhengqing took the microphone. He adjusted his glasses and said, “I don’t ask for much. Chi Shuo just needs to deliver a free kill to me.”


Chi Shuo gave him a look, “Got it, I’ll come for your head once the game begins.”


The host joked, “Captain Chi and Captain Fang understand each other pretty well this time!”


There were bursts of laughter all over the venue.


The host: “Everyone, please head to the soundproofed room to prepare. We’re looking forward to your spectacular performances!”


The players from both teams entered the soundproofed room to prepare while the commentators introduced each player to the spectators.


A moment later, the match began.


The first round of B&P appeared on the big screens.

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“Let’s look at the first round of bans and picks. Tianhuan got randomly assigned to the blue side and has priority in banning first. I’m not sure which hero Coach Lin will ban?”


“Will he ban the Cobra King? This is one of Captain Fang’s famed heroes, after all, and is the core of Jingzhe’s powerful poison comp.”


“Coach Lin banned the Divine Archer. Is he targeting the marksman?”


“What will Jingzhe ban? The jungler or the mid laner?”


“Um… Jingzhe gave their first ban to the Forest Envoy, a support! They took out the healer!”


“Tianhuan’s second ban went to the Warlock of Poison while Jingzhe banned the Blessed Priest, another support. The first phase of bans and picks revolves around the bottom lane. From this, it seems like they’re targeting the bottom lane this round?”


The bans and picks that both teams had chosen made the netizens feel completely baffled. 


The mid laner and jungler heroes were all free?


Did Chi Shuo and Fang Zhengqing’s reverse tacit understanding play a role in this? 


No matter what Chi Shuo and Fang Zhengqing think, the coaches of both teams are pretty in-sync with each other. For the first phase, they targeted the bottom lane. Tianhuan secured the bottom lane first, and Jingzhe followed up by doing the same.


At last, the heroes that Tianhuan chose were the Princess of the Blood Clan for their marksman, the Radiant Shield for their support, and the Man of Steel for their top laner while Jingzhe picked the Snow Spirit, White Bear, and Dark Angel.


The two commentators started analyzing, “Jingzhe’s Snow Spirit and White Bear duo, the first can shoot ice arrows to slow down the enemy while the White Bear can tank damage and summon small bears to stun their enemies. It seems that they are going ahead with a control-oriented play. On the other hand, Tianhuan’s Princess of the Blood Clan can drain blood and great self-sustainability. Their support can also tank damage.”


“Both sides can be easily ganked. When it comes to the top lane, Tianhuan still prioritized withholding pressure. Jingzhe’s top laner has mid-ranged crowd-control skills, hence, during team fights, he will be able to work together with the support to continuously freeze their enemies. 


“Let us look at the second phase! Both teams will most likely target the mid laner and jungler for this round of bans and picks.”


Since both coaches tacitly chose the top and bottom lane in the first phase, pushing the mid lane and jungler to the second, the second phase’s four bans will definitely target the mid laner and jungler, resulting in a factor of chance for the picks.


Everyone had thought that Fang Zhengqing’s Cobra King would definitely be banned.


Instead, Tianhuan unexpectedly banned the Frost Goddess and Flame Goddess in the second phase??


The spectators had guessed that Jingzhe would most likely ban Chi Shuo’s jungler core. But in the end, Jingzhe banned Ye Shaoyang’s Abyssal Lord and Holy Mage?


The commentators looked at each other before saying, “Can’t really understand the bans and picks of both teams.”


“That’s right. Chi Shuo’s jungler core is free, and Fang Zhengqing’s famed heroes are also not banned? Why did Tianhuan ban the Frost Goddess and Flame Goddess? Fang Zhengqing hardly plays those heroes, right?”


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“Yes, Captain Fang had only used the Frost Goddess and Flame Goddess once in this season. This kind of hero that could be used to control and manipulate the terrain with their ult is something Team Huowen is most adept in. Tianhuan is playing against Jingzhe today, so why did they ban the comp that Huowen usually plays?”


Fang Zhengqing had a slight frown on his face, “What are they trying to do, banning two control-type mages with terrain manipulation?”


Coach Chen was also puzzled. Deep in thought, he said, “Could it be that they are afraid of being controlled if they picked breakthrough-type assassins?”


Fang Zhengqing adjusted his glasses, “It could be.”


Coach Chen: “Then let’s pick for the jungler first and leave the counter position to the mid laner.”


In the bans and picks stage, the blue side is given priority for bans and picks, giving that team the upper hand. But since the red side can only ban and pick after the blue side, they will be given a counter position. After the opposing team had finished picking all their heroes, the red side can pick one last hero to counter the blue side’s picks.


Jingzhe picked the Brawler, using the hero to become a support jungler instead to help defend the mid lane when needed.


It is now Tianhuan’s turn to pick.


A pair of heroes that no one had expected appeared simultaneously in Tianhuan’s pick slots——


Mid laner: White Wolf King. 


Jungler: Black Wolf King.




The commentators were in extreme shock and exclaimed, “Is this the black/white wolf kings comp that has disappeared for four seasons?!”


Fang Zhengqing: “…”


His glasses almost fell off his nose.


Coach Chen was feeling extremely complicated. He asked in a small voice, “Didn’t you say that Chi Shuo wouldn’t play the Black Wolf King?”


Fang Zhengqing: “…”


Don’t even ask. It can only be said that there’s really no tacit understanding between them.


Coach Chen cursed inwardly. Previously, there was a mysterious expert duo called Sunshine and Moonlight that appeared in the international server running the black/white wolf kings comp. Back then, he guessed that Moonlight must have been Chi Shuo, but Fang Zhengqing said with complete certainty, “Chi Shuo wouldn’t play the wolf king and wouldn’t use such an obvious name as an alt. Besides, he never gets up early.”


Since Fang Zhengqing said it that way——wouldn’t that mean that that person must be Chi Shuo!


It’s all because he hasn’t learned to reverse eliminate yet. He can’t believe he was led astray by Fang Zhengqing and ruled out the correct answer.

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