When Zhao Nan is discharged from the hospital, the two of them live their own lives behind closed doors.

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Because of his leg injury, Zhao Nan rested at home for a while and people often came to visit him. As a result, Jiang Rui got to know a group of military officers’ wives. One or two of them got along with each other and gradually became friends.

As the weather gradually turned hot, Jiang Rui changed into the spring and summer clothes she brought from home. After going out for a walk, she found a problem: the clothes she was wearing were not quite the same as those worn by people here.

In other words, she was soiled.

In the beginning, she did not care about this kind of thing. When she was in the Xishan Brigade before, she would wear whatever other people wore and she could put on even the dirtiest clothes. Because she knew that if she wanted to blend into a place, she could not be too different.

It’s different when she comes to a big city. In the past two years, even leaders have spoken about reforms and opening up.

The most obvious is reflected in women’s dress, hairstyle, and grooming. A few years ago, when people walked on the street, many people still wore military uniforms, it was full of green and gray. But in the past two years, all kinds of novel clothing have sprung up, especially for young girls, one more beautiful than the other and more fashionable.

With such a comparison, Jiang Rui could not help but care.

If someone is soiled, she is also soiled, and that’s okay. But when people are fashionable, she can not be soiled.

Especially a few times, she heard several young girls from the Cultural Troupe secretly saying that she was a village girl. Jiang Rui felt that she could not care about the little girl, but as a woman, she was a bit dissatisfied with being evaluated like this.

After returning home, she took money and cloth tickets and went around the department store. When she came out, she did not buy the new flared trousers and toad mirrors. Instead, she bought a few pieces of cloth and prepared to make them by herself. She doesn’t like clothes in the department store. She had to make a few unique clothes so that the people who had laughed at her before swallowed the words back.

The sewing machine bought by her for marriage was in her hometown, so Jiang Rui decided to sew it stitch by stitch by herself. Anyway, her hand speed and vision are much faster than ordinary people.

Zhao Nan’s leg should be healed for another month or two after the plaster was removed, but he could not stay idle and returned to the team early.

Jiang Rui wasn’t worried either. With her around, he wouldn’t have any sequelae.

In the evening, Zhao Nan came home from the camp. As soon as he entered the door, he did not hear the familiar sweet phrase ‘you are back’. There was no smell of dinner in the air and the whole house was quiet. He searched the living room, kitchen, and bedroom one by one, and finally, found Jiang Rui in the vacant guest bedroom.

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She sat cross-legged on the floor, with various fabrics and needles scattered around her. She was holding a white cloth in her hand, stitching left and right, concentrating on sewing.

Zhao Nan stood for a while, and seeing that she ignored him, he could only say, “I’m back.”

Jiang Rui murmured without raising her head.

At this time in the past, she should have asked him if he were hungry. Zhao Nan waited, but when she did not ask, he asked her, “Are you hungry?”

“I don’t want to eat.” Jiang Rui still did not look at him.

Zhao Nan went to the kitchen, took off his coat, rolled up his sleeves, and scooped up the rice into the pot. After a while, a pot and pan sounded like ‘ping-pong’. He brought out two bowls of dry and thin rice, a plate of scrambled egg that was a little burnt, and a bowl of winter melon rib soup left over at noon.

He went to ask Jiang Rui to eat, but Jiang Rui answered without moving.

After waiting for a while, Zhao Nan simply bent over, picked her up, and put her on the chair beside the dining table.

Still holding a needle in her hand, Jiang Rui blinked, looked at the food on the table, looked at him again, and suddenly said, “You’re back.”

Zhao Nan said helplessly: “I’m back, what are you doing?”

“I made summer clothes. I brought them from home before, but people thought that it was too ugly to wear out.” Jiang Rui answered him while picking up rice.

After having a meal with chopsticks, Zhao Nan asked, “Who said it was ugly?”

“It doesn’t matter who said it.” Jiang Rui took a chopstick and squinted her eyes after chewing twice.

“What’s wrong? Is the salt unmelted? Spit it out quickly.” Zhao Nan kept paying attention to her and said immediately upon seeing her.

Jiang Rui shook her head, swallowed the food in her mouth, and said with a smile, “It’s not that the salt hasn’t melted, it’s so delicious. Uncle’s craftsmanship is really good.”

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Zhao Nan was a little embarrassed by her praise, and held it for a while before saying: “It’s just cooked, how can there be craftsmanship.”

With that, he put the burnt scrambled egg in his bowl and left the tender one for Jiang Rui.

Jiang Rui said again: “I think it’s interesting to make clothes. When those are finished, I’ll make you two clothes as well.”

Zhao Nan nodded. He thought it would be good for Jiang Rui to have something to do to pass the time, but he still said: “Don’t forget to eat again next time.”

“Got it.”

Jiang Rui worked for two days and finally finished a suit of clothes, which was a white long-sleeved shirt and a red and white plaid skirt. The skirt went down to the calf and was fitted with a pair of white sandals.

On a sunny day, she wore new clothes, carried a basket, and went out to buy groceries.

As soon as she walked out of the family building, she received a lot of attention and many people were whispering behind her back.

She listened attentively and only one or two of them said it was shameful. Most of the rest were discussing whether this was a new model released by the department store and they wanted to buy it.

After hearing this, she felt a little complacent in her heart.


Someone called her from behind, Jiang Rui turned her head, and it was Zheng Bin’s wife, Song Chunyan, who came, “Sister-in-law, are you going to buy groceries too?”

“Oh, it’s really you!” Song Chunyan caught up in a few steps and took her to look left and right. “I just looked from a distance, thinking in my heart, whose girl is this, she is dressed so fashionably. But the closer I get, the more I look at the backside, the more familiar I am. I’m not sure that it’s you. When did you buy this dress? It looks very beautiful.”

Jiang Rui raised her chin slightly and said with a smile, “I did it myself.”

“You didn’t lie to me?” Song Chunyan could not believe it. After getting a positive reply, she circled her around and could not help but praise: “It’s so beautiful, very beautiful. I think it looks much better than the flared trousers that are all over the street now. Those two big trouser legs are swinging, what’s the sight? Not as good as your skirt, which is generous and neat.”

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Jiang Rui pursed the corner of her mouth, as if she was a little embarrassed to be praised, “I do it myself and wear it casually. My sister-in-law praised me so much that people hear it and want to make a joke.”

“Who dares to laugh?” Song Chunyan said rudely, and the two walked forward side by side. “Why did you suddenly think of making clothes?”

“It’s nothing, it’s just that it’s hot, and the clothes before don’t fit.”

Song Chunyan snorted, “You don’t need to lie to me, did you hear what those unscrupulous people said?”

Jiang Rui did not refute, only said: “Sister-in-law also knows?”

“Now the little girls, one by one, open their mouths and say that people are from the countryside. They don’t even think about it, counting up from their ancestors, which one is not from mud legs? These young people are not as simple as we used to be. Their pair of eyes do not look good, just staring at what people are wearing and what people brought in their hands. Some shameless ones, even staring at other people’s husbands.” Song Chunyan meant something.

Jiang Rui knew that she was talking about something from the previous event. There was a soldier in the compound who was promoted. He was promoted to a level that allowed his family to join the army. It was a good thing, but the family made a big fuss shortly after they arrived. It turned out that the soldier had secretly been in contact with a young woman for the past two years and was discovered. His wife’s family’s temperament is also fierce and she could not bear to be wronged, so she brought this matter up. The soldier was punished, demoted, and transferred to another place. Not only did the young girl not get any benefits, but she also got a bad reputation.

This incident was very lively in the family building.

“A man who steals is not a good thing.” Song Chunyan finally concluded, “If my Old Zheng dares to play tricks, see if I won’t break his legs.”

Jiang Rui chuckled and said, “Brother Zheng respects my sister-in-law so much, he will definitely not do such a thing.”

“What’s the use of respect? It’s not as good as a finger from your Old Zhao. My sister-in-law told you that the words of those little girls don’t need to be taken to heart. They talk about you because most of them are jealous of you in their hearts. Jealous that you are beautiful, jealous of Old Zhao’s young and promising, and even more jealous that Old Zhao’s devotion to you alone. You don’t have to do anything, just tie Old Zhao tightly and make them more jealous.”

“What my sister-in-law said, I remember it all.” Jiang Rui said with a smile.

Jiang Rui wandered around outside in her new clothes. She successfully managed to attract several people to come up to her and ask her where she bought the clothes before returning home with a basket.

Zhao Nan came back for dinner at noon and was taken aback when he saw her.

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“Does it look good?” Jiang Rui asked him.

“It looks good.” Zhao Nan looked at her carefully and nodded seriously.

“I went out with this dress today and many people said it looks good.” Jiang Rui said as if taking credit.

After hearing this, Zhao Nan frowned slightly: “Have you worn it out?”

“I wore it when I went shopping in the morning. What’s the matter? Don’t tell me I’m shameful, huh?” She poked Zhao Nan’s chest.

Zhao Nan held her hand. Of course, he did not think she was shameful, but he was a little awkward when he thought that she was dressed like this, but he was not the first person to see it. He always knew his little wife was beautiful, but no matter whether she was beautiful or not, he did not like others staring at her.

It would be even more awkward for him to say such things.

“Next time you wear new clothes, I’ll check for you first.” After thinking for a while, he managed to come up with a more reasonable excuse.

Jiang Rui pretended not to notice his little thoughts and agreed with a smile.

In the afternoon, she went out again. Finally, she met the little girls from the Culture Troupe, then she walked in front of them and went home satisfied.

She did not compete with the little girl, just let them see her new clothes.


The author has something to say:

Heroine: Who said that tens of thousands-year-old lady can’t have a girlish heart?

PS: Some readers reported that the progress was a bit slow. Here is a little explanation. The world is set in the early 1980s. When the author writes, he will consciously write about that era, because if you don’t write at all, I think The background of this era is meaningless. Of course, the following world will not be so verbose. There is not much left in this world. The second big boss and the big three N are already hungry and thirsty. Line up, take your time, one by one waiting to be teased~

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