When the soup came out, Zhao Daqiu and Zhao Dong just bowed their heads and ate the rice. Li Xiaoe’s expression was a bit subtle. She was someone who had been here first, of course, she knew what kind of soup it was and what it was for. Seeing her son Zhao Xiaobo was about to ask a question, she hurriedly stuffed a mouthful of rice into his mouth to stop it.

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Among the adults at the table, it was probably only Zhao Nan and Jiang Rui who did not know it.

Zhao Nan took a sip and there was an unbearable strange smell, “Mom, what is this?”

“What else can you eat? It was to replenish your body.”

Zhao Nan took another sip and could not help asking, “Why is it different from the one I had before? It tastes weird.”

Zhang Liyun glared at him, “How many tonic soups have you just drunk? Different soups, of course, have different tastes. Stop talking nonsense and drink it while it’s hot.”

In the past, when he went home, his mother would also give him soup. Although Zhao Nan felt that the taste of this bowl was really weird, he did not have any doubts, held his breath, and drank it in one gulp.

After the soup bottomed out, he saw what was in the bowl and a little bit of soup choked in his throat. He blushed with a thick cough.

“Why are you so careless?” Jiang Rui patted him on the back.

Zhao Xiaobo also said: “Second Uncle is so stupid, I won’t choke on drinking soup.”

Li Xiaoe pulled him a bit, “Eat, don’t talk too much.”

Zhao Nan coughed dizzy, and finally eased up, his ears still scalding, “Mom, how do you make this…”

He could not say it and his face flushed.

“What kind of thing is that? Anyway, it’s good food for a tonic. You can eat it all, don’t ask so many questions.” Zhang Liyun felt that this son was making a fuss.

Listening to them playing a riddle, Jiang Rui was a little curious. She poked her head to look at the soup bowl, “What kind of soup is it? Is it really difficult to drink?”

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Zhao Nan covered the bowl quickly and said, “It’s not bad to drink.”

“It’s not hard to drink, why do you drink so painfully?”

“That’s right. If others want to drink, I won’t give them a drink. Today this is just a small one. Tomorrow I will find a big one for you.” Zhang Liyun dropped a bomb.

Zhao Nan could not sit still anymore. He finished the meal with a few mouthfuls and took away the soup and rice bowls.

He doesn’t know if it is a psychological effect. After drinking the soup, he always feels that something is wrong. Lying in bed at night, tossing and turning like frying pancakes, it’s hot and uneasy.

Jiang Rui could not sleep because of him, “What’s wrong with you? Are there lice in the quilt?”


“Is that uncomfortable?” Jiang Rui put out a hand on his forehead and said in surprise: “It’s so hot, do you have a fever?”

Her hands were cooler than ordinary people’s. Zhao Nan felt as if he was a hungry traveler in the desert, and met a clear spring, but this was only a brief comfort. Soon, that trace of coolness turned into a flame in the oil pot, burning his body and reason in an instant.

Originally, he had been struggling for the past two days. Considering his wife’s fatigue from traveling, he planned to endure it, but now he could not bear it anymore

Jiang Rui was about to inject a bit of spiritual power into his body but was suddenly crushed by someone.

Zhao Nan eagerly kissed her and his movements were a little impatient.

“Um…” Jiang Rui turned her head to avoid him, “What are you doing? You’re sick and still thinking about such things.”

“I’m not sick.” Zhao Nan did not kiss her lips and the kiss fell on the back of her ear. His voice was muffled and hoarse. “It will be fine in a while…”

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“Liar.” Jiang Rui said so when she got up the next day.

He said that it would be fine for a while, but it was not a while at all. After tossing until the middle of the night, she thought he had gone crazy. Once it was over, he slept better than anyone else and there was nothing wrong with him. If it weren’t for her physical fitness, she might not be able to get up now.

During breakfast, Zhang Liyun glanced at the two of them. Seeing that her daughter-in-law looked normal and her body was flexible, but her son’s eyes were a little dark, her mood was a bit complicated. Could it be that the stinky boy looks strong, but is empty inside? It really shouldn’t be.

After dinner, Jiang Rui and Zhao Nan returned to her natal home.

They haven’t seen each other for nearly a year and the Du family has changed a little bit compared to before. Wang Tonghua looks much older and Xiao Shanzha can already walk staggeringly.

The most obvious change is Du Baozhen. She was at home during the winter vacation, wearing a yellow sweater. Originally, her two braids were combed into a high ponytail. When she walked, her hair flicked behind her, looking particularly youthful and bright. That lively personality hasn’t changed, and when she saw Jiang Rui, she rushed forward in surprise, “Sister!”

Jiang Rui stretched out her hand to support her, “Be careful, don’t fall.”

“I see you haven’t come back for the New Year, I thought the two of us wouldn’t be able to see each other. But why did you come here? I’m leaving in two days.” Du Baozhen grumbled.

“Your brother-in-law is a soldier and he needs the army’s approval to go home. How can he just go back as soon as he says it?” Zhang Xiaohua interrupted.

Du Baozhen wrinkled her nose. The family sat and talked for a while. After Wang Tonghua and Zhang Xiaohua got up to cook, she took Jiang Rui into the room and whispered.

“What’s wrong?” Jiang Rui saw that she was not in high spirits.

Du Baozhen glanced out of the door and whispered: “My sister-in-law doesn’t know what’s going on these days. She keeps asking me to do this and that. I’m about to leave. Today, I need to feed the rabbit and Mom won’t help me.”

“My sister-in-law has to take care of the children and also take care of the family at the same time. It is really tiring. Mom is old and lacks energy. So, you can help when you are at home.” Jiang Rui persuaded.

“I have help. Xiao Shanzha always has to sit on the ground. The ground is so dirty, I have been watching and not letting her sit. I also play with her and teach her to speak. But my sister-in-law said that I am idle and I can only play with such a small child.”

It’s hard to tell what happened here. Everyone has their own ideas and they all think they’re right.

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Jiang Rui only said: “There are only two days left, so bear with it. In the past, my sister-in-law also worked hard to help you study. Now it’s okay to let her say a few words.”

“I know, I know, everyone says this. My family supports me to study. It’s not that I don’t want to pay back, but I’m still a student, what can I do? When I graduate and earn money, I will send money to my family.” Du Baozhen frowned.

Jiang Rui stopped continuing the topic and asked, “How is the school? Are the teachers and classmates getting along well?”

As soon as she said this, Du Baozhen’s eyebrows and eyes immediately widened, and she opened her mouth to talk non-stop.

Jiang Rui tilted her head to listen and nodded occasionally.

Du Baozhen stopped suddenly, looked at her cautiously, and tentatively said, “Many students in our school have talked about the subject. Sister, what do you think?”

Jiang Rui glanced at her and said with a serious face: “If the purpose is to get married, it is of course possible to talk to someone. But many people are just a novelty. If you want to have fun, you have to be cautious. Are you also—”

“No,” Du Baozhen immediately denied, “I’m just talking about it.”

Jiang Rui was noncommittal, “You are a girl outside, so learn to protect yourself.”

Du Baozhen nodded fiercely, “I’m really just saying, Sister, don’t be so serious. By the way, Sister, this dress on you is so beautiful. Where did you buy it?”

As if to change the subject, she asked casually. But when she looked closely, she was a little stunned. The dress on her sister was very similar to the one she had fancied in the department store before. The price of that dress was so expensive that she could not afford it even without eating or drinking for a semester.

“I got a job in a garment factory. I bought it at the price of an internal employee.” Jiang Rui said.

“Oh.” Du Baozhen nodded, then said nothing else.

Jiang Rui and Zhao Nan went back after having lunch at Du’s house.

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Seeing that Zhang Liyun was busy in the kitchen, Zhao Nan froze and walked in.

It took him a while before he returned to the room. Jiang Rui was sitting at the table waiting for him. When she saw him coming back, she pointed to the seat opposite

“What happened last night?” Jiang Rui asked across the table.

Zhao Nan was embarrassed to speak. After holding back for a while, he said, “It’s the problem with that bowl of soup.”

Jiang Rui said, “Didn’t Mom cook that soup especially for you? How could there be a problem?”

“…That’s sheep whip soup.” Zhao Nan said with difficulty.

Jiang Rui was also silent for a while and continued to ask: “Why did Mom suddenly stew something like that?”

Zhao Nan just asked Zhang Liyun this question, “She wants us to have a baby as soon as possible.”

Jiang Rui nodded without saying anything.

Probably it was Zhao Nan’s words that worked. There was no strange soup on the table during dinner.

When sleeping at night, Zhao Nan felt very guilty for his little wife who had tossed it out last night. Even though Jiang Rui said that there was nothing uncomfortable on her body, he still stubbornly hugged her in his arms and rubbed her waist.

Jiang Rui lay in his arms, thinking about things in her heart.

Regarding children, it’s not that she can’t have children, but it will be more troublesome. She has been hesitating about whether to leave her children in this world.

Now it seems that this question is not as simple as whether she is willing or not. Human beings seem to be very persistent in their desire for offspring. If she wants to live a stable life with Zhao Nan, the problem of children is inevitable.

In the beginning, Baoqin’s body was in a state of death. She used her spiritual energy to nourish and activate it little by little and now she has this fresh body. It can be said that Jiang Rui’s breath is far more than Du Baoqin’s breath in this body. Although the appearance is personal, the internal structure has long been different from ordinary people. If she wants children, she still has to spend a lot of attention.

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