There are more people in the study and there is more rustling sound of flipping books when it is quiet. But there is no other disturbance and the sound of flipping books is not unbearable. He quickly absorbed himself in the business at hand.

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After an unknown time, he closed one document, reached for another, and suddenly a white plate appeared in front of him. There were a few delicate biscuits and a glass of milk on the plate.

“I’m hungry, you can eat with me.” Jiang Rui lay down in front of the desk, looking at him from bottom to top.

Lou Wenyuan put down the pen and pinched the bridge of his nose, “It’s not good to eat too much at night.”

“It’s not too much. Just that, you have done so much work, and you can’t sleep when you are hungry, right? And I specially asked the kitchen to make whole wheat soda crackers. Salty, not sweet, and easy to digest. ”

This is another habit she observed in him, he doesn’t love desserts.

Lou Wenyuan put his eyes on her and looked at her up and down, “You didn’t do anything, why are you hungry?”

“I know you’re just saying I can eat well and that’s what you meant at the dinner table just now!” Jiang Rui clinched two fists and slammed the table.

“You said it. I didn’t say that.” There was a smile on Lou Wenyuan’s lips.

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Jiang Rui said with a bulging mouth: “Anyway, I’m just hungry and I’ll eat more in the future. I’m going to eat you into a pauper!”

Lou Wenyuan nodded, reached out, picked up a biscuit, and encouraged her to say, “The idea is far-reaching, work hard.”

Jiang Rui snorted, propped her chin to watch him eat for a while, then turned her head around, “I’ve finished reading my book. Do you have any books that I can borrow?”

Lou Wenyuan glanced at the magazine on the sofa, meaning something, “I’m afraid I don’t have any books for you to read here.”

“Stop looking down on people! Do you want to lend me?”

“Look for the row of bookshelves on the left.”

Jiang Rui took two steps, then turned around and asked him, “Is there something that can’t be moved? You can tell me in advance.”

“No.” Lou Wenyuan shook his head, a little surprised that she would consider this. But after thinking about it, besides being brave, she suddenly ran to say that she wanted to marry him, besides drinking, hugging him and playing crazy, besides pestering him, talking a lot of nonsense at night, and…

Forget it, don’t think about it.

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He actually tried to find the good points in her. Isn’t this as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack?

There are several rows of bookshelves against the wall in the study room, extending from the floor to the ceiling. There are densely packed books on each shelf and each book is hard-covered in thick leather, which can kill people if it falls accidentally.

Jiang Rui searched with her head up for a long time, finally found a thinner one, and tried to take it off on tiptoe.


This is not a book, but a picture frame placed on the side. In the picture frame, a teenager in his teens, looking closely at the silhouette, is Lou Wenyuan. But except that the appearance is a little similar to now, the temperament is far worse.

Although he was young and slender at that time, his brows and eyes gave off a gloomy and indifferent feeling. In addition to those gray eyes, he stared coldly, which made people unconsciously chill in the back of his neck, as if being targeted by some cold-blooded hunter.

He took the photo under a tree in the garden. There was something white between the leaves of the tree behind him. Jiang Rui identified it carefully and confirmed that it was a snow-white Persian cat.

“You even raised a cat.” Jiang Rui raised the photo frame in her hand at him in surprise.

When Lou Wenyuan looked over, he was a little surprised that the photo was here, but he just gave a faint ‘hmm’ to her question.

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Jiang Rui looked at the photo again and suddenly smiled: “So you had such a young age.”

Lou Wen is far too lazy to answer this question.

Jiang Rui continued to comment, “You used to be in school, you must be a first-class figure in the school grass, wearing a clean white shirt every day, holding a book in your hand, white skin, melancholy eyes. Wow, beautiful boy! Super impressive! My heart hurts, there must be so many girls who like you. I want to find out if there are any love letters!”

She suddenly became excited, and full of energy, pulled the ladder by the wall, and began to climb up and down to find the imaginary love letter.

“…” Lou Wenyuan.

He suddenly felt that he was really old. Or, why couldn’t he keep up with her thinking?

Are all the children so free now?

But… It is undeniable that there is a chattering and energetic person around him and it is indeed easy to dilute some negative emotions, such as his mood when he sees that photo again.

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He would think that the look was just melancholy and even ridiculously thought that someone would feel bad.

You know, after seeing the photo, his father heard a few words from others and determined that he was an unfamiliar wolf. Since then, he has been almost isolated from all the properties of the Lou family.

And his mother…don’t say anything.

Jiang Rui searched for a long time, but could not find anything. She could not help but be disappointed and said, “No, are all the girls at that time so shy? Or are they too blind?”

But she quickly chuckled: “Fortunately, they have no eyesight, so how can I not get my turn? If I were the same age as you, I would definitely write you love letters every day!”

Looking at the joyful look on her face, even though he knew she was full of eyes with only another man, Lou Wenyuan could not help but think about it. If she was the same age, it seemed good.

If you can get to know each other earlier, it doesn’t seem to be unbearable.

Unfortunately, she came too late.

It’s too late.

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