Seeing that she ignored him, Lou Minglang’s expression was a little sad. He wanted to say something more, but it happened that dinner was on the table, so he had to stop temporarily.

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The three of them ate separately, no one spoke. Halfway through, Jiang Rui got up and went to the bathroom.

Lou Minglang also put down his knife and fork and said that he was out of the company.

Lou Wenyuan was the only one left at the dinner table. He slowly raised his head and watched the figures of the two turn around the corner one after the other. Their tracks were covered. The curvature of the lips has not changed and the light gray pupils are hidden behind the lenses.

“Qiaoqiao… Qiaoqiao…” Lou Minglang hurried to catch up with Jiang Rui.

Jiang Rui ignored him and finally turned around until her arm was pulled, “What are you doing?”

“Qiaoqiao, what is the relationship between you and Third Uncle?” Lou Minglang asked with his lips pursed.

“Do you have to break the casserole and ask in the end? Or you can’t see such obvious things?”

“This, how is this possible? I don’t believe it!” Lou Wenyuan said excitedly, “Qiaoqiao, you are mad at me, right?”

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“Who do you think you are? To anger you, it’s worth betting on myself?” Jiang Rui asked coldly.

“Then why did you do this?!”

“Because I’m happy, isn’t this reason enough? I’m happy and I can do whatever I like. I suddenly found out that Lou Wenyuan is a nice person, so I liked him.”

Lou Minglang’s eyes were red and his palms were tightly squeezed into fists, “I don’t believe it, I don’t believe it! Do you know who the Third Uncle is? He is more terrifying than the devil, he can even kill his own mother. How could anyone like him? Qiaoqiao, you must still love me, you still love me, right?”

“Who is it that gives you confidence and thinks that I have to like you? Hurry up and look at yourself in a mirror. Also, in the future, it is best not to speak ill of Lou Wenyuan in front of me, or I will tell him about it. Think about it, what would happen to him if he knew what you said to me?”

Jiang Rui took a step closer and whispered softly: “Do you remember what you said? You said that he robbed your father’s property, that he was not filial, that he was angry with Old Mr. Lou, and that he was cruel to his own mother. I remember all the words. If he finds out, will you still have such a chic and happy life?”

Lou Minglang stood there stiffly.

Jiang Rui chuckled softly, “So, why do you have to be so good that you have to force people to tear your face? Please leave consciously for a while and don’t disturb our two-person world.”

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The words of the ‘two-person world’ are almost like a needle, piercing Lou Minglang’s heart fiercely, causing him to shudder. He finally did not even dare to look at Jiang Rui again, turned around, hurriedly walked, and walked away in despair.

Jiang Rui washed her hands, hummed a song, and returned to her seat.

“In a good mood?” Lou Wenyuan looked at her for a long time before asking suddenly.

Jiang Rui nodded and raised her eyebrows, “I received a gift from you today and something happy happened. Of course, I am in a good mood.”

Things that make people happy.

Lou Wenyuan savored these words in his heart.

Is it something that makes people happy, or… someone who makes people happy?

“I’m talking to you, why are you ignoring me?”

He regained his senses, “What did you say?”

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“Speaking of reciprocity, originally it was good that you helped me buy things. But if you didn’t collect the money, then I couldn’t take advantage of you in vain. When are you free, would you please go out to play?”

Lou Wenyuan shook his head, “No need.”

Jiang Rui pursed her lips and said, “The most things you say to me are no, no, no need. When can you say yes, yes?”

Lou Wenyuan did not speak.

Jiang Rui was bored for a while and seemed to think of something happy again. She hummed a little tune again and the corners of her eyes and brows were filled with joy.

Lou Wenyuan glanced at her again, lowered his eyelids, and suppressed the coldness in his gray pupils.

After eating, Jiang Rui took Lou Wenyuan’s car back to the apartment. When she got downstairs, she turned to invite him: “Would you like to go up and sit?”

Lou Wenyuan looked ahead, unable to hear any emotions in his words, “No need.”

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Jiang Rui did not insist anymore and waved her hand at him, “Be careful on the road.”

She stood where she was, watching the black car go away, and suddenly raised her lips and chuckled, “You’re not young, you don’t have a big heart.”

However, this is not enough.


The author has something to say:

Narrow-minded Third Uncle: You are so happy to see him, heh.

Translator’s Comment:

Someone is jealous. Hahaha…

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