Dark clouds gather on the horizon and the weather forecast suggests that there will be heavy rain tonight. (T/N: What nice weather for a lover’s quarrel!)

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Jiang Rui was driving on the winding mountain road. She knew very well in her heart that when she went to Lou’s house today, she would have a tough battle to fight. Whether she succeeded or not would determine whether her relationship with Lou Wenyuan could go further.

After coming to this world for so long, Lou Wenyuan’s attitude towards her is still the same as that towards other people. He is gentle and kind, but also alienated and indifferent. Perhaps due to her deliberate actions these days, he still has a bit of connivance and care. But, this is far from enough.

Lou Wenyuan is far from the harmless appearance he showed. As long as he still wears a mask in front of her for a day, it means that the relationship between the two is still estranged.

What she is doing now is to let him take off this mask. But this degree is not easy to grasp. If it is too light, it is not painful or itchy, and if it is too much, she is afraid it will backfire.

Jiang Rui stared at the road, thinking over and over again in her mind what might happen in a while.

Lou’s courtyard gradually appeared in front of her. She took a gentle breath, calming her mind, and put a smile on her face.

Seeing her coming, Aunt Li was the first to greet her and said in surprise: “Miss Zhou is here.”

“It’s me, I haven’t seen you for several days.” Jiang Rui greeted her with a smile.

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“Isn’t it? I was still reading just now, saying that Miss Zhou hadn’t been here for a while, but I was looking forward to it. Have you eaten yet?”

Jiang Rui nodded and looked around the room, “I have eaten. Where is Mr. Lou?”

“Upstairs.” Aunt Li carefully observed her face and said carefully, “Miss Zhou, don’t blame me for taking the liberty. You haven’t been here these days. Are you upset with Sir?”

“No.” Jiang Rui said puzzledly, “I contacted him yesterday.”

“That’s good, then it’s good,” Aunt Li breathed a sigh of relief and was a little worried. “Sir has been in a bad mood for some reason these days. He didn’t even eat dinner today, so he went to the study room as soon as he came back.”

“Really?” When Jiang Rui heard this, she immediately walked upstairs, “It’s not okay if you don’t eat, I’ll call him down.”

The third floor was quiet and there was no one in the corridor. Jiang Rui went to Lou Wenyuan’s study and knocked on the door twice. After waiting for a while, she did not get any response, so she said outside, “I’m coming in.” After waiting again, she opened the door and entered.

The curtains in the study room were not drawn and the lamp was not lit. It was dim and only a vague figure sitting behind the desk could be seen.

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“You were inside and you didn’t make a sound when I knocked on the door, which made me think there was no one here.” Jiang Rui said.

The person in the dark did not respond.

She walked a few steps closer, put her hands on the desk, leaned over her upper body, and tilted her head to look at Lou Wenyuan. It’s just that the light is too dim to see his expression clearly.

“What’s the matter with you? Aunt Li said you didn’t even eat dinner. Are you worried about the company’s affairs? Or, are you too tired? I told you a long time ago that money is endless, why are you working so hard?”

Lou Wenyuan was silent in the dark.

“Are you sick?” Jiang Rui walked around the table and reached out to touch his forehead. But when she was about to touch it, her palm was suddenly blocked.

Lou Wenyuan finally moved.

“Enough,” He said.

It don’t know if it’s because of being hidden in the darkness, but his voice is colder than usual.

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Jiang Rui withdrew her hand later, only to realize his abnormal state, and asked in confusion: “What’s wrong with you? What is enough?”

Lou Wenyuan raised his head to look at her.

Jiang Rui found that the glasses that he usually always wears are not on his face now.

A flash of lightning suddenly struck outside the window. With this light, she could clearly see the coldness in his light gray pupils, just like the cold and inorganic eyes of a snake. (T/N: Oh… Why does the genre seem to change to horror?)

Just as the thunder broke out, she unconsciously took a step back.

Seeing her movements, Lou Wenyuan sneered at the corners of his mouth.

Jiang Rui pursed his lips, seemingly unconvinced, and then took a step forward, “Why are you so weird? What is enough? Why don’t you just say something?”

“I’ve said enough. I don’t want to play boring games with you anymore, this thing ends here.”

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Jiang Rui’s eyes widened, “What do you mean?”

Lou Wenyuan chuckled. His smile has always been gentle and polite, but now it sounds cold and somewhat gloomy.

“It doesn’t matter if you’re pretending to be stupid or whatever. No matter what you want from me, I don’t want to play anymore. You can go to Lou Minglang. It doesn’t matter to me whether you two get married or divorce in the future.”

“What does it mean has nothing to do with you? We…didn’t we say we are going to get married?”

“It’s just teasing you, do you really take it seriously?” Lou Wenyuan said a little harshly, “You are crying and entangled with me, if I don’t pretend to agree, how can I get rid of it? I thought it was very interesting at first and I didn’t mind playing with you, but now I’m tired of playing. It’s that simple.”

Jiang Rui shook her head, stubbornly pursuing the corner of her mouth: “I don’t want to listen to this kind of thing, don’t say it anymore. I know you are in a bad mood these days and I always think of some strange things when I am in a bad mood. Just go out for a walk, go out to relax, eat something delicious, and you won’t have any worries.”

Lou Wen said nothing, looked at her with a weird look, and then said almost frivolously: “Are you doing the same in front of other men?”


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