Regarding the pair of Jiang Rui and Lou Wenyuan, even Zhou’s father was not very confident at the beginning. He always felt that his daughter was not Lou Wenyuan’s opponent, let alone an outsider who was hiding his thoughts.

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But in the eyes of everyone who is not optimistic, the relationship between the two is getting better and better. No matter what occasion they go in and out, they are in pairs. Their sweet looks can be said to have fallen through the glasses.

One day, a business veteran in Hong Kong City sent an invitation to Lou Wenyuan on his 80th birthday and Jiang Rui attended with him that day.

When the two entered the banquet hall holding hands, most people’s eyes came over.

Jiang Rui wore a nude-colored gauze dress, revealing her delicate collarbone and round shoulders. Her white jade skin was lined up as if it was glowing. Her whole complexion was amazingly good, living out the happy image nourished by love.

Many men present had amazement in their eyes and the ladies were even more envious.

Lou Wenyuan was also pulled by Jiang Rui and dressed up. He replaced his usual black suit and specially ordered a gray-blue suit, which looked several years younger.

Both of them have outstanding looks and tall stature. They walked arm in arm, like a star walking on the red carpet. But, they are a little more elegant and calm than the stars and they look more pleasing to the eye.

Many people thought in their hearts, leaving aside the relationship between the two of them before, it is indeed a good match now.

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After seeing the old birthday star, Lou Wenyuan met his partner in the mall and exchanged a few pleasantries with people. Jiang Rui watched with a smile on the side.

“Does it feel boring?” Lou Wenyuan asked her in a low voice after separating from the others.

Jiang Rui shook his head: “Fortunately, I am not a child, so I always think about fun things.”

Lou Wenyuan tidied up a strand of hair on the sideburns for her and said with a smile: “That’s not what you said when you were eating ice cream yesterday.”

“Are you embarrassed to say that?” When he mentioned this, Jiang Rui complained: “I’ve been asking for it for so long and you only gave me a bite, so stingy.”

“Why don’t you mention that you have eaten a whole box beforehand? That kind of stuff is chilly and your stomach hurts after eating too much. Besides, don’t you girls shout to lose weight all day? Are you not afraid of getting fat?”

Jiang Rui raised her head, straightened her chest, and squinted at him. There was a hidden threat in her words: “Do you think I’m fat?”

“Of course not, it’s perfect.” Lou Wenyuan said with a smile.

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“It’s about the same.”

Without saying a few words, someone else came over to talk with him one after another. Jiang Rui stayed with him for a while. She was really not interested in their stereotyped greetings, so she said that she was unaccompanied.

“Don’t go far.” Lou Wenyuan did not forget to instruct.

“Know it.”

Jiang Rui walked to the buffet table and picked a small butter cake. Just as she delivered a bite to her mouth, there was an exaggerated exclamation next to her.

“Oh my God, you actually ate this, tired of death!”

She turned her head and saw two young women who were somewhat familiar standing behind her, the figure that opened her mouth was slightly plump.

These two are also people that Zhou Qiaoqiao knows, but they get along generally and there is some meaning of competition in the dark.

“This kind of junk food, eat a small piece of meat that grows at least a pound, I never touch it. I really don’t know what’s going on in this hotel, this kind of food is also served.” The plump girl said with dissatisfaction.

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Jiang Rui glanced at her up and down, deliberately swallowed a large mouthful of cream in front of her, showing a satisfied expression, and then said bitterly: “I really envy you, you can grow meat in everything. I’m so annoyed, I haven’t been fat since I was a child, only there is a little meat on my chest. I can only buy the smallest size when buying clothes. With the same price, compared to your L size, I feel a lot of losses.”

“You–” The girl’s face flushed.

The thinner girl with short hair next to her pressed her hand and then said to Jiang Rui with a smile: “I haven’t seen you for a long time.”

When people speak in a good voice, Jiang Rui will naturally not be strange for no reason. She nodded politely, “What a coincidence.”

“What have you been busy with lately? It seems like you don’t even have time to come out.”

“There is nothing busy, just being lazy and not wanting to move.” Jiang Rui said.

“Are you really breaking up with Lou Minglang and being with that old man?” The plump girl seemed to slow down and said again.

Jiang Rui felt that she shouldn’t care about a little girl, but this fat girl did not know what was going on, and what she said just made people feel unpleasant. Although she usually says that Lou Wenyuan is an old man, that is the mood of the two of them. She was happy to say, Lou Wenyuan would like to listen.

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Now, an outsider also said that he was an old man. She did not feel very comfortable listening to her and her tone faded immediately: “It was eight hundred years ago when I broke up with Lou Minglang. As for whether my boyfriend is an old man or not, I don’t know, but today I heard many people say that he is young and promising.”

The fat girl did not seem to understand her face and she was making a fuss again: “It’s actually true. I really don’t understand what you’re thinking. Lou Minglang is handsome and gentle, and also capable. Why don’t you like him?”

Later, it was quite a question.

Jiang Rui listened to it in her heart, a little composed, this girl 80% likes Lou Minglang, so she looks at her unpleasantly.

Thinking of a countermeasure, she suddenly frowned and sighed, “Oh, I actually don’t want to break up with him, but you don’t know, he, he…”

“He what?” The fat girl immediately asked and even the short-haired girl was a little curious.

Jiang Rui was very embarrassed. She wanted to say something a few times and then stopped. After being questioned by the two, she finally said: “He can’t do it.”

After finishing speaking, she wiped the corners of her eyes and walked away with a sad face, leaving the two girls in shock and frozen in place.

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