Jiang Rui followed the Little Emperor’s line of sight and looked over.

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This great eunuch, who controls countless lives and kills power, was unexpectedly young. He looked similar to Empress Dowager Xie. His appearance was not hideous and terrifying from the outside. On the contrary, he had long eyebrows and narrow eyes. Because his skin was paler than ordinary people, he looked a bit weak.

Just now the Little Emperor cried so pitifully, but as a courtier, he sat still, and even a little bit happy. Now he knew that it was too late, but he did not salute. Until now, Jiang Rui’s gaze fell, only then did he put down his hand and fold, his expression was faint: “Welcome the Empress Dowager.”

Such a great disrespect. Empress Dowager Xie did not dare to have objections, the Little Emperor did not dare to have objections, and the palace maids beside her bowed their heads and did not dare to object.

Jiang Rui pressed her lips and squeezed the Little Emperor’s hand. She barely maintained a calm and decent face and nodded slightly. It seemed that it wasn’t that she did not dare to point out his unreasonableness, but that she did not want to lose her identity and care about him.

She took the Little Emperor into the inner hall and asked the palace maid to fetch water to wash his face. After that, she hugged the person on her knees and sighed, “Your Majesty should be more sensible.”

“Hmm?” The Little Emperor swallowed the lotus soup fed by the palace maid, tilted his head, and wondered, “What did the Queen Mother say?”

Jiang Rui wiped his mouth: “I said Your Majesty should grow up. You can’t always cry.”

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“But…” The Little Emperor sniffed as if he wanted to cry again, “Lu Gonggong looked terrible.”

“Did he beat and scold you?” Jiang Rui asked.

The Little Emperor shook his head, “No, but he hit Xiao Xizi with a board. Xiao Xizi screamed so pitifully.”

“I already know about this. Xiao Xizi, as His Majesty’s personal attendant, did not persuade His Majesty to go to bed earlier at night but instead encouraged you to play around. This is his punishment.”

The Little Emperor lowered his head, sniffed, and did not dare to speak.

Jiang Rui touched his head and said, “No matter how fierce Lu Gonggong is, His Majesty is the King of a country, so he can neither beat you nor scold you. At most, he punishes the people around you as punishment. If Your Majesty does not want to see them beaten, he should restrain himself and not let people find fault with it.”

“Queen Mother.” The Little Emperor tugged at her sleeves, “I don’t want to be the emperor, it’s not interesting at all. Let’s say to Lu Gonggong, let someone else be the emperor, okay?”

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He at least knew who had the final say about being the emperor.

Jiang Rui hugged him and said, “But Lu Gonggong has already said that among so many princes, only my prince is the most clever and smart, and no one else can.”

“Okay.” The Little Emperor pouted.

He cried and consumed a lot of energy before falling asleep in Jiang Rui’s arms.

Jiang Rui asked the palace maid to guard him and went to the outer hall by herself.

“You all go down, I have a few words to talk to Lu Gonggong alone.” She said it.

The attendants in the palace did not leave immediately. They did not retreat until they saw Lu Xingzhou nodding.

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Seeing this scene, Jiang Rui could not help but think in her heart, no wonder Empress Dowager Xie was scared to death by her own ideas. In this palace, Lu Xingzhou had indeed covered the sky with one hand.

Is Lu Xingzhou aware of Xie’s plan? Jiang Rui felt that he should have known about it. He might even know why Empress Dowager Xie fell ill.

But he did not make any moves. Just like a sword hanging over a person’s head, knowing that it was already hanging above, but he refused to fall. Making people worry all day long, fearful, and even more and more desperate, and finally consumed a life.

And he was watching from beginning to end.

“I don’t know what’s the matter with the Empress Dowager?” Lu Xingzhou spoke and his gaze fell on her.

Jiang Rui straightened her back immediately. Empress Dowager Xie’s original frame was small and she became even thinner after an illness. She almost could not support the phoenix robe on her body, but she still tried her best to bring out the grace and luxury that belonged to the empress dowager from top to bottom. When she looked down from top to bottom, she felt more elevated.

Lu Xingzhou saw the bluff from it.

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These people call themselves royal nobles, phoenix sons and grandchildren, who have always been superior to others, and don’t see ordinary people in their eyes. But now in front of him, didn’t they look like paper tigers, trembling and panicking all day long?

The more noble people who consider themselves, the more satisfied the onlookers are when they fall off the altar.

He almost watched all this with some pleasure.



The author has something to say:

Jiang Rui: If you want to see it, I will pretend to show you~

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