Taking advantage of his momentary loss of concentration, Jiang Rui broke away and slapped his backhand again, “Shameless!”

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This time, he did not stop it and he was beaten firmly.

It did not hurt much. Her hand was numb by him just now and she could not exert much energy. The red marks on the upper head have turned blue and purple. The thick circle is wrapped around the white and thin wrists, like a beautiful swan neck with cold chains. Looking pitiful, but it is also easy to breed some dark thoughts.

The movement in the main hall was so great, but none of the maidservants who were guarding outside dared to enter the hall. Only Hanyan, guarding the Little Emperor in the inner hall, ran out boldly, “Niangniang?”

The atmosphere of stalemate and confrontation was broken. Jiang Rui turned around and left, with a little panic in her back.

The thumb scraped the corner of his mouth and Lu Xingzhou looked unpredictable.

“Governor, do you need an imperial physician?”

“No need.” He suddenly remembered something and his tone was soft, “By the way, let the imperial physician go to see the Empress Dowager, don’t be angry with her body.”

This is because not to worry that the Empress Dowager will be angry and damage her body, lest the Empress Dowager not be angry enough.

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The little eunuch carefully looked up at Lu Xingzhou and immediately bent his waist lower: “Yes.”

Inside the Chang’an Palace, Hanyan looked at Jiang Rui worriedly: “Why bother, Niangniang? Lu Gonggong is so powerful, no one in the court dared to stand up to his edge. Not to mention that Niangniang is in the deep palace, there is no help by your side. In the past, Niangniang taught me that I can only be good if I endure without saying a word. Niangniang has endured it for so long before, so why didn’t Niangniang endure it today?”

Jiang Rui leaned on the soft couch and closed her eyes slightly. She opened her eyes when she heard the words and said, “In the past, I could endure, it was Lu Xingzhou who was willing to let me endure. But now my plan and my father’s plan are exposed. If I don’t let go again, I’m afraid I won’t even have the opportunity to endure.”

“But…” Hanyan looked outside the hall cautiously and whispered: “After so many days, there is no movement in Lu Gonggong. Could it be that he doesn’t know about this?”

“There is nothing in this palace that he doesn’t know.” Jiang Rui smiled bitterly.

Lu Xingzhou did not move, but he was like a cat teasing a mouse, waiting for Empress Dowager Xie to be scared to death by herself. But now that she came, he saw that “Empress Dowager Xie” was not dead and he might not have the mind to continue playing. After all, Empress Dowager Xie was just a puppet in his eyes and the puppet was naturally obedient.

Hanyan said that the palace maid outside the palace came to report and the imperial physician came to ask the Empress Dowager for a pulse.

“What’s the pulse, please? Ping’an pulse was not only requested yesterday.” Hanyan frowned.

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“Slaves don’t know.”

“I’m tired, please let the imperial physician go back.” Jiang Rui spoke.

“Yes.” The palace maid went out to spread the message. After a while, she came back and said tremblingly: “The imperial physician said that he was ordered by Lu Gonggong. If he can’t diagnose the pulse of Niangniang, I’m afraid he won’t be able to go back to regain his life, so please ask Niangniang for grace.”

Hanyan was shocked and then angrily said: “This, this is simply deceitful!”

Jiang Rui’s face sank like water. She suddenly waved her hand and knocked over the teapot.

“Niangniang calms down her anger.” Hanyan and the palace maid hurriedly said.

After a long time, she sighed again, “Fine, please invite the imperial physician in.”

Hanyan immediately helped her sit up and put down the gauze curtain. A small table was placed outside the gauze curtain with a small pillow on it.

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Jiang Rui stretched out her hand and placed it on the pillow. The circle of bruises was exposed and it looked more and more hideous on her fair skin.

Hanyan gasped. Before going out, Niangniang clearly did not have this bruise on her hands, and in the palace, who dared to be so presumptuous? But only that one.

“Clothes.” Jiang Rui reminded her.

Only then did Hanyan recover and hurriedly cover her hand with a handkerchief.

The imperial physician came. Naturally, he could not diagnose anything, so he only said a few words that the phoenix’s body was still weak and she still had to be careful to recuperate.

As soon as he left, Hanyan’s eyes were red and she cried silently in front of the couch.

Jiang Rui was thinking about things in her head and she did not notice it for a while. After a while, seeing her eyes almost swollen from crying, she was surprised: “What’s wrong? Is it uncomfortable?”

“The slave is fine. Niangniang is wronged…” Hanyan could not stop sobbing.

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Jiang Rui did not understand why she was so sad all of a sudden. Seeing that she was crying miserably, she persuaded her: “Don’t cry. Didn’t you say that the peach blossoms in the imperial garden were blooming very well yesterday? Go ask someone to prepare, let’s enjoy the flowers tomorrow.”

“Good.” Hanyan also wanted to find something to make her happy, still sobbing and choking.

On the other end, the little internal supervisor was reporting to Lu Xingzhou about what happened in the Chang’an Palace.

When he said that the Empress Dowager was so angry that she knocked over the teapot, but finally had to let the imperial physician enter to ask for a pulse, Lu Xingzhou’s face was obviously a little happy.

The little internal supervisor saw it in his eyes. Sure enough, his heart felt that the Governor’s move was to anger the Empress Dowager.

Today, they all heard the sound in the hall. The Empress Dowager, who they usually had looked at as the temperless Empress Dowager before, for some reason, had the courage to slap the Governor, which really made people drop their jaws.

What was even more unexpected was that the Governor did not seem angry.

However, it can be imagined that the life of Chang’an Palace will be difficult in the future.

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