Lu Xingzhou became a frequent visitor to Chang’an Palace. Whenever night fell, he would step into the Empress Dowager’s palace in the sight of Hanyan.

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Choosing such an ambiguous time, when the two were in the same room, every time Jiang Rui would be bored leaning on the chaise couch, while Lu Xingzhou sat on the side, or looked at her, or insisted on dressing up her hands. She doesn’t know where he found so much jewelry.

Even Hanyan, seeing Niangniang’s hands full of jewelry every time again and again, has changed from being angry but not speaking to being surprised and confused.

She originally thought that Lu Xingzhou was torturing and forcing Niangniang, but now it seems that there is no sign of coercion. Every time he comes, he always brings many things to Niangniang, as if he is currying favor.

Also, the Empress Dowager… doesn’t seem to be very resistant.

“Niangniang, what do you say Lu Gonggong wants to do?” One day, Jiang Rui woke up from a nap, and finally, Hanyan could not help but ask.

The past two days were too hot. Jiang Rui temporarily stopped the Little Emperor’s reading. The cat stayed in the palace every day and did not come out until the evening.

Hearing Hanyan’s words, she stretched, “What do you think?”

Hanyan pursed her lips and said, “The slave dares to guess, does Lu Gonggong like Niangniang?”

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Jiang Rui lowered her eyelids, did not say yes or no, only said, “Perhaps.”

After all, although she was sure of Lu Xingzhou’s heart, he did not say such things to her.

Just three words, but it makes Hanyan feel sad at once.

In her opinion, although Niangniang did not resist Lu Gonggong on the surface, she must not be willing to do this in her heart.

Then, why doesn’t she refuse? There may only be two reasons, one is for His Majesty, and the other is for the Xie family.

She remembered that a few months ago, Master Xie entered the palace and planned to deal with Lu Gonggong with Niangniang, but the result was accidentally exposed, causing Niangniang to become ill. The strange thing is that after that, Lu Gonggong did not anger the Xie family. Hanyan would not think he was a soft-hearted person. It must be Niangniang who wronged herself and dealt with it.

And Your Majesty, since Lu Gonggong does not allow His Majesty to enroll in school, how can he allow Niangniang to teach His Majesty to study? She doesn’t know how much hardship Niangniang endured in exchange for such an opportunity.

As long as she remembered how many grievances Niangniang had endured, but as the Empress Dowager, she had to commit herself to a eunuch and she had to pretend to be indifferent on her face. Her nose was so sour that she wanted to cry

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Jiang Rui saw that her nose was red and her eyes were red. She felt pitiful and cute, but also a bit funny.

The idea of Hanyan at this time, she understood about it, and it was deliberately induced by her.

There are so many palace maids in Chang’an Palace. Hanyan is the one who has served Empress Dowager Xie for the longest time and is also the one who knows Empress Dowager Xie best. Her aunt was originally Empress Dowager Xie’s dowry palace maid, and when she was released, the Xie family sent her again. Although it was to let Empress Dowager Xie have an extra helper in the harem, it may not be a pair of eyes that the Xie family put next to Empress Dowager Xie.

She was loyal to Empress Dowager Xie, but also to the Xie family.

Jiang Rui knew that she and Empress Dowager Xie were different after all. If the real Empress Dowager Xie was here, with her disposition, she and Lu Xingzhou were not involved.

But now she has something with Lu Xingzhou. If this incident spreads to the dynasty in the future, the first person to be suspicious is her, which is known as the daughter’s Xie family.

Therefore, she now has to disclose some information to Hanyan, or to the Xie family, so that they know what she is doing.

In fact, Hanyan’s conjecture cannot be said to be wrong, because if she did not come, Empress Dowager Xie would already be dead. Without Empress Dowager Xie, the Xie family would be nothing, but they intended to deal with Lu Xingzhou, and in the end, naturally they could not escape.

After dinner, Lu Xingzhou came to Chang’an Palace again.

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“I don’t know what Gonggong intends to do to escape the summer heat?”

When she asked this, Jiang Rui was playing with a round and lustrous pearl.

Lu Xingzhou looked at her side face under the candlelight slightly. After a few breaths, he said with a smile: “Since Niangniang is going, even if the minister is reluctant, he does not dare to stop it. He will arrange it tomorrow and wait for all the departments and supervisors to be ready.”

Jiang Rui did not speak, but looked at the pearl the size of a thumbnail, rolling in her palm.

After a while, Lu Xingzhou said faintly: “Niangniang went to escape the summer heat and she will leave this minister alone in the capital.”

“If I remember correctly, the summer palace is only fifty or sixty miles away from the capital. Listening to Gonggong’s words, it seems to be separated by thousands of mountains and rivers.” Jiang Rui put away the pearls and glanced lightly at him.

Lu Xingzhou smiled and said: “Don’t hide from Niangniang. Not to mention fifty or sixty miles, just from Chongzheng Hall to Chang’an Palace, as long as I don’t see Niangniang in front of me, as far as the ministers are concerned, it is all thousands of mountains and rivers.”

I’m not afraid of pouring big teeth with acid. Jiang Rui thought darkly.

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“What is Niangniang thinking?” Lu Xingzhou took her hand and his lips gently touched the back of her hand, “But doesn’t Niangniang believe what the minister said?”

Jiang Rui let him hold it, but did not take her hand back.

Lu Xingzhou took an inch and pecked the back of her hand little by little, “If Niangniang doesn’t speak, the minister will be offended.”

Jiang Rui only moved slightly, “Believe it or not, what’s the difference?”

Lu Xingzhou raised his head, put her hand in his palm, kneaded it lightly, and said with a smile: “Naturally, it is different. If Niangniang believes, even if it is just a lie, it is enough to make the ministers rejoice; if you don’t believe it, naturally the minister has not done enough. It’s not enough to convince Niangniang.”

Jiang Rui turned her head to look at him. Lu Xingzhou stared at her, took her hand again, and put a kiss on the back of her hand.

Neither of them spoke. The candle wick was beeping again and again. In the garden outside the temple, crickets sang in the grass.

After a long time, Jiang Rui suddenly said, “It’s time for Gonggong to leave.”

“Okay.” Although Lu Xingzhou was reluctant to give up, he deserved it. Even if he did not get her answer, such a focused gaze with him alone in her eyes was enough.

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