20. Being “Cold” Is…

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Only ten days are left until I leave this country.

That day, I was looking at the night sky from the window of my room in the royal castle.
I feel like the sky is constant in both the former world and in this world. I look up at the sky whenever I have free time.
It’s probably fortunate that I wasn’t originally knowledgeable on constellations.

Alex visited my room on a night like that.

“Haruto, you seemed busy lately. Are you free right now?”

“Yeah. What’s wrong?”

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“I made a promise before, didn’t I? It’s about your name. The day after tomorrow will be your introduction after all.”

I heard from Urie that Alex overworked himself in various ways for my sake, so I’m happy that he still thought of it earnestly in the middle of all that.
Besides that, even though only my existence was conveyed to the citizens, it was also revealed that the female with Urie in the rumors was me.
Among the citizens, it became a sad story where I have to part with the person I love and marry into Caspar for the sake of the country.

“Can I ask what it is?”

I’m quite nervous.

“Yeah. How about 『Shane』? In the ancient language of Orannia, it means “to become sunny”. I was thinking that I want Haruto to remain cheerful even if you’ll go to Caspar.”

I did not tell Alex what my name meant.

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Still, for it to have the same meaning, I was filled with feelings of gratitude.

“Thank you. My name Haruto also holds the meaning “to clear up”. That’s why, you can say it’s easy to get familiar with. Anyway, I’m really happy. I’m truly thankful.”

When I expressed my gratitude just like that, Alex looked somewhat embarrassed. However, he suddenly made a serious expression and inquired.

“Haruto, you’re straight, right? So you’re not thinking that you want to get close to the Caspar King, are you?”

I nodded at his obviously natural question.

“If that’s the case, I think you must aim for a relationship with the Caspar King where you’re neither hated nor liked. Therefore I read this and studied.”

On Alex’s hand was a book where the words 『The Characteristics of A Woman Who Only See You As A Friend』 were written.

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“This book states things like 『She’s independent.』 and 『She’s frank.』. In addition, Haruto’s smile is intensely adorable so you shouldn’t show it too much. However much the Caspar KIng likes women, seeing that smile everyday will have an adverse effect. In other words, Haruto should aim to become 『cool (calm and collected)』. That’s my interpretation.”

How’s that? Alex asked.

I had some doubts but it will certainly be a problem if I became too intimate with the Caspar King, so it might also be a good idea.

“I see. It’s probably a good idea.”

Laughter spilled unconsciously.
When I think about the few remaining moments I can laugh light-heartedly with Alex like this, loneliness wells up.

I ended up clinging to Alex.
It’s to conceal the sudden tears that almost spilled. I did it while making up an excuse.

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And the day I leave Orannia came at last.



晴 – to clear up(the weather)/to become sunny/to stop raining
都 – capital/metropolis

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