Alpha Predator

Chapter 106: 106

Title: 顶级掠食者 (Alpha Predator)

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Author:水千丞 (ShuiQianCheng)

Translator: K (@kin0monogatari)

Protagonists :沈岱 (Shen Dai -MC), 瞿末予 (Qu Moyu -ML)


Listening to these words, both absurd and real, Shen Dai only felt that his eardrums were buzzing. His head hurt like it was about to burst.

In fact, when he learned that Qiuqiu was an S-class alpha, he had already begun to worry that he would not be able to bear the heavy responsibility of raising him. Of course, cultivating an S-class alpha would get huge rewards, but there were some very simple truths that everyone should understand. For example, high investment leads to high returns. It is like the height of a building depends on how deep the foundation was dug. It is also like how sheep cannot raise lions. He never thought that he would have given birth to an S-class alpha and he didn’t want Qiuqiu to be born with golden shackles. It was enough for his child to grow up healthy and happy and also to be ordinary people who could live in peace.

When holding a heavy treasure but unable to maintain it, it will attract competition.

What does he have to do to protect his child?!

Qu Shen found a flaw in Shen Dai’s expression. He said with aggravated tone: “You can raise an ordinary alpha, but you can’t raise an S-class alpha with your annual salary of hundreds of thousands. Even if one day he really becomes a real talent, but if he grew up in an environment full of jealousy, provocation, malice, and humiliation, you can’t protect him at all.”  

Shen Dai said hoarsely: “Many S-class alphas are from ordinary backgrounds.”

“Of course. But they grew up on a road that was very painful. You can obviously save him from having to suffer.”

Shen Dai felt that his heart was falling from the high ground.

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“If you really love Qiuqiu and want to be really good for him, why don’t you give him the best?” Qu Shen’s voice was full of bewitchment, “Besides, you still stay by his side and raise him. You have a blood connection with him that cannot be cut off. You just change his surname, everything will be perfect.”

Shen Dai didn’t believe every word Qu Shen said from the bottom of his heart and instinctively felt the danger. Qu Shen’s logic seemed impeccable. But his intuition tells him that he will lose Qiuqiu once he is no longer Qiuqiu’s guardian, whether he still has a relationship with Qiuqiu is just a word from the Qu family.

He shook his head subconsciously. He didn’t dare to take such a risk.

Qu Shen tapped the table lightly with his fingers and said casually: “Qiuqiu’s return to Qu’s house will not only benefit Qiuqiu and you. But we will become a family in the future, and your family and friends will also benefit from you, isn’t it?”

Shen Dai was stunned.

“For example, your grandmother. Do you know how much money was spent on her for her stay in the hospital now? The best ward and nursing care, plus the best treatment… cost seven or eight thousand yuan a day. A good tumour research institution wants to add your grandmother to the list of clinical trial people for a new targeted drug developed by them. Do you know how much investment will be required to be listed for this quota? He hasn’t told you yet? Giving this chance to a mortal person… What’s the point of prolonging someone’s life? He’s doing it all for you.” Qu Shen’s mouth twitched lightly. His expression was clearly unhappy, “He comprehensively upgraded the office environment and benefits of the research institute. He also increased your group’s budget and gave you new topics to explore. The green light was all turned on because of you.”

Shen Dai lowered his head and stared blankly at the table.

“Moyu may have caused you some grievances in the past, but is he not good enough for you now? He is Qiuqiu’s alpha father after all. So why do you need to worry?” Qu Shen changed the topic and said slowly, “Not to mention, what we can give you, we can also take back. We can even take it back more than what we gave. No one will be nice to ‘outsiders’ for no reason. You should understand this truth.”

Shen Dai’s shoulders trembled slightly. Qu Shen threatened him with both soft and hard words. How can he not understand? He had no power to resist in the face of the giant Qu family. His life with Qiuqiu, his grandmother’s illness, and his future with his mentor and friends were all the kite strings that were pulled in Qu Shen’s hands, which could be manipulated at will.

“I’ve said so much and you should already know the pros and cons.” Qu Shen took the document folder beside him. He took out a few contracts and put them in front of Shen Dai, “For the sake of everyone, stop being stubborn.”

Shen Dai delayed moving. He seemed to be accumulating all of his energy to escape, but in fact he knew that he had nowhere to escape.

Qu Shen’s body leaned forward slightly. His eyes were deep and sinister, as if every gully left by the years on his face contained thousands of calculations. He stared at Shen Dai.

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Shen Dai suddenly felt his breathing stagnate, as if a bucket of ice water was poured on him from head to toe, paralysing all of his nerves. The huge pressure made him stiff and weak. An invisible fear strangled his throat and his heart was screaming in pain. His body trembled and he kept falling into the abyss.

Qu Shen used pheromone suppression on him.

Shen Dai’s psychological defence was completely defeated. No omega could bear this bloodless torture. He opened his mouth and tried to breathe with all his strength, but he could only inhale a thin air, as if he was about to drown on the shore. It was as if he was about to die.

Qu Shen withdrew the pheromone after only a few seconds. Shen Dai held the table, breathing heavily with tears streaming down his face.

Qu Shen took a sip of tea indifferently: “Sign it.”

Shen Dai signed his name on the contract like a puppet.

Qu Shen nodded in satisfaction and took the contract. His attitude became gentle: “Don’t worry. The Qu family will not treat you badly.” After saying this, he got up and left.

Shen Dai’s face was as pale as paper. He held onto the table and tried to stand up, but his legs were weak and he fell to the ground. He opened his mouth to ask for help, but couldn’t make a sound. Tears completely blocked his vision.

He heard his cell phone ringing, like a sound from outside the sky. But he couldn’t even exert his strength.

It was unknown how long it took and his phone was still ringing. However, he just wanted to fall asleep, abandon all thinking, and just immerse himself in blankness and nothingness.

At this time, the waiter came in to clean up. When he saw Shen Dai lying on the ground, he was horrified: “Sir, what’s wrong with you? Are you okay?!”

Shen Dai’s eyes were empty. There was only darkness that could not be opened.

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The waiter took out his cell phone and wanted to call an ambulance, but Shen Dai’s cell phone rang again. He hesitated for a moment, and then answered Shen Dai’s phone first: “Hello, hello…”

“Ah Dai, where are you, I have something to tell you …” Qu Moyu suddenly heard the opposite voice was wrong and asked hostilely, “Who are you?”

“I’m an employee of Xiaoman Teahouse. Your friend is in our shop. He’s not feeling well. I’m hesitating whether to call an ambulance or not.”

Qu Moyu said urgently, “Give me your address!”

After listening to the waiter reporting the address, Qu Moyu noticed that it was on the same street as their company. Qu Moyu threw down a line of “wait for me”, grabbed the phone and ran out of his office.

Just before this call, Cheng Ruoze finally said hesitantly that he had something to tell him after hesitating in front of him for a long time.

Cheng Ruoze said that he accidentally discovered Qiuqiu’s pheromone level together with Shen Dai in the hospital on Friday. He knew that he was probably in trouble. Although he didn’t know the gravity of the situation. He had been tangled about it for the whole weekend and he still didn’t dare to not tell his boss. He thought that he might be able to win leniency if he confessed. If he was passively exposed afterwards, he would definitely be finished. Of course, he was very skillful with his expression. He didn’t take the responsibility on himself and it was vague that Shen Dai accidentally discovered it in order to enter the vaccination information for Qiuqiu.

At that time, Qu Moyu felt that his eyes were gloomy. Shen Dai already knew it. When he was at home that day, when his father wanted Qiuqiu’s custody, Shen Dai already knew about it!

What would he think? Would he think that everything he did was just because of Qiuqiu…?


Shen Dai woke up in the hospital.

His last memory was that he was in the private room of the teahouse. A stranger kept shaking him and trying to say something to him, but he struggled to keep his eyelids open. In the end, he didn’t resist the overwhelming exhaustion and let himself fall into the darkness.  

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When he woke up, he found himself lying on the hospital bed with Qu Moyu by his side.

Qu Moyu hurriedly grabbed Shen Dai’s hand. The pale, bloodless face made him feel distressed: “Ah Dai, what’s wrong with you? Tell me.”

Shen Dai looked at Qu Moyu quietly. His eyes were like glazed beads. They were beautiful, but there was no flowing splendour in them. His lips trembled and he said in a hoarse voice, “He forced me to sign it.”

Qu Moyu’s eyes were full of anger and struggle . When he arrived at the teahouse, he asked the waiter the reason, and he could almost guess what had happened. After sending Shen Dai to the hospital, he called his father several times, but he didn’t pick up. He clearly agreed to give him time to deal with it himself and turned his head behind his back to force Shen Dai to sign the forms. The concentration of pheromone remaining in the private room must have meant that he had released pheromone suppression. Shen Dai’s weak appearance made him not feel at ease with his own life at that moment. His father has evil thoughts!

No one can hurt his omega! No one!

Qu Moyu lowered his head. He then heavily raised his head with difficulty. He forced himself to look into Shen Dai’s eyes: “I know. This is all my fault that I didn’t protect you well. When you get better, I will explain it to you. I will find a way.”

Shen Dai slowly turned his face away.

Everyone makes wrong choices in their life. But he clearly didn’t do anything wrong in this life. He just fell in love with the wrong person and he had to bear such a cruel price for it.


Next update: 2022.09.01


*Translator’s note: It’s just that SD didn’t trust QMY’s heart at this point. QMY will actually sacrifice even his life for SD that even Qu Shen can’t do anything to stop it. Only a few chapters to go until QMY will find out about how SD managed to keep Qiuqiu. Let’s wait for that, at least. I don’t know why I like seeing him hurt so much. Am I turning into a sadist from a masochist?-K

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