Alpha Predator

Chapter 117: 117

Title: 顶级掠食者 (Alpha Predator)

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Author:水千丞 (ShuiQianCheng)

Translator: K (@kin0monogatari)

Protagonists :沈岱 (Shen Dai -MC), 瞿末予 (Qu Moyu -ML)


The important resolutions of listed companies need to be discussed and announced by the board of directors. Even if Qu Moyu personally agrees with Qu Chengchen’s terms, it is impossible to complete such a big action of splitting the business within a short period of time. However, there are a lot of people in the group who support Qu Chengchen’s faction. They have experienced a lot of turmoil before with the divisions. But they have failed every time. If Qu Moyu agrees to ‘split’, it will be in the interests of many people.

Qu Moyu promised Qu Chengchen that he would notify the board members the next day. He will also organise a meeting and issue an announcement within a week at the earliest. In the next few days, he will definitely spare no effort to find a way to find Shen Dai and Qiuqiu. But even if this matter is over, he still wants to move forward with the splitting of the chemical sector.

Before that, whether it was for profit or winning or losing, he thwarted Qu Chengchen’s ambitions again and again. He had succeeded in taking the helm of Xingzhou, but what he got in return was not a stable ‘ruling’. On the contrary, Qu Chengchen couldn’t accept failure. For an S-class alpha, to admit defeat and give up the fight would be a denial of self. Qu Chengchen and his uncle held a lot of original shares in their hands and they couldn’t get rid of them at all. One mountain cannot hold two tigers. In the foreseeable future, they will continue to struggle endlessly. It would not only pose a threat to his management and decision-making, but also hinder the future development of the company. Now that Qu Chengchen is so mad that he uses illegal means, he cannot endure the risk to the personal safety of his family. This must be the end of it.

After leaving the clubhouse, Qu Moyu returned to Shen Dai’s apartment. He didn’t want to go home. Only by staying in a place with the scent of Shen Dai’s pheromone could he be comforted for a little bit. And then he could clear up a little bit of sobriety from the restlessness.

But he didn’t expect that an unexpected person was waiting for him – You Baiyue.

Qu Moyu’s face couldn’t hide the tiredness and impatience: “How did you find this place?”

“Dong Qu told me.” You Baiyue’s condition is not much better. He would usually be meticulous when he goes out. But today he was only wearing plain-colored casual clothes, with floppy hair and pale complexion, “I know everything that had happened.”

“You Xinghai asked for it himself. It’s useless for you to find me.” He said and was about to go upstairs.

“I’ll help you find Shen Dai and the child!” You Baiyue said anxiously.

Qu Moyu stopped and turned to look at You Baiyue.

The muscles on You Baiyue’s face twitched. Anger and hatred gathered in his expression: “My dad is wrong. But Qu Chengchen is even more damned! As long as my dad can come out of jail, I promise that he will not do anything again. Our family will go abroad immediately and never come back.”

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“How can you help me find them?” Qu Moyu looked at You Baiyue cautiously.

“When I went to the police station, I watched the surveillance video. There was a man I met. He is a friend of one of his bodyguards. I met him when I was out drinking before. I have always been very accurate in identifying people. The wine master is a couple. There must be a way to find him.”

Qu Moyu said solemnly, “Did you tell the police?”

“No.” You Baiyue said coldly, “For you, Shen Dai and Qiuqiu’s safety is more important, isn’t it?”

“Take me to the bartender.”

“Promise me two conditions first.”

“What are they?”

“First, my dad must come out safely and you should not implicate him again in the future. Second…” You Baiyue gritted his teeth, “Don’t let Qu Chengchen go easily.”


That night, Qu Moyu and Qu Shen talked on the phone for an hour, pushing and pulling in their discussion. They were clarifying the interests and finally getting Qu Shen to agree with his decision. Next, he will communicate with several major shareholders one by one and strive to pass the idea of ​​splitting the chemical business at the meeting next week. He has many reasons to prove that this strategic decision is more beneficial to the company’s future. Qu Chengchen must be kept away from his life and his important people.

At the same time, he also sent people to investigate the bartender You Baiyue had told him about. He also investigated the person with a criminal record locked through the clues left by Shen Dai. If he could master the identity information of the two kidnappers, he would be able to find out his whereabouts within a few days. When Shen Dai and Qiuqiu returned to him safely, he would consider whether to send Qu Chengchen in jail or not. There were too many group interests and family interests involved and a comprehensive judgement was required.


It rained for a day in the mountains. Shen Dai was in a daze for a long time looking at the soil in the yard that was soaked into mud and the flowers and leaves that were scattered in it.

Qiuqiu slept soundly beside him. The occasional thunder and lightning outside the window was a shock to nature. But through the thick wall, it had turned into white noise. With the baby’s subtle snoring, there was a different kind of peace.

Shen Dai hadn’t felt peaceful like this for a long time. In the past two years, he has been tense for his life, for his feelings, and for his future generations. No matter how difficult, tired or desperate he is, he has every reason to go on tenaciously. But at this moment, when he realises that he can’t do anything right now, he can just safely do nothing.

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After a while, there was a knock on the door.

Shen Dai came back to his senses. The sky was as dark as late at night, but he knew that it was not night time yet. The knock was probably regarding dinner.

When he opened the door, it was Qu Chengchen who delivered the food. There were some raindrops on his shoulders. He should have just arrived.

Qu Chengchen smiled. Just as he was about to speak, Shen Dai stepped out of the bedroom and closed the door. He said coldly, “You will scare the child if you enter the room.” Qiuqiu is very sensitive to pheromones and now Qu Chengchen is a threat for him. For example, Qu Moyu, who left a bad impression on Qiuqiu at the beginning, would cause Qiuqiu’s anxiety if he got close.

Qu Chengchen made a ‘please’ gesture with his free hand: “Let’s go to the study to eat.”

Shen Dai reached out and wanted to take the tray. Seeing that Qu Chengchen didn’t give it to him, he turned around and went back to the room: “I’m not hungry.”

“I have something to tell you.” Qu Chengchen pointed to the next door with his chin.

Shen Dai glanced at Qu Chengchen blankly and walked to the study.

Qu Chengchen put dinner on the coffee table and looked at Shen Dai calmly: “How have you been these past two days? You have everything you want as far as possible. I can’t be bad to my sister-in-law and little nephew.”

“You… Have you met Qu Moyu? When will you let us go?”

“My eldest brother agreed to my conditions and is organising a board meeting these days.” Qu Chengchen was half-smiling. His eagle eyes fixed on Shen Dai’s face, “He really cares about you. It seems that the rumour is true. He really wants to marry you.”

Shen Dai’s hair stood on end when he stared at him. He increased his tone: “When will you let us go?” 

“The other day, I saw my eldest brother and joked that I wanted you to give me an S-class alpha as well. He was furious.” Qu Chengchen tilted his head and looked at Shen Dai’s whole body carefully and recklessly, “What’s so special about you? Well, could it be that you are very good in bed?”

Shen Dai glared angrily.

Qu Chengchen sneered. His tone suddenly became ambiguous: “What if I’m not joking…”

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Shen Dai glared at Qu Chengchen defensively.

“You should know that my dad and I have always wanted to separate the family. But when my grandfather was there, he disagreed. After my grandfather left, we tried our best to do it. But my brother agreed now. The moment he promised me, do you know what I think?” Qu Chengchen approached Shen Dai step by step and slowly raised Shen Dai’s jaw, “I should be happy. But my strongest feeling is loss. Losing such a large piece of profit seems to not make him suffer so much.”

Shen Dai wanted to run, but his feet took root to the ground. His body was easily pressed in place by Qu Chengchen with a trace of pheromone turning his face pale and his eyes red.

“What do you think?” Qu Chengchen lowered his head. His warm lips pressed against Shen Dai’s. He started to taste it like a wine tasting, “If I take you away, what will happen to my eldest brother?” Thinking that Qu Moyu will absolutely suffer because of this, his heart was beating with excitement.

Shen Dai said tremblingly, “If you dare to ‘mark’ me, I will…”

“Remove the glands?” Qu Chengchen said with a ‘tsk’, “You have already washed the ‘mark’ off once. You can’t wash it off a second time. Just leave it as it is. You really don’t have many choices.”

“In any case, I will not be under your control.”

Qu Chengchen let out a mocking laugh: “Does this sound like something an omega can say? You would get into heat on the spot, knelt at my feet and begged me to fuck you. Does my eldest brother like your stubbornness? Hmm, don’t make me laugh.”

Shen Dai laughed angrily: “Do you dare?”

Qu Chengchen narrowed his eyes: “Are you provoking me?”

“In order to feel good for Qu Moyu’s momentary suffering, you will give up the interests carefully planned by two generations for many years and ‘mark’ an omega that is far from your breeding standards?” Shen Dai’s eyes were full of energy. He said sharply, “Do you dare?!”

After Qu Chengchen was stunned, he laughed again: “You are right. It’s not worth it.”

The pressure on Shen Dai disappeared and he immediately pushed Qu Chengchen away.

“Eat well, my dear sister-in-law.” Qu Chengchen took a few steps back. He gave Shen Dai a deep look and left the study.

Shen Dai sat on the sofa, gathering his strength. When he came back to his senses, he realised that he had been reciting Qu Moyu’s name in his heart. Only when he firmly believed that Qu Moyu would come to save them could he resist the burden of his body and mind.

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The rain made the sky dark very early. It was as if night had fallen earlier. Shen Dai also went to bed early tiredly.

He has been sleeping very badly these days. A little noise can wake him up. He opened his eyes again from the half-drowsiness because he heard a strange movement and he wasn’t even sure if he was dreaming.

The room trembled again and then there was a roar from downstairs. He was finally sure that it was not a dream or an earthquake. This holiday villa was built halfway up the mountain. The nearest neighbour was a few hundred metres away in a straight line. Something must have happened in the house…

Shen Dai instinctively checked Qiuqiu before jumping out of bed. Just as he opened the door, a wave of pheromones rushed toward his face. Although it had weakened a lot when it reached the second floor, it still shocked him to take two steps back. He heard a clear fight from downstairs.

There was no light turned on in the pitch-black villa. After the rain stopped, the silver moon leaking in from the window was the only light source. The shadows downstairs were so dazzling that it was hard to tell how many people were there. But Shen Dai could recognize a tall man at a glance. The sturdy figure is…: “Moyu!”

The man raised his head. He couldn’t see his face in the dimness. Only a pair of sharp eyes were particularly bright: “Ah Dai!”


***Author’s Note: Yesterday’s plot was almost rewritten. The previous idea was abolished. I think the current direction will be better and more reasonable. The process of writing is so painful but also wonderful! -SQC


Next update: 2022.09.16


*Translator’s note: Aiyaa…it’s quite a long chapter. By the way, ‘Dong Qu’ is Qu Shen. I translated in a hurry because I needed to go to a family meeting. Please ignore if there are mistakes. Thanks! -K

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